Page 14 of Keep Smiling Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur December 19th 2005

India occupies only 2.4 percent of the world’s land area, yet it supports around 16 percent of the global population. With over a billion people*, its average population density is higher than any other nation of comparable size - andit continues to add the equivalent of Australia’s total population every year! It should come as little surprise then that this overpopulation leads to severe economic hardship and, in turn, to diseases which we fortunate Westerners seldom, if ever, encounter. So, I’ve been careful to be prepared for disease. Like most NHS doctors’ surgeries, ours dispenses free inoculations against the most virulent of the nasties to which the people of India are routinely exposed. Jabs against diphtheria and tetanus in my left arm and typhoid in the right meant sleeping on my back for a couple of ... read more
One puppet?

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur December 18th 2005

As one who’s been to India before, I can safely say that, when travelling there, you have to be more prepared than if you were travelling to almost anywhere else! Of course, you must always be prepared to keep an open mind and a sense of humour but, above all, you have to be prepared for: Delhi Belly, Jaipur Jippy and Bombay Bum It’s a known fact that travellers’ diarrhoea is the number one health problem for overseas tourists. Wasting days sitting in hotel bathrooms is neither a worthwhile nor enjoyable experience! British doctors will probably tell you there’s nothing you can take to prevent you getting it - just follow the ‘boil it, peel it, or forget it’ routine - and, when the inevitable happens, take Imodium* and keep your fingers and legs crossed for ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur December 16th 2005

During our ’97 tour of Rajasthan, we visited the fabulous Jain temples at Ranakpur. After lunch at a nearby hotel, while photographing a colourful bird in the hotel’s garden, I found someone looking over my shoulder. It was a boy - aged nearly 14, named Lajpal, he told me in halting English. I took his photo, he wrote down his address. On our return to the UK, I sent him his photograph. Six months later, it came back - address unknown. So, I sent the photo to the hotel manager, asking if he knew this boy. It turned out to be his nephew. A brief thank you letter from Lajpal followed and, in subsequent exchanges of correspondence, his command of English and my understanding of his background continued to improve. I was as intrigued to learn ... read more
A pilot?

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur December 15th 2005

The year 2006 will start with a trip to India. It’s a fascinating country and I’ve been fortunate to visit it on several occasions, most recently with my wife, Pat, to celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary in 1997. We joined a group of Brits on a package tour of Rajasthan; I loved everything about it, but the trip was marred by Pat’s dislike of the taste and smell of curry! Plus, while we took all the usual precautions - peeling fruit, declining salads, brushing teeth with bottled water - we both ended up with humungous doses of Delhi Belly, Jaipur Jippy and Bombay Bum, and sometimes all three at once! We survived, but Pat’s never forgotten, nor forgiven. So, I’ll be on my own in India this time. I say ‘on my own’, but only on ... read more

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