The JacksonCrabbs' Guestbook

7th May 2015

Great post
Brilliantly described about Danang in this post. New travelers can easily get help from this post during their trip.
13th May 2012

Out there in The Hinterland
As always, enjoyed your latest. Especially liked the photo of curling. Your Grandfather Crabb was a curler and we spent many a sunday afternoon in a frigid curling shack watching him and his team in competition. The old rink, which was behind Donald's house, above the river, has long ago been replaced by a modern, heated and comfy rink outside of town. Not the same, I'll bet. By the way, curling is great exercise. Stay well. Barb
24th September 2011

Thanks for the awesome blog!
29th July 2011

amazing thailand
it's really amazing. the scenery, everything you see in the streets. i just love it!
24th April 2011

So slowpitch is starting soon, although there is still snow on the ground, and just thinking it won't be the same without you guys. Hope your travels are going well, sounds like some amazing times. Happy Easter. Phil
4th March 2011

From Blog: Metro Seoul
13th January 2011

Very Interesting
Hi, Interesting ......... How do you like the culture over there? I find it interesting how young they were ......... Sounds like lots of cruelty ... went on all over the place. Mankind was not nice to each other. Pictures are great!! Shauna looks cute in her red coat!! I am off to work today, but I will look at them again when I get home. Love, Mom
7th January 2011

Dear Aaron, These photos are wonderful!! Talk about dreamy!!! Love, Mom
From Blog: Night Fog
4th January 2011

Aaron, What a COOL place!!!!! I too love the way the creative juices start to flow!!! I love this kind of thing ............. talk about a place where the mind can rotate things and veg and work through all kinds of cool things!!! The buildings are interesting ... and the art work amazing!! Keep up the good pictures ....... Love, Mom
28th December 2010

Hi, Sounds like a S. Korean adventure!! Take care, Mom
17th December 2010

Food Writer
Aaron , I think you are missing your calling! You should be a travel made me want to jump on the next plane , to have dinner at that restaurant .The pictures made my mouth water . Love , Bonnie
From Blog: Any tofu lovers?
15th December 2010

Merry Christmas
Good to hear from you two. Hard to believe that you have been there for that length of time already. You both look wonderful and happy. Take care Auntie Edna
From Blog: Care Package
7th November 2010

Dear Aaron and Shauna, It sounds like you had a wonderful evening at the ballet!! Congratulations!! Make lots of those memories ... they are to be cherished!! Love, Mom
26th October 2010

too good
I so love reading your blog and today I swear I was drooling as you described the desserts---I'm sure I also put some pounds on. LOL! So when do you teach as you always seem to be having so much fun! I was in Wenatchee, Washington this weekend and over to Leavenworth,Washington with 10 other ladies so had a lot of fun and laughs--the weather was great. On Thursday ,I'm off to Edmonton for 5 days. Have a great week Edna
26th October 2010

Great Pictures!!
Hi, Enjoyed the pictures ..... Love, Mom
8th September 2010

Doing great!!
4th September 2010

from Kelowna
Good to hear from you guys and all the experiences-sounds fun. What is the weather like there? There is the Fall feeling in the air here but still sunny days but cooler at night. Auntie Edna
17th August 2010

great weekend
Hi you two-good to hear about your work week. Have a great weekend. That sure was a nice looking chocolate dessert you had the other day-going to have another one this weekend? Auntie Edna
From Blog: Work Week # 1
16th August 2010

Your blog is so interesting and especially about the food and for sure the CHOCOLATE!!! uummmm! Keep having fun, oh to be young!!! Auntie Edna
13th August 2010

Needed Rest
Hi, Great story!! Sounds like you really really needed some rest!! Mom
From Blog: Orientation Day
5th August 2010

Beautiful blogging
Reading and enjoying every word you have written about your amazing journey. Thank you so much for the glimpse. Best of everything to you both. Great photos too.
From Blog: Photo Essay Only
5th August 2010

Looks Good!!
Hi, Glad to see you made it in one piece!! Thanks for the pics .. How is it going so far? MOM
From Blog: Photo Essay Only
3rd August 2010

Brewers Stadium
Hi, Just a few days after you, Sat., to be specific, I had an inside tour of Brewers Stadium and their folding roof. Did you know it takes just a 60 horse power engine to close the roof which weights 10 tons? I found that really, really fascinating!!!! Love, Mom
27th July 2010

take care
Take care and have fun . Will be great to follow you on your travels. Auntie Edna
26th July 2010

Gorgeous pics! I'll have to make it there someday.....PS I *love* how the blog emails start off as Dear Your Mom lol

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