Karen Tyler

Karen Meets Korea Europe

Karen Tyler

My life changing adventure begins in Dec 2010. The journey takes my husband and I from San Antonio, TX to Seoul, South Korea. My husband was honored to accept an amazing career opportunity. As his soul mate I choose to join him and leave behind, family, friends and an inspiring career in the nonprofit sector. My previous job with SAMMinistries created for me to be blessed daily by the work I was doing in helping those who are in a state of transition from homelessness to regaining self-sufficiency. It takes teams of staff, volunteers, donors and friends working together to meet the budgets and the goals of the mission. So let our adventure together as a foreigner begin!

Oh my goodness life is so filled with unexpected adventures. So glad to be back blogging about some of these humbling, fun filled, real life experiences with those who may take an interest in reading this blog. Day one, our adventure begins as Sisters in Christ, (Pam & I) embark on what at the time appears to be no different than any planned travels to and from a determined destination. My heart is connected to helping and supporting my dearest friend in doing some much needed upgrades on a family Lake House located at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. All knowing that the house has not really had TLC for close to 20 years or so. Each of us are not quit sure what exactly to expect upon arrival. A close relative has been ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Westminster August 10th 2013

This weekend it was time to journey out with my hubby. He chose the path for these adventures. I find that it takes at least and hour or more of preplanning...searching maps and discovering route options in order to arrive close to ones intended destination. The goal for Saturday, 10 August was to land our feet in the Westminster Region. Our journey began on foot, when then connected on a bus from Warwick Gardens, bus C9, which traveled towards Trafalgar Square. Along the way I noted Kensington Park, this park includes The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Playground, The Round Pond and the Serpentine. West Carriage Road cuts through the park South to North. The other amazing Parks noted were the Green Park and St. James Parks. Green Park contains Buckingham Palace and Gardens. Upon the ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London August 6th 2013

Sweet Morning to you. Setting goals for a day venturing out in new territory is as valuable as one remembering where one has parked ones car. They each take some time to map out in your brain the location of where you begin and where you end.My goal for this day was to locate a place that sells hair dryers and SIM cards. My morning began with a quick shower and then off to blow dry my hair. I brought along with me the electrical voltage converter plugs. Plug in the converter...check...plug the hair dryer plug into the converter...check...turn on the dryer then oh my...smoke is billowing out of the dryer. Yes...I blew up my favorite U.S dryer. Another great lesson learned. Converters will only work those items that pull lower voltages I am assuming. No ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London August 4th 2013

Taking on embracing life in a foreign country is much like wiping the slate clean of habitual habits formed in your inherent culture. Cars are zooming around at a much faster pace than in the US. It would be fun to join in the race. Thinking I would need some practice though as they drive on the opposite side of the road. Walking around can be a bit of an adjustment here. Love the fact they have Arrows painted on the pavement of the crosswalk to identify which way to look before crossing the street. I observe that there are no street signs, which can be a bit challenging in finding your way. GPS for me is a must here. Although a bit revealing if you have no international phone or wireless connections. First day out-discovered ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London August 2nd 2013

In this life we are not entirely in control of our intended route of destination. Valuable lessons learned. Let us start from the beginning of my journey to Europe. United Airlines is definitely not my airline of preference. Flight out of San Antonio delayed into Chicago, reason stated 'due to weather and traffic control'. Arriving at O'Hare just in time to see my connection to London takeoff. Heartbreaking. Contacted customer service via phone. LESSON LEARNED: Always listen to your glut instinct. My instinct was to not get on the SA flight and to reschedule for the next day. 1st change in destination-Best option quoted was to fly from Chicago to Denver, then into Washington DC and on to London. In my thoughts I am thinking wow I never imagined touring the US in order to get ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Pyeongtaek June 6th 2012

Greetings to my interested friends. Let us start with the definition of: spon·ta·ne·ous/spänˈtānēəs/ Adjective Performed or occurring without premeditation or external stimulus: "spontaneous applause". (of a person) Having a natural, and uninhibited manner Residing here in S. Korea I am happy to say that there are far to many moments to count where I live my life in a natural state and uninhibited manner. Adventures present themselves far beyond my imagination that bring aha moments for sure. Let's get moving to some good stuff that you may or may not also find intriguing. On day 3 of living in our new home Mr. T proposed his desire to host a small Welcome to Pyeongtaek in our home. Wallah within 2 days the fun gathering became a reality. We had the pleasure of having 10 staff members ... read more
Sun Cruise Resort
Fun Style by Una

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Pyeongtaek May 29th 2012

This adventure journal is once again for those dear friends, family and those whom I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting in my journey within this lifetime. We have now journeyed from the city life of Seoul to country life of the Pyeongtaek (Camp Humphrey's) surrounding area. As I ponder my thoughts to describe this move the crisp memory of Zsa Zsa Gabor playing her amazing role on Green Acres comes vividly into my mind. This brings a sweet smile to my face as I recall her portrait of the city girl re-aclimating to the life of a country girl...LOL! Prior to leaving Seoul I was blessed to become better acquainted with the areas of Insadong, Sandong & Hangang River in S. Korea. It is so funny how the human spirit becomes engaged and ... read more
The Bungalow in Itaewon
Pineapple Dessert at The Bungalow
Radio Garden, Itaewon

Asia » South Korea May 3rd 2012

After 6 months away in the U.S. I longed to return to pursue this unfinished journey in S. Korea. Who's to say if this is a right or wrong decision...guess this one is between God and myself. It has been very interesting thus far as I continue through my midlife of self-discovery. The sights and sounds quickly become familiar here, as it has been awhile since my writing of my journal adventures for those who enjoy engaging themselves in living through my adventures. I must admit I feel a bit rusty at getting my mind in the flow of informative writing. On one of our dinner adventures we had the unique pleasure of ordering something unknown, which turned out to be 'Raw Beef'. My hubby found himself a new delicacy, while I discovered my fear of ... read more
Raw Beef
Yongsan Station
Train Ticket

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station June 6th 2011

Life is so filled with funny moments. Lately I have felt as though I could make millions of dollars with some of my adventures here in Seoul. I wonder if we are provided to encounter the most embarrassing moments to humble us in our journey on this earth. First I will begin with general updates and then end on funny highlights. Get you favorite beverage, relax and enjoy this read as I bring you up to speed. Updates: As many of you already know I took the Millers Analogy Test recently. My score will be revealed by the end of July. I am planning to continue my education at the Yongsan Garrison Army base through the Troy University extension. Degree plan: Master's in International Relations. Due to begin in August. Special thanks to Rick Tavarres, my ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu » Ichon Station May 16th 2011

What causes for us to become inspired? This is an answer that I think changes based on one;s past and daily experiences. In this blog posting I will share some of my inspirational experiences and let you come to your conclussions about the causes. Currently I am continuing to embellish myself in my Hanji Painting. At times it can be a bit challenging as I am learning artistic techniques. None the less, I love doing this. I have set-up my own little studio within one of the enclosed balcony areas. It is a great work space and not to mention such an amazing view of the river. Social shopping has dramatically slowed down as I try to stay at home more. An outcome is that I do not have as much one-on-one interaction with the friends, ... read more
New Friend

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