" Half the fun of the travel is the esthetic of lostness "


" Half the fun of the travel is the esthetic of lostness "

In the midst of confusion and feeling of lostness, a phenomenon which I believe they call quarter-life crises (and a gloomy heart), I refuse to stay sulking at the corner for too long ...

I am going out.

What started as half hearted attempts to pull myself out of this melancholic state resulted to travels characterized by disappointments, and awe for the unexpected beauty; facing the good, the bad, and the ugly reality and enthusiasm for some more. Some days I still crawl back into that loneliness, but tomorrow I’ll continue finding ways to make my smile reach my heart.

Somewhere maybe I'll find what I am looking for, whatever it is ...

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~ Mark Twain

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order. ~ John Burroughs

Random Rambling from ...My Right Side of the Brain...

Location: Metro Manila, Philippines

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow July 28th 2013

The weather has been acting up, the rain and the sun have been trying to outdo each other. Colds has caught up and I was feeling poorly. Not on the best mood for a four-hour train ride to Glasgow. Straight to the train station from work on a Friday night. I'm pretty much missing my travel buddies, we would definitely have a blast if they were here. I dropped by Sainsburry to buy snacks, with a bad headache starting to set in. "Ni Hao! That'd be £7.5 dear", the check-out staff. I handed him the money, "Cheers mate!” They still think I'm Chinese. I'm not even fair enough to be Chinese. And my Mathematics Skills would definitely not pass for a Chinese. The train wasn't too crowded. I was previously in so much doubt whether I ... read more
Walking around Loch Lomond
and Doors

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur April 19th 2013

Coming from the fancy Changi Airport I was a bit taken aback by the receiving KLIA, my mind was arguing whether we arrived at an Airport or to a warehouse?! One thing I was very happy about though, was that everything will be a lot cheaper. From the start, the trip was an alternated experience of the good and the bad . Inside the train on our way to the Genting Highlands, my friend and I started getting those stares. With the majority of Muslims wrapped from head to toe and the Hindus in their traditional clothing, I guess our choice of garments was enough to make us noticeable from the crowd. I was seated near the door noticing an (Indian-looking) man standing near the door entrance. He was (unsuccessfully) trying to make a conversation with ... read more
Seri Wawasan Bridge
The Prime Minister's Office
Masjid Putra

Asia » Philippines » Negros » Dumaguete February 21st 2013

Day 1: To be honest I thought the APO Island Tour package was too pricey. We basically paid 2200/each for a 45ish minutes boat ride and for the snorkelling gears. We had to separately pay for our lunch too. There's really not much of competition around since there were no commuter boats, one would have to hire a private boat anyhow. Now on the brighter side...it felt totally amazing swimming with huge sea turtles! They were feeding on dead corals (algae) and seaweeds and seemed pretty used to swimming along with people. They won't budge unless you invade their space. I wasn't expecting they'd really be huge and plenty. We saw groups of them, it was a great snorkel experience. Just a shame some of the tourists kept holding them, the guides had to constantly remind ... read more
Apo Island
Apo Island
Apo Island

Asia » Philippines » Quezon » Mauban » Cagbalete December 1st 2012

Those kids were effortlessly swimming along the few boats anchored near the coast; the clear blue sea was calm and inviting. The young ones swarmed towards us as we sailed nearer to the shore. There was really no proper port so we were relayed to a smaller boat without an outrigger to be transported to the dry land. Residential houses lined just a few meters away which didn’t look very appealing to me. Not that they made the coast look messy but I really like my privacy, I don’t want to be swimming on view of a residential village. A tourism officer met us eager to know our whereabouts, perhaps we were looking lost. She was too persistent I actually thought we’ll get ripped off in the end, but I was wrong. Enthusiastically she offered to ... read more
Cagbalete Island
Cagbalete Island
low tide at Villa Cleofas Resort

Asia » Philippines » Mountain Province » Sagada November 3rd 2012

We woke up sore from our record breaking five hours spelunking trip through the Lumiang & Sumaguing Caves the previous day. And for our last day we decided we’d go to the Echo Valley, but then we met a lad (name is Dan) on the way and decided to hire him as a guide. From the Echo Valley we will now go onwards to the underground river and to Bokong Falls. Sagada is known for its hanging coffins placed strategically between the gaps of the Limestone Mountains scattered around town. We saw a few coffins at the Echo Valley and at random stone mountains we passed by, some coffins were placed so high we thought how on earth did they put them there?! And Dan had the answer - the Igorots Mountain People were able to ... read more
The Japanese High Club
...and The Midnight Society
bonfire for a cold night

Asia » Philippines » Mountain Province » Sagada November 1st 2012

Three different bus stations without luck, it’s a four day long weekend after all. We took another chance and went to Cubao Victory Liner as chance passengers unsure when we would actually be able to get on a bus. Who would have thought we’d end up on a comfortable deluxe bus with reclining chairs and a shorter five hours ride?! Now all we had to do was to get ourselves on a bus to Sagada. Supposedly this should be easy since we arrived in Baguio ‘early’. After taking our breakfast, we went to the only bus line that have direct trips to Sagada just to be told that at 7:00 in the morning ALL their buses have already left!! But some luck maybe, a barker later announced that there's one more bus bound for Bontoc (a ... read more
Begnas Ritual
Begnas Ritual
Begnas Ritual

Asia » Philippines June 22nd 2012

An article I wrote for a virtual team at work, it goes... A travelling girl whether alone or in a group has its advantage and disadvantages; we can either be a liability or an asset. We are usually capable of getting away with things with a flutter of eyelashes or with an enchanting smile. We do know how to make use of that feminine charm to get ourselves out of trouble, or at least win us a discount. We are the first ones to be offered a seat or ushered out in times of urgent situations; perhaps the reason why there are more women than men is because the latter are often left behind in a sinking ship, see Titanic. Albeit it doesn’t work all the time, because once in a while we’d come across ... read more
Adventures in Incheon
Having fun in Hong Kong Disneyland
Touring Manila

Asia » Philippines » Eastern Samar » Lawaan May 8th 2012

Hugs and Kisses, seeing many familiar faces...I am finally writing from home. Lawaan is a coastal town, home to a population of 5,058 with a quarter of it (if not half) probably a relative. The town dates back to late 14th or early 15th century with its discovery by a family, Juan 'Guingot' Gabrillo, his wife, and his children who took refuge from an approching storm under a Lawaan Tree. The storm started shortly after they reached the Monbon Island which was bordering the mouth of what is now the Lawaan River. The town's name was taken from the same tree that sheltered the family from the violent winds. It has gone through the Spanish, the Japanese, and the American occupation and has its own version of local myths & monsters i.e. Agta (a tree demon ... read more
Lawa-Lawa (Cotton Candy)
How it's made :)
Puto (steamed rice cake)

Asia » Philippines » Camarines Norte » Daet April 20th 2012

It’s the time of the year…our warm summer days with its blue skies, hot humid air, and the scourging heat; it was a fine day for a flight out of town except that ours was delayed again. The troop is off for our second time in Bicol, a late birthday trip for me having gone older three days earlier. It was supposed to be just a short 45 minutes flight but when it was time for our plane to descend towards Naga, our captain announced that we couldn’t land due to zero visibility caused by the change of weather and that we would have to go round for 45 more minutes and wait for the clouds to clear up, else we will have to go back to Manila. More than the disappointment, I was more petrified ... read more
Calaguas' clear water
Calaguas Island, Camarines Norte
Calaguas Island, Camarines Norte

Asia » Philippines » Ilocos January 20th 2012

Firstly, seeing Hollywood actors Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz on the way to the airport was such an amazing random chance to happen! They were filming a part of their upcoming movie ‘Bourne Legacy’; now I know what starstruck means. Anyway, I was to travel out of town with a group of colleagues, most of whom have been my constant travel buddies - Janet, Martin, Wendell, Mae Ann, Joel, Erlyn, Muy, and Aly. Joel was supposed to be in a different airline but he missed his flight and had to buy new tickets so he’s now flying with us! The flight was eventually delayed for almost one and a half hours; jinx? (*I’m just teasing Joel.hahaha) Our supposed 19:05 flight was rescheduled to 20:30. At the Laoag Airport, we were pleasantly surprised to find a free ... read more
our 4x4
...and going down

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