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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires September 28th 2010

Buenos Buenos Aires Wow, guess the difference couldn't have been bigger: La Paz vs Buenos Aires. Both capital cities, but in La Paz the population is 95% indigenous, whereas in B.A. it's maybe 5%. We haven't been to such a European city since we've left Europe. Ok, that was not what we were looking for, but trust us, we're savoring the moment and savoring the wines and food as well.... The wines, cheeses, chorizo's and all other good stuff similar as in the Mediterranean area. Today we just had a sunny picnic near Tigre, a small town on a river front just outside B.A., nice in the sun. But this is rushing ahead, first things first: The bus. The Bus We got here after a 56 hours bus ride from La Paz, 2 buses actually. The ... read more
Northern Argentina
The pots
Looking for Evita

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz September 17th 2010

BureaucraZy Ok, in itself this has nothing to do with Bolivia, but as we're right now in La Paz, Bolivia's de facto capital city, and we've started to prepare our next leg of the trip, we became annoyed: From South America we want to go to Africa and we've found a good connection. The issue appears to be that for the African country where we want to go Agi needs a visa, but there is no embassy nor consulate nearby, and the bloody French are not cooperative... We went to the French consulate on Friday and there the lady behind the glass said it wasn't possible, unless she would have been a resident here in Bolivia, which she's obviously not. 2 hours later we got an e-mail from the French consul himself, stating that is was ... read more
Sunset at Copacabana
Street view in Copacabana
Inca Labyrinth

South America » Peru » Arequipa September 13th 2010

Pisco in Pisco! After landing at the airstrip of Lima we quickly realised that the heat of Iquitos does not reach too far into the country. Sweaters on!!! We heard before that Lima is not really nice and full with muggings, etc. so we decided to give it a miss. We went to Pisco straight away, a town on the Pacific Coast, which was heavily damaged by the earthquake 3 years ago. Basically all was ruined at that time, so the town is still in bad shape, ugly concrete half-finished buildings, dust, dirt, not a tourist attraction. But the famous Peruvian drink, Pisco is made in this area so we got there too. And Pisco Sour was indeed very good, so no regrets, but also no hangovers... Poor man´s Galápagos Next morning we went off ... read more
Pinguins on guard
Poor Men's Nazca Lines
Pelican Party

South America » Peru » Loreto » Iquitos September 4th 2010

We are in Iquitos The world´s largest city unreachable by road, 371.000 human souls in a sweaty, chaotic cradle of the Peruvian Amazon: Yes, this is it, and here we are! We took a speed boat from Leticia/Santa Rosa. Ruled out the slow boat that would take 4 days upstream, most of the time spent with sleeping, reading books in hammocks, wondering when the next stop would be and wishing good luck to the captain for navigating among the sandbanks in the shallow water. The Amazon is damn dry now. We definitely have to come back when the water is high as the whole region must be completely different. So yes, we came fast, 12 hours, only 2 sandbanks hit: all fine. Upon arrival to this overheated jungle metropolis we noticed clearly that we are ... read more
River home on the way to Iquitos
Iquitos port
The shantytown of Belen

South America » Colombia » Leticia » Rio Yavari, Amazon September 1st 2010

So after Isla Malpelo I guess that Leticia can be considered as our second Colombian island: There are no roads to Leticia, ony flights and slow boats.... The "banana boat" to Leticia takes 3 weeks from Baranquilla and that depends on the river conditions. So somehow: Yes it's an island in the Amazon. Totally in the Southeast of Colombia, hugging the borders with Brazil and Peru. Here we're leaving Colombia, and actually earlier than we somehow thought... Welcome to the Jungle! We took a flight from Bogota to here and got ourselves 2 beds in a 'hostel', the most expensive one we've had in Colombia. We nagged a bit and indeed the price went down: we happy, but the owner not. Guess he was a bit manic depressive: I saw him smile only when we handed ... read more
Heading down into the jungle
Lunch time!!!!
River view

South America » Colombia » San Agustin August 24th 2010

Amazing, we have already spent over 2 months in this country, more than we spent in China! Yes, we like it here. However, soon we are leaving, but till then: The number 1 archeological site of Colombia - San Agustin So from Cali airport we quickly went back to the hostel where we left quite some stuff of ours before the dive trip. Wrapped up and took a bus to Popayan, reducing this way the time we had to spend on the bumpy road next day towards San Agustin. In Popayan the hostel owner was very happy to see us again. Next morning we were lucky enough to get a direct bus to San Agustin. Okay, 5 hours on unpaved roads, but in a beautiful environment. Our road went on the ridges of the West and ... read more
Panela love
El Estrecho de Rio Magdalena
A tomb in San Agustin

South America » Colombia » Isla Malpelo August 19th 2010

As promised some months ago, a proper photo update on our diving at Isla Malpelo. Not much text, but enjoy the pics! I know we look back with good memories on our dives there!!! All the credits for these pics go to Kadu Pinheiro, our Brasilian professional photographer who was there on the dive trip. These reason for our late publishing is simply that he has to make his bread-and-butter with these pics. Adios, C&A.... read more
Mr. Scorpion Fish
Mr. Whale Shark
Mr. Whale Shark

South America » Colombia » Isla Malpelo August 17th 2010

¿Cali, again? Yes, we went back to Cali (where the hostal owner knows us by now by our names), for a very good reason: Diving @ Malpelo. After arranging our final details in Cali (read: pay the flight tickets), we were ready to go, so the next day: ¡VAMOS! Mingling with Colombians! At the Cali airport we met our fellow dreamers, 4 divers arriving from Bogota, one of them our contact and guide, Jorge. From Cali we took a flight to Guapi, which is a village in the middle of the jungle. OK, from one side its borders the ocean, but no roads take you here, so flying is the best option. The second, vomiting option is by a bumpy speedboat, but that we ignored. We boarded the small plane to Guapi and there we landed ... read more
Mototaxis in Guapi
Local vista
Guapi port

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Cotopaxi August 11th 2010

OK, Ecuador was next and probably it deserved a bit more, but we had a time limit, so 8 days were all we could give it. Coming from Colombia, the first thing we noticed was the ease of calculating bus fares: each hour in the bus = 1 USD. Stupid detail, but compared to the bus fare 'hassle' in Colombia we loved it. Guess that this detail doesn't interest you that much, so we won't elaborate more on it. Upon request more´useless´details can be given. Ok, here the blog really starts then, I guess... Otavalo. Shopping Frenzy... From the border we headed immediately to Otavalo. We timed our trip to be there on the weekly Saturday market, and yes: there was a market, a huge market. The local come every day to Otavalo to sell their ... read more
Colombia - Ecuador border
Quechua ladies
Mr. Shaman

South America » Colombia » Manizales July 29th 2010

Ok, Colombia is good. It's actually too good to leave on a short notice, so we're still here. The funny thing is that fellow travellers have the same issue: They also just keep on extending their stay here. It's really remarkable, but Colombia has it all: Mountains, beaches, deserts, jungles, cool cities, nice people and enough stuff to see without other loads of tourists (and yes, you can still manage it on a small budget). But before we kick off: still a small picture of the Dutch soccer team, according the Colombians. Got this pic from Facebook from a Colombian friend. Ok, enough b#llshit: the Colombian story continues... Medellin. The town of Pablo Escobar - Medellin From the north we headed down to Medellin and guess that the most (in)famous inhabitant was Pablo Escobar. There are ... read more
Cementerio de San Pedro
Cemetery art
Wanna buy a taxi???

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