Page 5 of Sorry but we are not at home Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Pakistan » Lahore January 20th 2010

Dear Friends, no, we did not disappear in Pakistan, got kidnapped or was subject of any criminal activities, it's an OK country. After our lovely week with Renate in ISB, we moved out of the capital to explore some more countryside. Rawalpindi, ISB's twin city is the travel hub, so we caught our train to Lahore from there. Rawalpindi is worth a mention here. Even though it is damn close to ISB, it is so much different. Pindi (as the locals call it) is not pre-planned by grids/sectors, but more like a HUGE bazaar, messy, crowdy, etc. Somehow we have the feeling that we like chaos more than ultimate order... But we only spent one night there, so just enough to check out the bazaar and have a greet evening on our small balcony to view ... read more
Stone cutters
Local streetview in Pindi
Local streetview in Pindi

Asia » Pakistan » Islamabad January 18th 2010

Okay, Pakistan in good for one's ego. That's 100% clear. We're now exactly one week in Pakistan and all is going well and our egos had a significant boost, but more about that later on. The main reason of being in Paki is visiting a good, old friend on mine (who probably doesn't want to be called 'old', or do you, Renate?). We had a perfect flight from Kathmandu to ISB, with only one weird thing: the whole plane is basically full, but only 3 female passengers: 1 western lady in Business class and 2 in Economy, one of which being Agi and the other one is a local lady. Despite my initial expectation, we were shown a lovely local movie, which was actually in english: "Wolverine, origines", a typical US Hollywood blockbuster movie. Hmmmm, no ... read more
Faisal Mosque
Quick view from a small village
Paki pop stars

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu Valley January 9th 2010

Dear friends, Riding the rapids here is our update since the last entry. Yes, we disappeared last weekend... we went rafting! White water rafting, more precisely on the Trisuli river. For the first rafting experience it was pretty good, but at the end of the 2-day trip we wished for more currents/rapids!! Yes, the river had some rapids which we took relatively easily, so now we are prepared for some more serious fun! But the trip was cool, we were rafting with a group of local rafting guides (I felt damn safe), they were supposed to do a weekend training but they took us on. We spent the night camping in tents with campfire and freshly made local food, really good! Now I know the recipe of daal bhaat with curry, jummie! An other recipe to ... read more
Hungarian delicacies.
Rafting in Nepal

Asia » China » Tibet » Shigatse December 31st 2009

The Tale of the Smiley Skull In the forlorn town high of Shigatse, folded between the Tibetan highlands, local merchants have their devious ways to empty the pockets of trustworthy travelers. As being a worn and dusty traveler myself, this is my proud tale of the Smiley Skull mask and how it was obtained by us. On a dusty afternoon, strolling through the streets of Shigatse, where we'd arrived only a few hours before, my trustworthy travel companion Rossz Mokusom was disturbed by the shiny gloss of a skull: the Smiley Skull. Being afraid that this precious piece of local handicraft might go unnoticed and unappreciated by me, she rushed to notify me. I took then the daunting task of purchasing this precious item, but first: a thorough examination was needed. We went to the stall ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 31st 2009

New country, new feelings! After the noisy night in the Nepali-run hotel in Zhangmu (China/Tibet) our 8km trip to the Nepali border was eventless. Pasang, our guide took us to the customs, we wished each other good karma and waved goodbye. We walked the border area to the Nepali side. Funny but this no man's land looked like it's "everybody's land" as there were so many Nepali people in the place as on a normal street. Apparently wanna-be drivers can enter this zone fetching for customers. After some search we found a guy with a cool red, but old Toyota Corolla who gave us an OK (read: less-rip-off) price for the 110 km trip to Kathmandu. We could have bargained further, but I was so happy to rest again (after suffering from stomach flu for ... read more
People from the Mountains
Agi's haircut...
Lovely woodcravings on a temple....

Asia » China » Tibet » Friendship Highway December 26th 2009

Ok for the lucky ones who read this: I deliberately published this entry silently, just our of compassion for my parents. I think they wouldn't like reading certain parts too much.... Tibet, the uncensored sequel... In March 2008 there were huge riots in the streets in Lhasa. Since these riots guides and drivers are once more required. The military Chinese presence on the streets in Tibet is very clear, especially around and in the Tibetan quarters. But besides the military posts, with at least 4 soldiers, at every road entering a Tibetan quarter and the patrols in the streets, we've seen these guys on the roofs with AK47s and other lethal material. Petrol stations used by only the Chinese have roadblocks + soldiers. Every patrol of Chinese actually has a Tibetan soldier, as the Chinese themselves ... read more

Asia » China » Tibet » Friendship Highway December 25th 2009

Riding the highest railway of the world Yes, China is first in this one too, not only with its population size.... It was a pretty interesting thing to get our train tickets from Xining to Lhasa. Apparently foreigners are not allowed to purchase train tickets at the train station to Tibet, this can be only done via travel agents with a 60% (!) commission charge... nice monopolistic situation... But we were lucky again as we met a group of Japanese trekkers in our youth hostel and one of them spoke OK Chinese. So he could pretend at the counter that he is Chinese, with a kinda immigrant accent. And he did this for us free of charge! So the guys went with him to the Xining station and came back with our tickets! Yuhhheee! Travellers ... read more
Penis, Sir?
Sunset on the plateau
Welcome to Tibet!

Asia » China December 18th 2009

Ok, we have left China and to be honest: It was about time! China is cool, but a change of setting, view, mentality and food is really appreciated after being there for ~2.5 months. We came up with the idea to gather and compile some general rambling/loose thoughts about China and its people. Chinese people: * Fond of 'poo and pee' jokes: While in the train 'talking' with hands and feet we figured out the they like these jokes. You point at someone's private parts and symbolize it's small with your fingers and they laugh like hell. * Snorting and hurling are indeed pretty common. But the weird thing is that they not only do it on the streets, but also in the buses, trains and eating places: Yummie!! * My shoes are considered HUGE (okay, ... read more
Squatting toilet
Car on 3 wheels
Oh those great muslim noodles...

Asia » China » Qinghai » Xining December 17th 2009

From Chengdu we travelled further to north, currently we are in Xining. Here the weather is really wintery now, freezing nights, mountains, we can really feel the proximity of the Himalayas. Our mission in Xining was to acclimatise to higher altitude (currently at 2200 m) and to arrange our travel permits and tour to Tibet. They say the closer you arrange the trip to Tibet the cheaper the price gets. Yes, this is true. Yesterday we applied for all the papers, and tomorrow we are to be on the train to Lhasa, which is Tibet's capital. We will take the famous trans-Himalayan railway, which goes at an average altitude of 4000 meters with the peak of 5000 meters at a pass (don't remember the name, but will give you precise details in our Tibet blog entry). ... read more
Bunk beds
Our Tibet group
Wanna buy a Buddha?

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu December 16th 2009

After our trip in the gorge and the decision to change our travel plans (delay Myanmar, first Tiber/Nepal), we've decided to change also one other thing: we took a plane from Kunming to Chengdu. The distance was approx 700 km, or at least that's what we've thought, cause the total time in the air was one hour. So actually we don't have a clue. But flying with the Chinese is actually funny. Before the boarding procedure there is a neat line, but once the gate opens the nice queue vanishes and a big mob tries to enter the plane at the same time. But surprise - surprise: everybody went actually to their assigned seat. The flight was non-eventfull.... In Chengdu we found our hostel and apparently there was only one top-bunk available: not optimal, especially knowing ... read more
Lazy bastard Panda
One more panda
Red panda

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