Page 2 of Keep Smiling Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » Madhya Pradesh » Bandhavgarh NP January 22nd 2018

...'In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry' With these words from the 18th-century poet William Blake ringing in our ears ('symmetry' can be made to rhyme with 'eye' if you try!), we set forth from Rishikesh in the northern state of Uttarakhand on a journey of more than 1,000 kms (600 miles) south to Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh. Our goal: to see a wild tiger (with an 'i', not a 'y'). We'd have been happy to see just one of the 2,000 or so remaining on the Indian subcontinent. It was something that had eluded us five years before, even after 20 hours of safaris in Rajasthan's Ranthambore National Park, that most famous of tiger reserves. Oh, and just in case we should be accused ... read more
The goddess Durga
A morning safari

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Devprayag January 18th 2018

India's high caste Brahmins say a prayer three times a day, just before sunrise, at noon and just before sunset, in which they praise water as the energy giver and healer. No water in India is praised more highly than that of the Ganges and our spiritual journey would have been incomplete without a visit to where this holiest of all holy rivers begins its life. Perhaps that's why we chose to go to Rishikesh - not so much to discover what all The Beatles fuss was about (), nor even to experience another evening aarthi ceremony (even though that alone was worth going there for). Rather, it may have been because Rishikesh was only a couple of hours from where the sacred Ganges is born. There's a popular misconception that the Ganges starts at the ... read more
One of the deep ravines
The confluence at Devprayag
Many, many steps down to the bridge across the Bhagirathi River

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh January 17th 2018

' goes on, braah. La-la, how the life goes on!' This blog could have been titled 'Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey' or possibly any of the other tracks on The Beatles 'White Album'. Most of them were composed during their encounter with transcendental meditation here in Rishikesh during March and April of 1968. But, yes, 'life goes on' today much as it was when Paul McCartney wrote Ob-La-Di... all those years ago. Backpackers still flock here in search of 'enlightenment' and the town remains preoccupied with meditation and yoga. It's a kind of spiritual Disneyland for Westerners. Indeed, some of the tourists we encountered during our short stay - and they were here in vastly greater numbers than in Haridwar - apparently thought it was still the '60s or '70s. Their ... read more
The Ganges looking north from Lakshman Jhula
Downstream from Lakshman Jhula
On the road to the evening aarthi

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Haridwar January 16th 2018

The temperature had dropped like a stone as soon as the sun went down at Har-ki-Pauri the previous evening. Seated on a step within inches of the river watching the aarthi ceremony, I'd respected tradition with bare feet. They'd been as cold as the Ganges' icy water! Clearly, it wasn't much warmer outside this morning. We awoke to a heavy grey mist almost obliterating the view from our terrace at the Devnadi Hotel. It happens at this time of year - warm by day, cold by night... fog in the morning. We added an extra layer, went down to the restaurant for a hot breakfast and hoped that things might improve later. Satish, a knowledgeable guide booked for our next two days by the hotel's lovely Jasmeet, soon arrived. Thankfully, so did the sun... Visibility had ... read more
The footpath beside the ghats
A shave and a statue of a guru
Har-ki-Pauri at Makar Sankranti

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Haridwar January 13th 2018

The Ganges - iconic, sacred... and polluted. It's yet another of those unfathomable dichotomies that is India. Hindu legend relates how the gods commanded goddess Ganga, a river living in the heavens, to fall to Earth. Ganga didn't really want to leave and, because she was being forced, threatened to destroy all life on Earth by the strength of her flow. Fortunately, as she fell, the powerful god Shiva, the ‘destroyer of evil’, caught her in his dreadlocks and tied her in knots. Later, he released her to tumble gently down from the Himalayas and meander across the plains of India to the ocean. On Earth, Ganga offered devout Hindus a way of life and a way back to the heavens. As a goddess, her water's considered very pure and, as believers in reincarnation, Hindus regard ... read more
A diya on the Ganges
The fast-flowing Ganges...
The Ganges at Haridwar

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » New Delhi January 12th 2018

Have you ever noticed the magic that happens when your flight reaches its destination? As the aircraft taxis from the runway, a flight attendant broadcasts the local time and weather and instructs everyone to ‘remain seated until the aircraft comes to a complete halt’. Many seconds before it does, a disobedient scramble ensues as seat belts are unbuckled, mobile phones are switched on, overhead lockers are ransacked and weighty bags heaved down. The noisy throng hovers awkwardly and impatiently for ten minutes until the aircraft door is swung open. Weary travellers stumble slowly forward to the cabin crew's fixed smiles and parrot-fashion goodbyes... ...and then the magic happens! The smell of the air outside announces your destination. Breathe in... Every destination has a different scent, filling your sinuses with something b... read more
The nightmare that is Delhi traffic
A character met along the way
Humayun's Tomb

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » New Delhi January 10th 2018

I’m an India addict and this is my 12th visit… I confess - I’m addicted to this country's culture, its myths and legends, its religions, architecture, wildlife, food and, perhaps above all, its people. They're all in my blood and I'm desperate for what's become my annual fix! Now, I'm only a few short weeks away from satisfying that craving. Since my first visit to this vast, unbelievably chaotic, wonderful land in 1972, I’ve visited 11 of its 29 States and one of its seven Union Territories. I’ve passed through several others, but simply passing through doesn’t count, does it? So, here I go again, adding one new State and a lot of new places, faces and discoveries. I’ll also include a few familiar ones by way of rehab. This time, I’m looking forward to having ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 15th 2017

Wednesday was yet another glorious sunny day. I love this weather and I'm definitely not looking forward to returning to potentially grey skies and rain in England in just a days’ time. Making the most of the hours left, I started preparing my luggage for the journey home, then went back to the optician with Rajshri's younger brother Monty to collect my smart new specs. Monty had been such a great help to me during my stay, available at a moment's notice whenever I needed assistance and acting as interpreter and driver with such warmth and friendship. In the afternoon, I was collected by my other former Facebook friends Girdhar and his son Yashoraj, both very keen photographers and wildlife lovers whom I'd met on my visit to Jaipur in 2016. Today was to be another ... read more
Jhalana Forest
The shy male leopard
Tea time in Jhalana Forest

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 14th 2017

The effects of Monday afternoon's excesses lulled me to sleep on the mattress from hell. I awoke on Tuesday in time to meet Manish again at the Jorawar Singh Gate on the far side of the old Pink City shortly after 7.30a.m. Kindly, knowing I wouldn't have had time for breakfast at my hotel, he took me on his motorbike to his home a few minutes away. His wife Krishna had prepared masala chai (the sweet, spiced tea found throughout India), together with what they usually had for breakfast at this time of year. There on a tray were hot, golden-brown Moong Dhal Halva (a filling sweet dish made from split green chickpea paste simmered gently for a long time in clarified butter - ghee), some yummy Petha (little cigar-shaped sweet biscuits made from the ash ... read more
Manish on the transmission tower
Shri Krishna Charan Mandir
Manish in 'the jungle'

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 13th 2017

There'd been some light rain in the night and Monday dawned cool and bright. The only sounds to be heard from my balcony were the Laughing Doves' cooing, Rose-ringed Parakeets' shrill squawking, the click-click calling of Palm Squirrels, and the hotel's two rival roosters shepherding their hens and loudly 'cock-a-doodle-doo'ing. In the background, horns of railway trains entering and leaving the city's main station a kilometre or so away bellowed on the breeze - as they did at frequent intervals throughout the day and night, one of the few drawbacks of staying here in Jaipur's Civil Lines area. Today was Holi - a festival well known, even outside of India, for its generous use of coloured powders, known here as gulal. Once made from natural vegetable dyes, then toxic chemical ones, the gulal are now commercially-produced ... read more
Water-based colours...

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