Stuart and Rachel Cain


Stuart and Rachel Cain

We travelled the world on a seven month honeymoon and we wanted to keep everyone updated on the adventures we had and places we went.

***UPDATE MAY 2011***

We are home now and living in London, back in the day to day humdrum of work!

You can follow our adventures by subscribing and receiving an email every time we update on here.


into our adventure

Below is a map of our Round The World Twip 2010:

Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Cain Honeymoon

Europe » France » Rhône-Alpes » Meyzieu April 9th 2012

The single worst thing about a holiday is the ridiculous time you have to get up in order to leave. At 4am last Friday my alarm rang out loud and true and I rather grumpily extracted myself from the warm fluffiness of my beautiful bed. Rachel, as ever was bright and breezy and up and showered before my feet even touched the floor. My morning took a turn for the worse when I decided to knock the pint glass of water on my bedside cabinet all over the floor. Soon enough, our taxi to Gatwick was waiting outside and as is customary for Rachel, she spent the next hour worrying that we wouldn't get to the airport on time and whether the taxi driver was going the right way! An uneventful breakfast and flight to Lyon ... read more
Our table at the wedding
Beautiful Wine
Me with Julien

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » South Bank May 15th 2011

A year has passed since that amazing day in the sunshine on the Wirral when Rach and I got married, and what a crazy, memorable and exciting year it was. I haven't written a blog for a while so thought I would write one about the things we got up to to celebrate a year together. Obviously, living in London opens up a whole host of things to do and we started our weekend with a trip to see Rachel's favourite musical 'Phantom of the Opera'. I'm not really a huge fan of the theatre but a marriage is as much about compromise as is it anything else, so we dressed up nice and made our way to Her Majesty's Theatre for the 'Greatest Love Story Ever Told'. The seats were great (although even for someone ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Heathrow Airport November 21st 2010

We thought we would do a little summary of our honeymoon! Highlights: Stuart - Lighting our flying lanterns in Pattaya on Loy Krathong Festival; Meeting the people of Cambodia, sheer relaxation in Jamaica, seeing so may famous landmarks around the world (Grand Canyon, Sydney Opera House, Statue of Liberty, NZ Glaciers, USS Arizona Memorial); the scenery in Hawai'i Rachel - Loy Krathong in Pattaya, Rotorua, Christchurch, the boat trip where we met Tom, Jill, Jen and Daniel. Lowlights: Stuart - Ko Samui weather, Storm when we were at the glaciers which stopped our flight/hike, having a bad neck form driving and losing our enthusiasm for the road trip as we got to Florida. Rachel - Ko Samui, Las Vegas and shopping for suits in Vietnam (dont ever use Phuoc An Silks) Favourite Country: Stuart - USA ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Pattaya November 21st 2010

The fine weather in Ko Samui was also present in Pattaya when we landed at the airport on Sunday 14th November. The temperature was a scorching 33 degrees and we were pleased to see Dad when he came to pick us up and take us for a lovely sushi lunch in Pattaya. I managed to indulge in another couple of my favourite Fuji restaurant coconut shakes and we also came a cropper of one of the stranger Thai laws. Regulations state that you cannot purchase alcohol in a shop between the hours of 2pm and 5pm. Unless of course, you are buying 10 litres or more of alcohol, in which case it's fine! Once we had unpacked, I made a guest performance for the football team Dad plays 8-a-side for on a Sunday night. The less ... read more
up, up and away
Floating our krathong
Fried cockroach

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Samui November 21st 2010

I thought I would finally get round to typing up one of the final blogs from our travels! Following the washout that was our first week in Ko Samui, we started the second week hoping and praying that the weather would improve and we could do some sightseeing and sunbathing. Friday 5th November brought no rain, but also no sunshine, so we spent yet more time at the villa with Rachel job hunting and me working on some things for Emerald Seas Villa before we decided that we would head down to the small village of Bo Phut and look around the food market. It was a relatively small but lively market compared to the huge sweaty markets of Bangkok, but interesting nonetheless. We made a few little purchases to stock up the villa kitchen and ... read more
Gold statues
Clear skies and statues

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Samui November 17th 2010

Our first week in Ko Samui was literally a wash out! A fierce storm struck the island, with gale force winds, electrical storms and torrential rains which brought a deluge of water to this tropical island and left many areas flooded. 48 hours without electricity, phone lines and internet down, shops running short on stock, the car running low on petrol, the list of problems we faced went on and on! Thankfully, us and our friends the Blooms, managed to survive and make it through the storm. With resourcefulness, cooking by torchlight, the help of a local boatman and the iron will and abilities of Robert 'Captain Fantastic' Bloom (and his assistant Marvellous Stu) we were able to keep our heads above water and lived to see another day! The Blooms had kindly said we could ... read more
The villa
Braving the floods
Heavy rain, no swimming for me!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Pattaya November 15th 2010

Following our fanatstic time in Bangkok, we were soon back in Pattaya and embarked on what I can only describe as a week of indulging in the seven deadly sins! -Sloth (lots of staying in bed very late). -Gluttony (leaving the flat to overindulge in Thai food.) -Greed (eating desserts and snacks when we were already full to the brim.) -Lust (a visit to a go go bar or two - although when I explain what we saw, you will see that it probably wasn't lust, just curiousity!) -Envy (Rachel was very jealous of how good the ladyboys looked!) -Pride (I was proud of receiving a Blogger of the Week nomination from the people of TravelBlog where I post these blogs) -Wrath (Rachel directed her wrath at herself for getting drunk one evening and feeling terible ... read more
Walking Street
Look Carefully
Old Men Snake Heads!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok November 7th 2010

Heading into the last few weeks of our journey, we spent a few days resting in Pattaya before we embarked on a long weekend in Bangkok. On Saturday 23rd October, we waved goodbye to Dad at Bangkok Airport as he started a well deserved week of R & R, before we were dropped off at the famous backpacker's mecca of Koah San Road in central Bangkok. It was swelteringly hot and the smog and pollution of this giant city added to the humidity and cloying feeling of the weather. We were soon checked into our guesthouse, The Green House, on a road parallel to Koah San Road and having climbed four flights of stairs with our bags, were dismayed to find that our room was rubbish. Resembling a smelly prison cell, it was stuffy and the ... read more
Colourful at the Chatuchak Market
Puppies at the Chatuchak Market
Koah San Road

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An November 1st 2010

Sorry for the lack of regular blogs over the last couple of weeks, I have been slacking! Fear not though my friends; there will be this one and another couple to bring you bang up to date over the next few days. I’ll pick up the story as we left Saigon on the evening of Wednesday 13th October for our mammoth 17 and a half hour train journey north to Danang and then our final destination of Hoi An on the coast. After being ripped off by a very unscrupulous taxi driver (I think Rach was ready to stage a sit down protest in order that we paid the amount we previously agreed with him) we were at the station and ready to begin our next Asian rail adventure. After struggling to board through the ridiculously ... read more
Playing cards on the train
Japanese Bridge
Tailors Shop

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 October 22nd 2010

The pace of life picked up dramatically as we finished exploring the Mekong Delta and were plunged into a city which doesn't seem to have the word slow in its collective vocabulary! From the moment we stepped off the coach on Monday 11th October to the minute we clambered exhausted onto the train to Danang two days later, we couldn't take our eyes off the ball for a second. Our first task was to find our guesthouse. We had booked it over the phone and the driver on the bus told us it was round the corner and down an alley. Laden down with our large backpacks and various other bags we started to dodge the people and the traffic that seemed to be everywhere as we followed his instructions and disappeared down a narrow alleyway ... read more
Notre Dame Cathedral
water puppets
The view from a cyclo

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