Sharon and John G


Sharon and John G

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Boston August 25th 2018

We woke one last time in the cabin that has been our home for over one month. There was no rush this morning. Our two bags in the hall were taken ashore by the porters. We still had our carry-ons, and what we planned to where today. The Lido was bustling with activity and there were actually lines waiting to get food. Again, we sat on the pool deck; but, well away from the window and drainage trough that nearly twisted Sharon’s ankle yesterday. “Did you intentionally choose this table?” Sharon inquires. I just smile. At the Main Desk there was another line. The daily News and Puzzles were not out and available; but, you could still get them from the front-desk staff. We weren’t scheduled to see the onboard immigration until about 9:15 AM and ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic August 24th 2018

Our final full day on the Rotterdam began much as any other. To say that we’d fallen into a routine would be understating the facts, we’ve grown to love the routine that we’ve fallen into. Where we once may of thought “What were we thinking” when we booked the World Cruise for 2020, never even having done one as long as the Voyage of the Vikings before, we’re coming around to the perspective of “Why didn’t we do this before?” I think we all have our own answers to that; whether it is work, kids, caretaker-responsibilities, grand-kids, pets, volunteer duties, hobbies, sports, you name it. All sorts of things can interfere with cruising, if you let them. We’ve always felt that it is important to get the cruising and travel in before other things prevent you ... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 23rd 2018

Our final port day before Boston on the Fantastic Voyage of the Vikings is upon us. It doesn’t seem like a journey that began for us about seven weeks ago; yet, here we are. Today we have a fairly early start and an even longer day planned, and our prospects for making it back for Team Trivia in the afternoon are not good. We head for the elevator which confirms for us that yes indeed, this is “Thursday”. /Sharon pushes “Deck 8” and we’re whisked off to the Lido Deck. These elevator buttons at time can be temperamental. Several times I’ve pushed a button, only to have the selection apparently de-selected, and had that repeated until someone would graciously press the button on the other side for me; or, I might try press and holding the ... read more
Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic August 22nd 2018

Some photos of our Sea Day Activities For some reason you have to press the "Additional Photos Below" link to see any photos on this entry. Sorry... read more
7:45 a.m. - Balloon on next door neighbors cabin #
8:00 a.m. - Morning Mass with Father Roman
8:45 a.m. - Breakfast with Breakfast Surprise by Housekeeping Staff and Lido Full of Towel Animals

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic August 22nd 2018

I warned Sharon to brace herself before she read yesterday’s blog, and to restrain her editing oversight that can often include removing entire sections which she feels her family doesn’t need to read. Now, I didn’t use the “Meltdown” word regarding her reaction to the Dive-In losing her order, a fast-food-like outlet aboard HAL that took not quite an hour to fix her a plain burger; but, even she called what happened a Near-mini-Meltdown when she heard they lost her order. She did post the blog; but, then remembered that there was an omission from our dinner at the Pinnacle Grill that should have been included. I had managed to get through dinner without spilling anything onto my shirt. Quite an accomplishment for me. I had to be extra careful eating the shrimp cocktail and the ... read more

We’ve fallen into a bit of a routine, not needing to set alarms, in part because we’re travelling west, occasionally getting an extra 30 or 60-minutes to live, as Linda reminds us during her Showtime emcee responsibilities; or, also because our tours are starting later in the morning (or even early afternoon as it did yesterday). Sharon had forgotten one of the “Cardinal Rules” of cruising, namely “Late to Port, Early to Mass!” It was already past the 8AM start time when she realized that she’d be missing out on one of Father Roman’s Blessings of the Day. In the Lido is was a sight to see this massive cruise ship snake through the narrow S-turn channel into the St. John bay and marina, and once clear of the channel markers to do a reverse rotation ... read more
Cabot Tower on signal hill
Some of the colorful housing in St. Johns
View of Rotterdam from Signal Hill

The day dawned, the sun was out, and the “Where & When” had forecast almost 70˚F and sunny for our return to Newfoundland. I’m breathing easy once again, feeling myself and with the exception of a nagging cough that will no doubt hang around for weeks, if the past is any guide. It’s not really a cough, but more a spot in the back of my throat that sometimes gets irritated; but, no matter how much or often I cough, it just won’t go away. St. Anthony is a tender port and our tour doesn’t start until nearly 1PM! We have the whole morning to ourselves. Supposedly, our tour “Dining with the Vikings” is just two hours, which won’t leave us much time before the final tender at 3:15PM. I’m not sure why it was that ... read more
It's a puffin not a Penguins
John's Flag
View of Harbor

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic August 19th 2018

Can this cruise really be coming to an end? When we saw the “When & Where” for today, we felt surely whoever devised this schedule must have been under some sort of spell. There were no morning lectures planned. Team Trivia was once again in the Crow’s Nest at 1PM; but, the crew Indonesian Show started at 1:30PM in the Showroom. There was really no way to do both, as Duncan and Pam would find out. Sharon suggested the Q&A with our Greenland Pilots. There were afternoon lectures conflicting with Bingo, which got itself relocated to the Wajang Theatre. In the words of J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter, the whole thing was “confunded”. The only thing good about today is that I was feeling better. I still have a congestion and am prone to sudden and ... read more

North America August 18th 2018

Our last week on the Voyage of the Vikings commences today. It hardly seems possible. Arriving in Nanoralik, Greenland, we are back in North America once again. Our neighbor’s droopy balloon marking their cabin in the all appears that it will just barely survive the cruise. Six of us boarded the elevator on the Main Deck at the same time, and Sharon said, “I guess we know where everyone’s going!” Then the woman in the front selected Deck 4, the Promenade Deck. “Oh! We’re going to try the dining room today.” Her husband’s spirits dampened with that well known, “Oh do we have to” look, his shoulders slumped. Of course, that’s no match for her retort, “You know YOU promised.” The doors opened for the Promenade and as they started to get off, I noted, “But ... read more
View of Nanortalik  from the ship
Direction Sign in Nanortalik
View of Rotterdam at anchor between two buildings in Nanortalik

North America » Greenland » South Greenland August 17th 2018

The day began with a thick veil of fog engulfing our passage towards Prince Christian Sound. The fog was burning off and by the time that we went up to the Lido for breakfast, today was turning into an incredible sunny day. It was nothing like our last passage through the fog shrouded stony walled passages of Prince Christian Sound. I had worn just a light sweater up for breakfast, and Sharon suggested that I go on up to the Sports Deck, take her phone and take some pictures. All of this because I’d observed a fair-sized iceberg passing by on our entrance to Prince Christian Sound. She was going to go back to the cabin and get the camera. At first there was no noticeable breeze, and I found an opening on the rail. I ... read more
Waterfalls from Snow melting
Crows Nest
First Un-named Glacier

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