Heather Jasper


Heather Jasper

I live in Cusco, Peru and will be posting mostly about my trips around Peru and South America. From August 2012 to June 2014 I lived in Dhaka, Bangladesh and blogged about living there and traveling around Southeast Asia. This blog also contains my stories from living in Istanbul, two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco, and some other travels.

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco July 2nd 2023

My 2020 weekly blogs were so popular that I'm reinventing them as a weekly travel tip! You'll also get links to my latest blogs and published articles. Please sign up for the travel tips on my website heatherjasper.com Here's a sneak peak from today's travel tip. Weekly Travel Tip #1 Sign up for flight price alerts. Travel doesn’t have to involve flying, but it so often does that I wanted to start my weekly travel tips with this important step. Every year, there are more and more great services that will help you find flight deals. Sometimes a credit card that you already have has travel services. Here are my three favorite services, with their pros and cons. For all three of these services, you need to have any idea of either where you want to ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco May 9th 2023

This blog is available with more photos on my website https://heatherjasper.com Waqra Pukará is one of the most spectacular Inca ruins in Peru and one of my top recommendations for alternatives to Machu Picchu. It’s an isolated tower, with two giant stone “horns” that give the site its name. Waqra is the Quechua word for horned and Pukará means fortress. The Apurímac River Canyon far below makes the high promontory even more dramatic. The ruins are at 4,140 meters above sea level (13,583 feet) and the river is at about 3,230 meters (10,600 ft). I think the location is much more impressive than Machu Picchu. From a distance, Waqra Pukará seems completely natural. When you get closer, you’ll see the remnants of walls surrounding the site, flat areas that were obviously leveled by people and stairs ... read more
Waqra Pukará in April
Waqra Pukará terraces
Only four groups of tourists on a weekend

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Quebrada de Humahuaca April 24th 2023

A medicinal herbs expert, a human rights advocate, a de-colonization activist, and a mother with a passion for creative baking using Andean ingredients; Celestina Avalos is all of that and more. This blog (and all my blogs) is available on my website with more photos. I first went to Tumbaya to learn about the region’s medicinal herbs. Say Hueque gave me the name and phone number of a woman named Celestina Avalos who teaches about medicinal herbs, as part of my trip to northern Argentina. I knew there was more to see in the north after the visit Say Hueque booked for me at Pristine Camps in Salinas Grandes. I wanted to meet Indigenous women and learn about what life was like for them. Specifically, I wanted to know how different the herbs in the Argentine ... read more
Celestina at the Cemetery
Tumbaya Cemetery

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Tilcara April 20th 2023

Visit Tilcara for an Inca fortress, good food, plenty of lodging options and easy transportation. This blog with more photos (and all my blogs) is available on my website . The town is very walkable and on almost every block I passes several small, family-run hostels and B&Bs. Between the center of town and the main tourist attractions are also a few campgrounds. I saw almost as many restaurants, but only had time to try one, which I thoroughly enjoyed. (Restaurant review is at the end of this blog). Tilcara is one of the main towns in the Quebrada de Humahuaca, a valley that runs north and south between the high altitude altiplano on the west and the valleys that lead to the Amazon Basin on the east. The location made it an important trading center ... read more
Tilcara Valley
Tilcara Memory, Truth & Justice Monument
Archeological Monument Explanation

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca April 18th 2023

Purmamarca has everything you need in a small town: cute plaza, friendly people, good food, wide variety of places to stay, interesting culture and spectacular landscapes. This blog (and all my blogs) is on my website with lots more photos. I went to Purmamarca for its famous hike around the hills behind town, which they call Rainbow Mountain. Having seen Cusco’s Rainbow Mountain and the Painted Hills in Oregon, I wanted to see how this one compared. It’s so completely different that I don’t think it can be compared. The hike is a simple walk and there is a road for those who don’t want to walk. You can do it in half an hour if you are just there for the walk. If you want to stop along the way for photos, give yourself an ... read more

South America » Argentina » Jujuy April 11th 2023

Do hotels deserve a whole blog to themselves? No. Does Pristine Camps at Salinas Grandes deserve its own blog? Absolutely. This blog is available url=https://heatherjasper.com/argentina-blogs-southamerica-travel-tips/pristine-camps-salinas-grandeson my website with lots more photos . In a country full of spectacular places, Salinas Grandes are one of the most beautiful places in Argentina. Pristine Camps has made that beauty accessible for people who want to see the full 24 hour wonder of the salt flats. The Salinas Grandes salt flats in northern Argentina are the most otherworldly place I’ve ever seen. I’ve been in spectacular deserts before, especially in the Four Corners area of the US, but I’ve never seen anything like the salt flats. It was like being on the moon. I was very comfortable but also kind of felt like I was in a spaceship because of ... read more
Working remotely in Salinas Grandes
Partnering with local communities
Night photography at Pristine Camps

South America » Argentina » Jujuy April 10th 2023

This blog (and all my blogs) are on my website with lots more photos . Say Hueque organized my trip to Salinas Grandes and I highly recommend them for trips anywhere in Argentina! Llama caravans brought llama wool and other products to trade from Bolivia to Argentina for thousands of years. The llama caravan tradition didn’t end until 2018, making Barrancas one of the best places in Argentina to learn about Andean culture. The first excursion I did from Pristine Camps was to Barrancas, a canyon with dramatic orange cliffs and an even more dramatic history. Hundreds of pictographs and petroglyphs line the canyon, mostly depicting what are obviously llama caravans. Visiting the canyon was fascinating and my gu... read more
Local guides required
Pristine Camps Salinas Grandes picnic lunch
The real stone map

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia March 18th 2023

This blog with more photos is available on my website . Say Hueque organized my tours in Ushuaia and did a fantastic job of finding the most environmentally responsible local tour operators. I highly recommend them for sustainable travel in both Argentine and Chilean Patagonia! I spent three weeks in Ushuaia and got to do just about everything! Here are my favorite hikes and places to get outside and enjoy the spectacular nature that Tierra del Fuego has to offer! Alarkén Nature Reserve The easiest hikes with fantastic views leave from Arakur Resort. There are three trails, all clearly marked and easy to follow. They are public trails on the Cerro Alarkén Nature Reserve that you can... read more
Beagle Channel Islands
Tierra del Fuego National Park
Cerro Alarkén

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Punta Arenas January 21st 2023

This and all my blogs are available on my website with more photos https://heatherjasper.com/chile/wildlife-near-punta-arenas Say Hueque organized my penguin and whale watching tours. I went with them because of their environmental mission to go beyond sustainability. They were also super easy to work with! Highly recommended! The three most popular tours from Punta Arenas are also my favorites. This isn’t always the case. I often find the most popular places have become overly commercial, overly crowded or just plain boring. These tours are worth your time. The half day tour to see Magellanic penguins on Isla Magdalena, the full day tour to Tierra del Fuego and the full day whale watching tours truly are fantastic. I also recommend independently visiting Pali Aike National Park a... read more
Penguins by the path!
Humpback Whale and Sea Lions
King Penguin Colony, Tierra del Fuego

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador October 29th 2022

This blog and lots more photos are available on my website https://heatherjasper.com/brazil/salvador-beaches Salvador has beaches for everybody. There are sandy beaches and pebbly beaches. There are beaches for surfing and beaches with benches of rock just offshore that break the waves and leave the beaches calm. My favorites were the beaches with giant tide pools that people use as heated swimming pools. The black rock absorbs the sun and leaves the pools even warmer than the already warm ocean. Praia Farol da Barra One of the most popular beaches in Salvador, Praia Farol da Barra has soft sand and low waves. The big rollers from the Atlantic are broken by benches of rock that serve as a reef and protect the beach. Praia da Gamboa The heart of Salvador is built right to the water’s edge. ... read more
Praia Farol da Barra
Praia da Gamboa
Praia de Itapuã

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