Marion gimson


Marion gimson

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Sanur September 29th 2011

Hello from Sanur, in Bali. A resort town full of middle aged couples and expensive hotels – I’m blending in perfectly! But I am here to sit on the beach today and that is all before I bid goodbye to the sun for a while and get on a plane! I just cannot believe it is 8 months since I was last in England and in 2 days I will be back! Anyway I have spent the last month exploring the 2 islands to the east of Lombok (which is to the east of Bali for all those non geography buffs). I crossed Sumbawa over 3 days and can honestly say I did not see another tourist for the whole time I was there. This is generally because there isn’t really that much to do there. ... read more
that minibus!
3 coloured volcanic lakes
komodo dragon

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Padangbai August 31st 2011

Wow its been a while and things have been busy so this may be quite long!!! I’m currently sat in a small ferry port on Bali which I have so far visited 3 times already, heading back to Lombok tomorrow in an attempt to cross 2 islands in the shortest time possible to reach Flores but more of that later. So Bali is interesting, very busy and full of traffic and tourists (it being peak season). But the people are lovely, the temples very sweet and religion very strong here. After Luke left me in Kula Lumpar my whole plan for Bali (having done no research) was get on the plane, read the lonely planet whilst on the plane, find someone else at Bali airport on their own and do whatever they were doing. Well this ... read more
traditional dance
seaweed farms and bali volcano

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching July 31st 2011

Hello from Kuching. The city of the cat (Kuching means cat in Malaysia) and don’t they like to milk it (no pun intended) there are cat statues and cat souvenirs everywhere! It pretty much feels like home now as we have been here nearly 2 weeks pottering around, seeing the sites and waiting for a flight to Kula Lumpar after we jumped on a lovely 24 hour bus journey to get here from Brunei. The Sultans birthday was good although sadly he was apparently too busy to blow out all the candles on his many cakes and we did not receive any handouts of gold . He started the celebrations with a 8am parade and taking of the salute of all the troops (apparently if you are a sultan there is no such thing as a ... read more
birthday boy himself
sunset at kuching waterfront
some idiot at bako national park

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan July 14th 2011

Hello from Brunei! This is in fact our second visit in 2 weeks but as the Sultan is coming out to play tomorrow as its his birthday and we were so close we figured it would be a shame to miss the celebrations. So we’ve bought him a cake and are heading out into the crowds tomorrow to see if he will blow out the candles! I like Brunei. Yes it may not be the craziest place I have ever been, but there is something about the city centre I quite like. It has some amazingly beautiful mosques, some great sunsets, the drivers stop and let you cross the road just because they can, the people are lovely and it has ginger beer, waffles, beans on toast and masala dosas all in one street (anything that ... read more
sunset in brunei

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Labuan June 28th 2011

So hello from very near Brunei! This will be the 3rd country I visit in 3 weeks! So be warned this blog is likely to be a very long one! I spent a little bit longer in Kota Kinabalu than planned purely because Luke (who has flown out to join me) spent his first night of travelling wandering aimlessly rather jetlagged around Kula Lumpar alone because he missed his connecting flight whilst I sat alone in the very nice hotel i’d booked us into. It wasn’t really the reunion we had planned but 36 hours later than expected he finally showed up. Once he got over the jet lag we headed off exploring some nearby islands before continuing north to tackle Mount Kinabalu. This is the highest mountain between the Himalayas and Papua New Guinea, its ... read more
the summit
a new friend
freddy the turtle

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu June 5th 2011

So hello from Borneo!!! Yes I’ve left Nepal and have made it technically to the top of Indonesia. The contrast between here and Nepal and India is crazy. The buildings look like they may just last out the day without falling down and may stretch into the next decade, crossing the roads not a life and death dilemma, no one spits and so far no one has asked me to marry them!! I feel like i’m back in Europe!!! Saying that i had a great time in Nepal. I met a great bunch of people and had an amazing few weeks. After I left Kathmandu I headed into the hills. The girl I was supposed to go trekking with got sick so whilst she got better I headed off on a shorter acclimatisation trek with another ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel May 5th 2011

So I’ve made it to Nepal! Its lovely being in a different country for a change, although getting here was even more of a mission. It took me 5 hours and one jeep, a bus, a cycle rickshaw and my own 2 legs to get me into Nepal and as it was a 17 hour bus journey to Kathmandu I unwisely decided to stay at the border. Lets face it, border towns are never nice. This one excelled at being especially interesting though. Dusty, dingy and boiling (its on the plains) I decided there was nothing better to do than check myself into the recommended hotel and sleep (well this was the idea!) I checked in and was just about to have a shower when i heard a noise coming from the bed. Unusual even for ... read more

Asia » India » West Bengal » Darjeeling May 1st 2011

Hello from the Himalayas!! Yes I have reached Darjeeling and today I actually rejoiced at being cold (yes I know this is me!). I have had to buy another jumper and reintroduce my feet to those strange things called socks and shoes but its so lovely to not be drowning in my own sweat for once! Getting here has been a bit of a mammoth mission but more of that later. So i think last time i wrote i was the other end of this giant country by the beach. Well i spent a few days there checking out the old stuff before i did a 24 hour train ride to get me to Hampi. This is the place everyone i meet tells me to go and it really is beautiful. Its surrounded by boulder strewn ... read more
who needs a chair!
on set - yes it literally was in the middle of no where!

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Mamallapuram April 5th 2011

Hello! It seems to have been a little while but I seem to have been doing a lot of moving over the last few weeks and am getting quite used to curry for 3 meals a day. I did eventually manage to make myself leave the plentiful supply of cornflakes that was Varkala and in a bizarre twist of circumstances checked myself into the local Cult. Yes, that is right i said Cult. Don’t worry 2 months in India has not turned me into a complete Spiritual hippy but having met a lot of people that had been I decided to pay it a visit. Its an interesting place, designed a bit like a 24 floor posh council estate it has shops, juice bars, a swimming pool (full dress only allowed), a charity shop and a ... read more
temple festival
temple festival
kebab anyone?

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra March 28th 2011

So i’m sat on my bed a baseball throw away from the Tai Mahal, surrounded by litter, the smell of incense mingling with poo, the constant beep of rickshaws going past sipping a small bottle of port kay brought with her – this is the India and I am seriously starting to like. To be honest i think i liked it the moment we turned out of our hotel in Jaipur on our first day and were met by a camel pulling a cart down the main road. Ii didn’t see it to start with because there were 20 honda hero motorbikes, 17 rickshaws, 3 suzuki swifts (archies cousins are everywhere) 5 cycle rickshaws, 20 cyclists, 30 pedestrians, 7 cows and one elephant also trying to fit on the same space of road. There is noise, ... read more
amber fort
tuk tuk?
waterfall near bundi

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