Blogs from Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea, Asia - page 8


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong July 23rd 2007

Its hard to believe that I have been here for five months already! The time has flown by and I have a lot of new things to update. July has come and almost gone now but it brought in some unbelievable heat. Which isn't too bad until you factor in the humidity! Somedays its been 32 degrees with 94% humidity...makes for some very sweaty days and unbearable children. The current temperature is 26 degrees with 79% humidity making it feel like 36 degrees. Needless to say I am grateful for my air conditioning and am looking to make friends with a fan salesmen. Its been a bit crazy around here with weather, kids, and preparation for holidays. This week we are only teaching half days because our kindergarten kids are on holidays for two weeks. ... read more
Gyeongbokgung Palace
Gyeongbokgung Palace
Gyeongbokgung Palace

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam July 7th 2007

Hello there friends and family! Here is another one of my long awaited updates...The past couple of weeks have flown by at an unbelievably fast past. It seems that the weeks are flying by and the weekends seem to go even faster. But life is good and I am keeping busy as usual. Last weekend was Canada Day in Seoul. I met up with some friends (actually the one girl, Tamara is my friend Ashley's cousin) and we attended a huge celebration at a nearby campground called Nanji Campground. Finding this place was an adventure in itself and we actually walked about an hour and a half in the wrong direction before we realized that we were lost and in need of some direction. But after a quick beer stop and some help from some ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong June 28th 2007

Things Have Settled Down... ...and the rhythm of daily life is setting in. I've moved into Seoul, gone back to the US and come back again Now life is more about discovering my neighborhood which is called Nonhyeongdong in the district of Gangnam, getting settled at work, and getting into a more regular routine. Compared to my life in Pyeongchon, my current neighborhood is like a video game that takes a long time to shut down. There's life and people and things to do within a short walk from my home. On the corner down the street, there must be five restaurants all spilling onto the street. I would estimate over 50 restaurants are within a 10 minute walk of my apartment. The open-air market is around the corner from my house and there is so ... read more
I love to read Korean t-shirts
My neighbor helped me move the chair on a moped
Internet webcam calling

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam May 26th 2007

Well I am writing to you from the inside of my little studio apartment on a sunny saturday afternoon. I have officially been in South Korea for three third of the way already! Its so hard to believe how fast the first three months have gone by! It's crazy to think that when I come back to Canada that it will have been a year since I have driven a car and Edmonton will seem like a small city to be living in compared to Seoul! Things here are still going great and I have just finished up my first round of after school report cards. A more gueling task then I thought but now I know what to expect and can be more prepared for next time. Last weekend we had the chance ... read more
Lotus Lantern Festival
Lotus Lantern Festival
Lotus Lantern Festival

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam May 23rd 2007

url='/Videos/3315.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/3315.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'dinner partyurl='/Videos/3316.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/3316.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'awards at the surfing competionurl='/Videos/3317.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/3317.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'ring that bell dudes and dudettes, the time....(weep..teardrop...sadness) the time has finally arrived. That time that no traveler looks forward too. The time is going home time...... It's all official now on Friday the 25th of May in the neighbourhood of eight glorious months on the road I'll be returning home to Seattle. Its a nice time to thrust myself back into "REAL" life as summer has arrived and somehow I've avoided a large portion of thewinter two years running. I have a small door in my heart that lunges op... read more
the surfing crew
my people
more temples

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam May 17th 2007

Wow, today was an amazing day! We had the annual Sullivan School Spring picnic and it couldn't have been a better day. All of us worked very hard to prepare and plan for this day and it really was a great success! I am completely exhausted and worn out from the kids, heat, and excitement from the day but it feels great! After today, I am truly grateful for my job and for my was really a day for them and they all had too much fun! We set the day up as a pirate treasure hunt type of theme where the kids had to go around to stations and collect stamps once they completed the task, and then after all five stations, they got to go on a treasure hunt to find the ... read more
Spring Picnic!!
Spring Picnic!!
Spring Picnic!!

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong May 10th 2007

I moved last week. There are times in my life when I think I'll never be satisfied with anything and that I might as well put up with life as it is. Of course, this is total B.S. in the worst form and a good way to waste a life. I had become bored and dissatisfied in Austin, so I moved to Korea to shake things up a bit. In other words, I dragged my butt here to get out of a rut. Then I arrived in Pyeongchon, Korea and life wasn't exactly wonderful there either. It's a polluted satellite city outside Seoul with not much to do. The job sucked and I worked lots of hours (51 hours a week by contract) with a bunch of unfriendly people. There were a few things that were ... read more
Leaving Pyeongchon

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