Kearstin Fishley


Kearstin Fishley

I've been a few places . . . and hope to see many more!

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley August 5th 2012

Went on a day tour today as the others were starting their trek to Machu Picchu. Angela and I went to Sacred Valley. We stopped by Pisac ruins and wandered through Incan ruins and then wandered through hundreds of bussed to get back down the hill! You have not seen a traffic jam until you have huge tourist busses and other traffic going both directions on a single lane, where busses are parked, and along a cliff! We were late getting to Pisac town which meant only 20 minutes in the country's famous market :( Lunch was had in Urubamba town on our way to Ollantaytambo Ruins. This one is shaped as a llama. There are so many interesting things about how it was built in relation to astronomy. For example, it is situated exacly so ... read more
Pisac Market
Ollantaytambo 1

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 4th 2012

Koricancha / Qoricancha /Temple of the Sun Cusco was the center of the Incan Empire. Its name means "Navel". It is exactly between the two tallest mountains in South America. The city itself is shaped like a puma. The sun temple was very hard to destroy, it was built to withstand earthquakes. Infact, in 1950 when 40% of Cusco was destroyed by an earthquake, NONE of the Incan Ruins were harmed. When the spanish invaded they built the church (and city) on top of the Incan work or incorporated it.... read more
Temple of the Sun

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 3rd 2012

We went on a tour of Cusco with Reni. One wall on our walk shows a puma. This is the head.... read more
View of Cusco

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa August 2nd 2012

Day two started with a cold 5:00 am morning. We went to see a small town and church. Then drove for an hour to see the terraces (built by the incas and still in use today). They are an amazing sight! The big highlight was the Colca Canyon and the condors. We had to wait only a few minutes to have the condors come out and give us a show. And wouldn't you know, it started while I was in the line for el baño! Got some photos, but they are so quick for giant birds! lol. We saw 3 or 4 young (brown) and a few adults (white and black), which apparently doesn't happen as often. Here is one that I took while they were soaring above. We drove back to Arequipa (glad that we ... read more
highest point
colca canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Chivay August 1st 2012

Went on a two day tour from Arequipa. Saw some great scenery that we had missed before due to the overnight bus ride to Arequipa. The roads are very windy and and the land is very dessert-like with many cactus and volcanic rock strewn about. We were lucky to see wild Viccuna and learned about the differences between llama, alpaca, and viccunna. I didn't try the cocoa leaves (for atlitude) as I was worried they might make my stomach upset. We reached the highest point at 4900m! Here there are rocks stacked up as offerings to the gods. I got very light-headed and had to walk so slow and sit to take some breathers. But good news - I didn´t faint and land in the squat toilet :) I felt better as we descended to Chivay ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines July 30th 2012

Well I didn´t do the flight! I started the morning off with "the boys" (Grant, Manny, Des, and Victor) to go and see the Nazca mummies at Chauchilla Cemetery. Not sure how safe the journey was - our speedometer didn´t work, but the car did overheat! The mummies are amazing. So many to see and so many burried yet (eventough grave robbers desecrated many tombs). All of them are burried in the fetal position so that they can be born again from mother earth. We also saw the lines! Well, in fact, I got to touch them! I was surprised that they aren´t actually "lines" in the traditional sense of the word. They are more like paths that have been scraped of the top layer of rock. The climate here has kept them intact for this ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Paracas July 29th 2012

We started off the day with a little more sight seeing. We were able to squeeze in St. Dominican church and San Fransisco Church. San Francisco is a beautiful church, but the main attraction is the catecombs. They are like everything you could imagine them to be - close enough to touch bones. Over 11000 bodies, but all arranged with similar bones together. Then we walked to Iglesia y Convento Santo Domingo (church and monestary). We were able to clime up the bell tower to get a great view of Lima's center. Grace and I went out to get something to eat before leaving for the bus. When we were waiting for our food we got to experience an earthquake!!! But just a little one. It was still exciting for me. Other than a family in ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 28th 2012

Today was wild! Morning was slow. Left hostel at 1. The 20 min ride took 1 hour 20 mins because of road closures close to the city center! Felt so bad for the taxi driver (set rate of 20 soles). Paid him an extra tip! Saw a LOT of the city I wouldn´t have - Best quote of the day "lock your doors miss we are not safe here". Yup. ok! Then we went through the slums and a protest!! Had to walk 4 blocks to the hotel because blocked traffic. Police everywhere though so felt ok. Met my roomie - Grace from England. She is about my age and a teacher too! Getting along well. We went to city center and watched the parade and celebrations - it was a life experience! Never going to ... read more
close up of flute player
another costume

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco July 27th 2012

I love shopping! Rode the bus again- very local this time - but mqde it! Inca market is HUGE! I thought i was done, but had only done a quarter. Ran out of money :) found uno banco, had some food, and went back! Bought myself a hat with flower - and a poncho! - can you believe it? But its not traditional, more for dress. Found some gifts as well. Could have bought a whole lot more! Could have been done shopping for the whole trip there. But there will be more. Lets hope it all fits in my suitcase! Off tomorrow to meet group. Only side effect of vaccine is tired feet ;)... read more

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