Rockstar Without a Guitar


Rockstar Without a Guitar

Following graduation, I took some time to travel the world and document my travels with the intention of moving back home... well... I'm still here making my way across the globe and taking in everything that gets in my way. I no longer blog here on TB, so head over to for VIDEOS and blogs from my travels. Carpe Vita!

Asia » South Korea March 2nd 2011

In my laziness while desk warming in Korea the past few weeks, I have fallen behind on writing about my various travels abroad. I’ll get to that soon (to those who care) I swear. This isn’t much of a post about traveling, about adventures, or visiting far off lands as most of mine are. Rather, I wanted to write this one last blog entry while in Korea to commemorate all the great memories that I have made here. All the places I have been blessed to visit, the food that has hooked me like a drug, and of course… the people; friends and strangers alike who have made this past year better than I ever could have expected. In the ending days of my time here in Korea, this is above all else, a thank ... read more
Yellow Sky at St. Patty's

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng February 23rd 2011

Of all the countries I planned on visiting over my vacation through SE Asia, Laos was the one I most eagerly anticipated. Throughout my travels, it is the country I had heard the least about, yet the reviews I had received were unanimously positive, and it has become abundantly clear to me now why this is so. Lush jungles, wild rivers, and colossal mountains converge together throughout this beautiful land making it the perfect place for adventurous travelers the world over. Despite its relative remoteness from some of the other major tourist attractions in Asia, I found it to be well worth the effort travelling along treacherous roads in uncomfortable transportation in order to reach this gem. Something about the secluded beauty in Laos truly touched me in ways I cannot fully describe and my ... read more
Mountains in the Distance
Good Thing They Warned Me
Beer Laos

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 8th 2011

How many trips to Bangkok are too many? For a city I had only previously known of from the infamous children’s prank where you end up kicking a friend in the no-no region, I’ve certainly spent my fair share of time in this wild city. This metropolitan forest has played host to me and my various adventures and activities at least once a year over the past 3 years, and I am fortunate for having such luck. The culture, food, architecture, and vibrant nightlife of Thailand all converge on this growing city making it a hot spot for most backpackers traveling through Southeast Asia. As many of my trips have been prior, my most recent visit was anything but boring and certainly memorable. No Man’s Land and the Journey to the BKK So our time ... read more
To The Border!
No Man's Land

Asia » Cambodia February 1st 2011

So the start of yet another adventure began with a bang for me in Southeast Asia. This part of the world has wholeheartedly attracted my attention over the past few years and each time I return it brings with it experiences of unknown cultures, un-tasted cuisine, and untapped potential. I waited in anxious anticipation through the long cold winter in Korea for this trip to finally begin and once it did, time flew by quicker than even I had expected. Regardless, it was a 2-week trip that will always hold a special place in my heart as I will not quickly forget the people I met along the way and the journeys I embarked on. The first stop on my tour was Cambodia; the Angkor Nation. Though outright Third World in it’s infrastructure and economy, ... read more
The River Front

Asia » South Korea » Gangwon-do » Chuncheon October 11th 2010

Chuseok is a famous Korean Holiday not too unlike Thanksgiving in America. Thanksgiving is one of my all time favorite holidays, and I find myself increasingly sadder knowing I won’t be home to celebrate it this year. While we hope to plan a comparable substitution among friends here in Korea, it’s difficult to match up to the food, booze, and family fun that go hand in hand with Thanksgiving at home in New Hampshire. However, I am sure I can somehow find a way of enjoying myself blacking out at my friends apartment after too much Soju almost as much as I do with Wild Turkey Whiskey back home. Chuseok, though nothing at all like Thanksgiving the way we celebrated it, was an amazing 5 day break from classes and I think it is safe ... read more
Burial Mound
At the Foot of the Mountain
The Whole Peanuts Gang

Asia » China » Beijing September 8th 2010

Shanghai merely scratched the surface of China for me along my travels. I feel that one week in China shortchanges this most ancient of civilizations far more than I can even imagine. For all my efforts though, I feel as though I was at least allowed a sample of the heritage and culture that China has to offer. Traveling to the capital city of Beijing provided a glimpse of the Communist lifestyle taken on here, as well as the historic importance that China provides to the rest of the world. The sights, sounds, odor, and, most importantly, feel of Beijing left an impression on me that I will not soon forget…even if I tried to. Where the Streets Have No Name Upon stepping off of the aircraft and into the midnight air of Beijing City, I ... read more
Tiananmen Square
View From the Gate Top

Asia » China » Shanghai August 20th 2010

China; land of the Great Wall, the Little Red Book, and a rapidly growing economy that could one day be the most dominate in the world. I must say I was slightly hesitant in planning a trip to this particular country. China for me always brought to mind uneasy feelings due to its tarnished history regarding human rights, environmental issues, and communism. On top of that, China does not have the most friendly of relationships with my own country, and who knows what they might do with an American such as myself if I accidently “stepped out of line.” However, I set such notions aside and went ahead with planning an adventure nonetheless. Though most of my preconcieved notions turned out to be true, I must admit that the trip was an epic adventure that I ... read more
People's Square Expressway
Shopping District

Asia » South Korea » Gangwon-do » Gangneung June 25th 2010

How am I to sum up these past few weeks in Korea without rambling on endlessly describing every detail of the adventures I have got myself into? In a few words, I really can’t. It’s unfortunate that I will loose out on a few key points from my last few weeks, but I think you get the main idea about how I am doing here in Korea: amazing. Life could not be better; good friends, great food, a relatively un-stressful job, yup… life ain’t too shabby at all these days. One highlight worth sharing was my trip to Gangneung (강릉) a few weeks back. A crew of about 30 or so foreign teachers all met up in this city on the East coast to spend 3 days basking in the sun and partaking in rampant drunken ... read more
The Sunrise and I
Enjoying the Sunset
Walking Down the Beach

Asia » South Korea » Busan May 12th 2010

Few cities in the world can compete with the sheer beauty, nightlife, and charm that Busan has to offer. Situated on the southeastern coast of Korea and only a 3- hour train ride from Seoul, Busan (pronounced Pusan) could not feel more unlike its sister to the North. Having a 5-day vacation due the luck that a Korean holiday fell in line with one of my school’s holidays, I quickly put some plans together to head south and visit Busan. It couldn’t have been a wiser choice. Upon my return, I have told everyone I know that no trip to Korea can be considered complete without a visit to this fine city. Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (Doosan Cheerleaders) Tuesday evening successfully started off my weekend of maniacal mayhem with a bang. My friends Sessions, Brad, ... read more
Sunset Over Jamsil
My Girls, Talking Bout Myyy Giiirls
Jamsil at Night

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Hongik April 27th 2010

Well the past few weeks in Korea have gone as most expect by now: working by day, partying by night, and fighting off the pains of liver cerosis Friday through Sunday. All in all, I must say life is good. I have found yet another country that suits my style in this world and, the more I travel the more I begin to realize… I am easy. It doesn’t take much to grab my attention, suck me into the local culture, and fall in love with everything around me. From the people, to the scenery, to the food; I love it here in South Korea. For Purple Mountains Majesty I can’t lie though; I haven’t spent all my time within the confines of this marvelous nation. Last weekend I strayed from the border and crossed into ... read more
Yeoido Park
Jukjeon Park

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