Page 3 of Johnny speaks Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan March 2nd 2011

Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island My great grandfather came to the United States through Ellis Island so, naturally, I was excited for our Liberty Island/Ellis Island trip today. We woke up early, because we had reserved tickets for the Liberty Island ferry at 12pm. Later, we found out that because we reserved online we got to wait in a tiny line to go through security instead of the anaconda line for people who bought tickets at the dock. The security was pretty tight and we almost didn't make it onto our ferry, but we got seats on the top level. We had read that for the best views you should ride on the right side of the ferry to the island and the left side on the way back. This was absolutely great advice, because ... read more
Manhattan skyline
Ground Zero
Statue of Liberty

North America » United States » New York » New York March 1st 2011

I've lived in the United States my whole life and have done almost no sightseeing within my own country, so here is a look at New York City, my first trip, through the eyes of an American. I've been so excited to see New York, because so many of my friends that I met in Europe had already been to NYC and I felt stupid having never seen it! I've grown up watching so many movies that have been filmed here and I know of so many places in NYC, just from hearing dialogues in different movies. I had to finally experience New York. Mia and I took an overnight bus to New York (about 9 1/2 hours, not too bad), which dropped us off in China Town. It felt like I walked right back into ... read more
Times Square
Our Flag
Chrysler Building

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg January 29th 2011

Mia and I are going back to the US for a while soon so we planned one more trip from Munich. We took a train to Salzburg and we were surprised to find one of the most beautiful (and maybe our favorite) towns we’ve seen in Europe. Salzburg is really a year-round “tourist” town, its beauty is evident even in the darkness of winter and tourists around the world seem to know it. We bought a Bayern ticket, which is an amazing deal. You can take any trains (excluding ICE’s) in Bavaria (Bayern in German) the whole day and it also includes Salzburg for one low price (I think 20 Euro for one person, 29 Euro for 2-5 people). Salzburg is in Austria, but it’s still included in the Bayern ticket, because Salzburg lies only a ... read more
Saint Peters
Behind the fortress

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich January 25th 2011

I've gotten a few messages here on travel blog asking me or encouraging me about my language learning and passion for it. Special thanks to for suggesting to put it all into a blog. This has kind of been my mixed-up gap year, trying to figure out what I want to do, but also learning languages. I just got back from my first trip out of my home country in August and now I'm studying languages abroad for a while. Not any hardcore traveling from place to place hitting famous sites, but I can use the city I'm studying in as a base to explore a lot of the surrounding areas. The trip last summer was to China and right now I'm in Germany improving my German. It's also my first time in Europe so I've ... read more
Beijing, China
The Alps

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin January 22nd 2011

Day 2 in Berlin started with seeing another Bourne site! Alexanderplatz, where Bourne has Nicky meet him under the world clock in the Bourne Supremacy. The world clock is an interesting installment. It has the time zones (1-24) wrapped around a tall, cylinder shaped object off to the side of Alexanderplatz. Wrapped around under the zones is a map of the world with major cities under whichever time zone they belong to. Anyways, we saw a lot more today too. After breakfast at Alexanderplatz we walked over to the huge TV tower. I'm told most Berliners hate the tower, but I didn't mind it too much. It reminded me a little of the Oriental Pearl TV tower in Shanghai. Right next to the TV tower is the red Old City Hall and also a big fountain ... read more
Checkpoint Charlie
East Side Gallery
People flocking through the wall

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin January 21st 2011

I arrived in Berlin ready to explore the next capital! I’m considering a university in Berlin too so Mia and I planned a weekend trip to see the city and the university. I flew straight from Paris to Berlin and I picked up Mia at the bus station this morning. Then we went back to the hostel really quick to drop off the bags before we got started seeing the city. The hostel we’re staying at is awesome! Huge room, wifi, pool, sauna, private bathroom with huge shower, the works. It’s part hostel and part hotel. We’re staying in the hostel part and for only 16 Euro a night! It’s called Plus Berlin and they have “plus” branches in a few major European cities like Prague, Florence, and a couple more I can’t remember. Well, that ... read more
Memorial to Murdered Jews of Europe
On Museum Island
Berlin Wall

Europe » France » Paris January 20th 2011

It was my last day in Paris and I made the most of it. I searched online and found all the places in Paris the Bourne Identity was filmed and started my quest right after seeing Le Louvre. I followed Bourne around Paris and still got to see every cultural artifact or monument I wanted to see (except the inside of the Pantheon). All the pictures for the Bourne adventure are last in order on the blog if you want to see them and their descriptions. As I said, I started the day off at Le Louvre, wanting to make sure I actually got inside this time. I explored a bit of the Denon section, but I didn't even put a dent in all there was to see in this museum! It's more massive than anyone ... read more
It's her!
The Eiffel Tower from Champs de Mars

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Versailles January 19th 2011

I feel like I really got to know Paris today. Even though it sounded like a depressing way to start the day, I started with the Catacombs. The Catacombs of Paris were used when the government excavated a lot of cemeteries, because they were overfilled with the dead and started to spread disease to the living. They moved them all into a mass "grave" here in the Catacombs deep under Paris. Mass piles of dark clothes, bones, and corpses were carried through the streets of Paris to the Catacombs, with priests saying the prayer of the dead alongside. The way starts with stairs deep under ground and then about 15 minutes of walking through what seems to be a mine shaft. It was actually pretty creepy and I could've sworn I hear a scream once or ... read more
hundreds of thousands of bones
Front gate to Versailles

Europe » France » Paris January 18th 2011

So my first full day of exploring Paris and I had a lot of stuff planned. The first thing was to head to the Sorbonne university to talk to admissions. I had the breakfast buffet in the hostel and got on the métro towards la Sorbonne. I had emailed a lady in the admissions office last week and she told me I could come in to talk. When I got to the front door a guard stopped me and almost wouldn’t let me in. I had to basically prove I had an appointment and he finally let me go as long as I put my camera away (must’ve thought I was just a tourist). It’s a pretty big university and pretty old too (opened in 1253). After I found the right stair case and the right ... read more
Arc de Triomphe
Boy statue

Europe » France » Paris January 17th 2011

“Show me your papers.” Well no, he didn’t say that exactly, but the German police officer with the submachine gun in his hand wanted to see my passport. This is right after I had to take my bag apart for the security scanners to send it through a second time. As soon as I finished packing back up the two police officers were right behind me. After spending a good 10 minutes with my passport, speaking into their radios, and pointing at different oddities in my passport, the armed officer came back over to me and asked if I speak German. I told him yes, a bit. He went back to his partner and conversed with her for a while longer, only taking a break to come back over to me and ask me an odd ... read more
Arc de Triomphe in the distance
Notre Dame de Paris
La Tour Eiffel at night

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