ClairesTravel's Guestbook

22nd May 2024

Furry Cows
Love the cows. The countryside is lovely. I could definitely live there, if it wasn’t so cold.
From Blog: Inverness
18th May 2024

Stone structures
Amazing pix. No rain! The stone structures are fascinating. Can’t imagine what life was like when the structures were occupied.
From Blog: Orkney
16th May 2024

Cool tour
Love those BEATLES and Strawberry Fields Forever
From Blog: The Beatles
14th May 2024

Loved the "Sweet Caroline" sign. You'll have to type out the translation for the town name; it's too blurry to read on the computer. Have fun!
14th May 2024

Doesn't sound like a fun day :-(
I hope today is sunny and bright and you're both feeling healthy now.
From Blog: Irish Luck????
9th May 2024

Too much talking
Yikes! The tour guide sounds like a nut case or at the very least someone who has a confused view of her job. Glad the rest of the day went well. England is gorgeous. Pix are great. Hope you two are feeling better.
9th May 2024

Seems familiar
This reminds me of the crazy cab driver we had in Hawaii from the airport. At least it was all opinions and you weren't worried about actually making it back like we were.
8th May 2024

I hope you both get healthy soon.
Glad you made it and are enjoying your latest sister trip :-)
8th May 2024

Smith Streets
I liked your pictures of the "Smith Streets" and the other sights. Sorry the trip didn't start well, but I hope both of you get feeling better quickly and you enjoy your time. Love you both!
7th August 2023

Just seeing the beautiful butterflies would make the trip awesome.
From Blog: Mariposa
4th August 2023

What a delicious experience! The fruit sounds amazing.
From Blog: Culinary Delight
9th September 2022

Have a good trip home
Oh my! This trip is so different from previous trips. The important thing is you are both well and headed home. Loved your travel blog. Looking forward to seeing you in Carolina Beach.
9th September 2022

Safe Travels
I hope your trip home is smooth!
8th September 2022

Yay! Baltic Sea Experience
Glad I inspired you to test out the Baltic Sea waters. Was it cold?
6th September 2022

Glad you had a great day!
I love pierogi, and would choose those over a doughnut any day!
5th September 2022

Love the pics
So excited to see your pics. Weather prevented us from mooring in Bornholm so your visit is my visit. Thanks for sharing.
4th September 2022

Thankful you are out.
Hope you enjoyed the jazz cruise. Loved your pics.
From Blog: Together Again
4th September 2022

at first we were not real sure we wanted to do it as we were really tired, but since we couldn't get our money back we went. We were so glad we went as we really enjoyed it.
From Blog: Together Again
4th September 2022

Out of COVID Jail
Congratulations for being sprung from COVID jail. Now you both will enjoy touring while in each other’s company. Lobster for dinner. Yum
From Blog: Denmark
2nd September 2022

Claire, I'm so happy to learn that you are out of quarantine!!!!!! And, celebrating with bubbles :-) I'll look forward to hearing about your adventures with Susan.
From Blog: Denmark
2nd September 2022

Susan is free and looking great.
But, sad Claire is still in quarantine.
From Blog: Escape - Susan
2nd September 2022

Hoping you were on the "right" side
When I was there a few months ago, my friend an I had a view of the fortress from our dining room table. It's so easy to access and no fee for entrance. If Susan hasn't walked over there she should. It's an easy walk and beautiful park now with history. I just hate you've had to stay in. Vigeland is unforgettable. Glad Susan got to go there. My heart breaks for you being confined.
From Blog: Escape - Susan
31st August 2022

Window view
Hope Susan is feeling good and you get out of jail soon. The pix of the harbor are gorgeous. If you are in the water of a country does that count for visiting? Let me think…yup, it does!
From Blog: Quarantine
1st September 2022

I was on the ground for 2 of the stops so Norway counts. Norway was the next 3 days and since Susan was released this morning she gets Olso so it counts for her too. I should be out before all the Denmark stops (3) with a Germany in the middle so, I should be on the ground in all the countries, except maybe Germany where I've been multiple times. Fingers crossed.
From Blog: Quarantine
30th August 2022

So sad
I am so sad to hear both Susan and you are sick. Days in quarantine when you could be outside seeing the sites is so disappointing. I hope you shake COVID quickly so you can get on to having fun.

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