Casey Lary

Casey Lary

Casey Lary

Hello everyone and welcome to my travel blog! Travel is my passion in life and I try to do it as much as I possibly can. I was once asked why I enjoy traveling. I quickly replied traveling is where your dreams are made, where dreams become reality, and where one explores and witnesses what life is all about. This blog started as a way to record my travels while teaching in Japan, and well, I kinda started liking to do it so will continue along my travels.

Read on to see what adventures have unfolded thus far mainly in Asia, from amazing and interesting foods, friends, couchsurfing, lots and lots of beer, temples, boys, bowing, terrorizing Japanese people, embracing differences, falling in love, laughs, ridiculousness, inspiration, chaos, same same bud different cultures, countless modes of transportation, missed airplanes, trying out new languages, bizarre animals, lots and lots of mountains, visitors, teaching, learning....and somewhere in the midst of it all, life.

July 2005 - July 2007: Teaching English in Hiroshima Japan with trips to Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines, Boston, Hawaii, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, and Indonesia.

August 2007 - December 2007: Embarking on my dream trip through Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, China, Nepal, India, London and home to SF.

March 2012-April 2012: I'm participating in the Rickshaw Run! This is a 2000 mile race across India in an auto-rickshaw. It's going to CRAZY!

We are taking off for India tomorrow! It’s hard to believe that this day is finally here. This trip would not be possible without all the amazing support and donations we’ve received from our friends, families, and sponsors. We can’t thank you enough for your generous contributions. In this post I want to share a bit about the cause we are raising money for, how we raised our money, and shout outs to everyone that contributed. Donations Frank Water In addition to a crazy adventure across India, we have been fundraising for Frank Water (, a nonprofit that is funding clean water initiatives across India. Since 2005, Frank Water has funded over 70 clean water projects throughout the developing country. Our goal was to raise $2000, and we are now hovering around $3000! Last month we ... read more
Bar Night at Tonic
Sponsor #1: Modus Engineering
Sponsor #2: Riviera Partners

I’m two weeks away from embarking on The Adventurist’s Spring 2012 Rickshaw Run and it’s starting to sink in that this trip is actually going to happen. My team, “We Brake for Gandhi,” is actually going to race an auto-rickshaw 2000 miles across India from Cochin to Shillong. There are times that I’m super excited about this trip and think it will be the adventure of a lifetime. Other times I question if I’m just bat-shit crazy. Regardless of the truth, India here I come! Before I leave on this crazy trip I thought I’d take some time to explain a bit more about the Rickshaw Run, how I got involved and introduce my amazing teammates. I’ve been asked so many questions about this race. It’s great to know so many people are interested and supportive ... read more
Team We Brake for Gandhi!
This looks Fun
Indian Rickshaw

Asia » Laos » East » Phonsavan September 3rd 2007

It was time to make a move from LaLa Land so I woke up and boarded the bus bound for Phonsavan. Spring Break was over. Phonsavan is famous for its mysterious Plain of Jars, and infamous for being the most heavily bombed region of the world. It was going to be a very educational experience. All Aboard (literally) One of the best parts of traveling is experiencing all the different modes of transportation. I would have to classify my Laos bus trips as the most interesting so far. Anything and anyone is allowed on a bus in Laos, as long as it can fit through the door or on the roof. When the bus pulled up in VV, it had all sorts of packages, cages of chickens, and most impressive was a motorcycle…all on the roof. ... read more
Plain of Jars
Attack of the School Kids!
All Aboard!

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng August 28th 2007

I heard so many stories about Vang Vieng (VV) before I got there that I felt like I almost didn’t need to go. What used to be a very quiet, peaceful, and empty village nestled next to the Tam So River with amazing Karst Cliffs abounding in the distance as a stopover between Luang Prabang and Vientiane, has turned into a backpacker haven that Laos people despise. You get travelers who step off the bus, take a look around and get on the next one headed anywhere out of there, or those travelers that get stuck here and never want to leave. I fell into the latter of the two. Yes, its not cultural, yes it is a lot of foreigners, yes there are Friends cafes everywhere, but hey…the tubing, outdoor activities, company, happy pizza, and ... read more
Nam Som River, Vang Vieng
Busy Streets?
Famous Flying Foxes

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang August 25th 2007

Dad: “So Casey, what exactly are you going to do or see in Laos?” Casey “Well, actually, I don’t really know. Everyone just keeps telling me how much I am going to like it.” This perfectly describes my time in Laos. I admit I was a bit scattered and unplanned at this stage of my trip. I did a lot of backtracking and missed some real gems of the country, but overall that didn’t bother me. You always have to leave something to come back to anyway. So what was I going to do in Laos? The beauty of Laos is that there isn’t much there and there isn’t too much “touristy” stuff to do, although tourism is encroaching quicker than the country can handle. Due to its very sad history and very controlling government, Laos ... read more
Laos Wat
Monk on a Stroll
Kouang Si Waterfalls

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa August 19th 2007

My overnight train arrived in Lao Cai at 5am and I was immediately bombarded by touts wanting to drive me the 1 ½ hours to Sapa. Trying to deal with touts in daylight is annoying enough. Now that I was doing this in the dark and half asleep, I was far from a happy camper. I teamed up with Ildy, a Hungarian girl that I met exiting the train. Together we randomly chose a tout offering a decent price from the herd surrounding us in the parking lot. Ildy and I piled into the back of the van with other tired and disoriented passengers. I laid my head against the window and fell fast asleep for the next 45 minutes. I groggily looked out the window as the sunshine woke me up and immediately became stunned ... read more
Me and Ly
Dao Woman

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay August 16th 2007

Halong Bay is majestic and a definite must-see when coming to northern Vietnam. While cruising through the bay you are surrounded by nearly 2,000 limestone islands rising out of the sea. I was told it is one of only three locations where this phenomenon takes place (the others Phang Nga Bay in Thailand, and somewhere in China), but Halong Bay is the gem of the three, boasting the most impressive views. The pictures of this natural phenomenon are always the first ones you notice when you skim through travel books on Vietnam. You know, the ones with the beautiful wooden Chinese junks with a backdrop of limestone outcrops protruding out of the China Sea. Then you read where it’s taken and it’s the first section of the book you read. Believe it or not, I was ... read more
All Aboard!
Living the Good Life
Which one is Mine?

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi August 14th 2007

Oh how wonderful it felt to be back in Vietnam! I first came to Vietnam in December 2006 with my travel buddy Jeff and I fell in love with the country from the moment I stepped off the airplane. Never before had I been to a country with some much chaotic energy. After talking to other travelers, it seems that Vietnam is a country you love, or love to hate. Yes, its dirty, people are trying to rip you off on every corner, there is a good chance you are going to get robbed, you could get food poisoning, and tourism hasn't been done too well in the country. On the other hand, its intense with motos zipping past you in all directions about to kill you when you cross the street, mouthwatering pho on every ... read more
Uncle Ho Mausoleum
Uncle Ho's House
Uncle Ho's Guesthouse

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur August 13th 2007

Unable to afford another day of diving, I decided to leave Semporna (ie the armpit of Malaysia) a day early and spend a day in Kuala Lumpur experiencing city life. Plus, I got a great offer to couchsurf with this guy Gupreet- how could I turn it all down? I must admit it was tempting to splurge and spend more time under the sea, but since it was only 10 days into my trip and I have to watch my money, it just didn't seem like the best idea! I woke up early and bade farewell to some of my dive instructors and the owner of the hostel. I set out for the airport in Tawau, and before I knew it I was swept off to KL. Once there, I gave Gupreet a call and he ... read more
Street Performers
China Town Entrance

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Sipadan August 10th 2007

To be honest, I didn't even know what Sipadan was until this past May. My friend Jonathan went there during Golden Week and came back raving about the incredible diving. At the same time I was with Mr. Germany in Bali getting my PADI open-water, realizing that I wanted to do some more diving in southeast Asia before returning to America. While in Bali I was thinking of going to peninsular Malaysia to the Perentian Islands, but after talking to Jonathan, I was sold and bound for Borneo post-JET. Sipadan was my main purpose to go to Borneo, Uncle Tan's and the mountain wonderful stops along the way. When I first started to plan borneo, I wasn't even going to hike Mt. Kinabalu! What a waste that would have been. So, for my last entry from ... read more
White Tip Reef Shark

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