Jackie Halliday


Jackie Halliday

Nana Ninja was invented in response to our grandson Blake who didn't believe there were Nana Ninjas. We found this image on the internet, courtesy of Ian, to convince him. I'm not sure he was convinced!

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh February 3rd 2020

Alexander, nearly 5, is a rock hunter. He and his magnifying glass are rarely separated as he moves around searching for new and interesting rocks. He proudly showed us his collection in his treasure chest in his bedroom. Carried around in his pocket is a slice of rock with a fossil in it. He lives with his parents, Sean and Agata and little brother Elliot, in Les Jardins du Bassac in Phnom Penh. Not far from where they were previously as we recognised their old street and the small shopping centre with supermarket and cafe. And aircon. We hadn't seen them since we were in Poland in June 2018 when Elliot was born so it was lovely to see them again and get to know Elliot. He has a very good vocabulary for a 20 month ... read more
Playing with Pisey and Maradee
Townhouses in the compound
It's cool after 4pm...

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Nong Khai January 25th 2020

Today is our last here in Phon Phisai (the 'h's are silent) with Jeremy and his family. Our paintings are finished and drying in the sun. We're off to local restaurant The White House tonight for dinner. So I thought I'd share with you a few miscellaneous aspects of life here including a visit to the Sala Kaew Ku sculpture park in Nong Khai. Nong Khai is the largest town in the region about an hour away from Phon Phisai. The sculptures tell the equivalent of morality stories in the Buddhist and Hindu religions and is dominated by a huge Naga sculpture - 7 headed snake. Waree took us to a Vietnamese coffee shop on the riverfront for a welcome iced coffee. Back in Phon Phisai (pop >100,000) we found some paper to roll our paintings ... read more
73Ian and Cody feeding pigeons
Feeding huge catfish...
Waree and Cody emulating the snake lady

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Ban Chiang January 23rd 2020

We certainly did all our steps today, all 6000 of them, climbing up to Wat Phu Tok a temple at the top of 'lonely mountain' 359m high up very rickety steep steps. The temple is in a wide open cave at the top, actually level 5 on the map, so not quite at the top. The skeleton of the original monk is there in a glass cabinet. Jeremy and Waree's son Adam (15) was our guide. He's been up lots of times. Jeremy was OK to walk up but coming down is a bit hard on the knees. A kindly monk recommended we turn right and go the scenic route when we were almost got to the top. Ha!! It was the one that goes round the mountain by way of a fragile-looking wooden walkway that ... read more
The rickety steps
Some steps were stone
The handrails were a bit tricky too

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Nong Khai January 20th 2020

There has been lots of fun and anguish. Ian is OK. He can draw. But me. I only pretend. Give me a computer any day. For the first piece we had a look around our local area. Ian chose the house next door which had a great big power pole in the middle of it. But it turned out ok even after he painted over it with violet ink. Mine is from a photo. Of Tuscany from Fiesole looking back towards Florence. I took it in 2018. Strange I think, coming to Thailand to draw and doing a scene from Italy. Jeremy's style is very loose and scribbly. We started off with small thumbnail sketches. I wasn't much good at them either. One was chosen to put on paper. Very good, expensive paper. We're supposed to ... read more
Jeremy doing mine
Still needs some work

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Nong Khai January 19th 2020

Picture a hot Sunday sitting on a raft in the middle of a lake sipping wine, watching fish, chicken and prawns cooking on a bbq, eating them with green papaya salad, then having a swim to cool off. That was yesterday's activity. We've had quite a few 'pinch me' moments on this trip and this was one of them. The Ford Ranger was packed in the morning, Jeremy, Ian, Waree (pronounced Walee) , Cody and me inside and Jitt, Adam and Toby in the back sitting on cushions. Off to Lake Pan about 30 kms south of Phon Phisai, near where the house warming was the other night. On he way we stopped off to buy fresh whole fish. We met Nee and Robert there (they of the house warming) with her sisters Nam and Num. ... read more
The jetty
Lighting the bbq
Lots of rafts

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Nong Khai January 17th 2020

We finally made it through our long flights none the worse for wear, and were very glad to arrive in Phon Phisai, at Jeremy Holton and his wife Waree's house on the banks of the Mekong River. When they're not here they live in Perth, together with their three sons, the youngest of whom is Cody aged 4. We're getting in practice for when we see Alexander again in a couple of weeks, who is also 4. Jeremy teaches a particular drawing technique using oil pastels. Quick thumbnail sketches of scenes, choose one, transfer it to a large piece of paper and colour it with thick layers of oil pastels beginning with light colours. It is supposed to be done quickly without thinking too much and looking for patches of colours. Covering it all over with ... read more
Tiny Orchids
White orchid
Another orchid

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso January 9th 2020

Our cruise came to a rather abrupt end when we couldn't moor at Puerto Montt because of an approaching weather system. Storms are not called storms any more but weather systems. The captain made the decision to run for home before the storm otherwise we may have become stranded there and not been able to make it to San Antonio, the port for Santiago, in time for us all to make our onward flights. Our last two days were very relaxing playing cards and Rummicub, reading, doing puzzles, swimming (me) and probably eating and drinking too much. We did go to the gym twice. The sea was as calm as a mill pond. We have been so lucky with the weather. Arriving in San Antonio at 2pm a day early every was keen to get off ... read more
The Promenade
Permanent chess set up on the promenade
The caricature artist at work

South America » Chile » Aisén » Puerto Chacabuco January 6th 2020

The weather certainly changed as we came north through the Patagonian Fiords, rain, wind, mist, and lower temperatures. Not as low as the Antarctic but it felt much colder with the wind chill factor. Photos are not very good with all the rain and mist. A few sea days have seen playing games - chess, rummicub and catching up on reading. In one of the fiords we passed a wreck caused by a confusion between right, left, starboard and port. I hope the officers on board the Zaandam, know the difference. A couple of small ports have been interesting, Puerto Chacabuco and Castro. From Puerto Chacabuco we travelled over the Andes, albeit the lowest part of them, to the capital of the region Coyhaique which is on the eastern side of the Andes not in Argentina. ... read more
Scenery by the Museum
Small fuschia is the national flower
A convoy of modern buses.

South America » Chile » Magallanes January 2nd 2020

We sailed though Glacier Alley in the Beagle Channel after leaving Ushuaia yesterday. The weather was misty with a freezing cold wind. Colder than anything we've had so far, although it may have been because the temperature got up to 20 in the afternoon and we all thought we didn't need antarctic clothes any more. We knew there were 5 glaciers, all named after countries so had to stay out side as we counted them off. The first four went past and we had to wait a while for the fifth which was the most spectacular - a hanging glacier with a torrent of water cascading out from under the ice splitting in two as it reached an outcrop and carried on to the sea. It's a pity it was so misty as the photos are ... read more
Close up of the face of it
The ferry that goes between Ushuaia and Punta Arenas
Glacier 2

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego January 1st 2020

It wasn't really the end of the world but the end of the Pan American Highway which covers 17,848kms to Alaska. It ends on a dusty dirt road so I hope the rest of it isn't like this. After an 'average' crossing of Drake Passage again, 5-6 m swells and 40-50 knot winds, we called in to a sheltered spot by Cape Horn, which is really an island. A new monument to all the ships that have been wrecked and sailors who have been lost, was erected in 1992. Over 1000 ships have gone down. The worst year was 1905 when, of 130 ships who tried to round the Horn, 53 were lost. The space between the two parts of the monument show the outline of an albatross when viewed from a certain angle. The poem ... read more
The monitoring station on Cape Horn
The monument to lost sailors
Steps down to the water's edge

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