Blogs from Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea, Asia - page 5


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam August 20th 2008

Seoul in two words? Sensory overload. Day or night, rain or humid-and-hazy-almost-shine, there are 489023423 things happening on every street. My guidebook says that, even though it seems like a lot, "Seoul rewards those who dare to explore" or something like that. So far, it's been right. Training has been intense, so I haven't been able to really sightsee, but when I wander the streets during my free time, I discover enough without having to see the real touristy stuff. Walking around during my break. Way in the background is a building that looks like a syringe sitting on a mountain. That is the N'Seoul Tower and it is, in fact, in the middle of the city. That's how BIG this place is. "Do you have a flag? I only too... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong August 9th 2008

If you ever visit Seoul, South Korea; you must shop by Dr. Fish Cafe and enjoy a foot pedicure. The cost is $2.00 or 2,000 won, but the catch is you have to buy a cup of Coffee. The price of coffee is the same as starbucks, but you get to eat all the fresh bake bread that you want. The bread comes straight out of the oven, so becareful and let it cool down a little. For the price of $2.00 or 2,000won, you get a foot pedicure for 15 minutes. The pedicure consist of a whole bunch of small fishes eating the dead skin off you feet. The first time you place your feet in the tub, the fish seem to tickle your feet, but actually they are eating the dead skin. Me and ... read more
Our Group..

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam August 3rd 2008

Do you remember the movie Eternal Sunshine for a Spotless Mind? Where they have this surgery to remove the memory of someone? Do you ever wish you could do that? Not because it was a bad relationships, but because the relationship is over and the thought of it just hurts too much. But then I wonder which is worse. Not having the memories or have the memories and knowing that you’ll never be able to get it back. Marinate on that. Summer term is almost over. I can’t believe it. It’s gone by fast. My kids this term are great. I will miss them next the time around. June came and went by so fast. After my birthday I was on the edge about life. I was so homesick, all I could think about was what ... read more
namsan tower
cheong gye cheon

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam July 21st 2008

I went to Korea recently to attend a wedding and I found myself thinking about my previous trip to korea... ... read more
My students

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam July 21st 2008

I got to Seoul and it rained and it rained. My first impressions of South Korea will always be against a soundtrack of cars driving through puddles. I was jetlagged and keen to get on to Japan, the weight of the pilgrimage plan heavy on my shoulders. I want to find out if i can do it or not, and get started. So, i had enough time in Seoul to get totally drenched, and try snails (chewy) as well as delicious Korean kebabs. They love bbq beef here - my kind of place! - but to indulge you have to be in a group. I can't tell you how lonely that makes me feel! Me, the carnivore queen, dragging my heels as i skulk past these bbq restaurants with the sounds of families and friends laughing ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam June 21st 2008

This blog is a random assortment of pics from this summer. Though it was technically the rainy season, we managed to enjoy ourselves and travel around the city a bit. We even got to the beach on the Western coast of Korea, though sunshine - and thus, decent tans - eluded us. We headed down for the famous Boryeong Mud Festival, which is a celebration of the therapeutic mud found in that region of the country. People basically cover themselves in mud and drink a lot. Showing our age, we decided to just drink a lot. We also went to a going away party for our friend Jenn, who moved to Mongolia after several years of living in Korea. In her honor, we crashed Canada Day Fest '08 for some "normal" food and music. We spent ... read more
How can I possibly eat more??!!
A mud pool
Todd's students, Christine and Kelly

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam June 5th 2008

It was a slow weekend, but I did manage to do one thing, go to the Seoul Aquarium. I didn't go before then and i wanted to before I left because all we have back home is "Echo" and that isn't very exciting. It was a nice aquarium with a lot of variety in animals and fish. The aquarium is located in this big shopping mall that I really don't like, but they had the aquarium. It takes so long to get there on subway, its like traveling back to Barre from Burlington. I really enjoyed how it was catered to little kids mostly. I swear, depending on what i saw i thought of someone from back home. So I'll just label the pictures with peoples names. :)... read more
The stare down

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam June 2nd 2008

Last week was the first week of my second term. I can’t believe that it’s been three months. I find myself yet again full of emotions and questions about life. Will I ever feel the way I was before and at peace? The past week I had some interesting conversations about life, Korea and work. I’ve been thinking of quitting lately but the fact of leaving another job mid contract and only three months into it make me feel like I’m a failure at something and maybe the constant battle of not being happy has to do with me and not my surroundings. Do I even want to be here and what’s keeping me from starting my real life. I think I’m making excuses. I have this plan in my head but for some reason I ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam May 26th 2008

In the infinity competition age, FTA is necessary to all the country. And it is good choice that korea's government decided to conclude FTA. So with a great diploma skill improved high, we could do be flourished. However, in spite of danger that may cause death after many years as well as loosing our agricultural independence, why we should import american beef? America is irritating our country. Instead they acknowledge the situation, they are hiding it and with asset in mutual relation, they force our government to import untested beef. Now, we have to show our firm determination. Obviously, mass media will attempt to relax our aggressive attitude having a meeting in front of the city hall or practicing special boycott. But that is our last chance to make it well. Also, using the internet, with ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Nonhyon-dong May 7th 2008

Our Family woke up at 6 o clock in the morning. It was still raining out side, i was too lazy to go out. It was early and the weather was not very good. Anyway because of my dad, we had to go out in the rain. We were holding an umbrella. My umbrella is rainbow color, it is very pretty. I went outside, everyone was holding different kinds of umbrella. I don't know why but i just felt lonely and sad. Anyway today we can travel around the city in china with my dad. I am happy enough. We were planning to go Huang Shan by airplane but it was heavy raining so airplane couldn't fly. We changed our mind and we took bus. But it takes 4hours to go there. I felt quite freaky ... read more

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