Blogs from Taman Negara National Park, Pahang, Malaysia, Asia


Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park September 15th 2019

I had a great opportunity to meet an indigenous tribe in Malaysia while volunteering and here are the most interesting facts about them: People of the Batek Tribe of Malaysia are literally people of the jungle. Unfortunately, they were forced by the Malay government to leave the rainforest in 60‘. They used to live there in traditional shelters called “hayak“. Although they were forced to leave the rainforest and move to the edge of the national park, Taman Negara, they still retained their beautiful natural culture. They are small, shy, smiling people and they have their own unwritten language. What they enjoy the most is running through the rainforest, or at least around their village barefoot in the rain. There is no better way how to earn their respect than when you play soccer in a ... read more
Batek lady

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park June 4th 2018

(this post covers three days – the 4th, 5th, and 6thand so it’s a long one at a little over 4300 words. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.) Epigraph: In mammal watching, there are some species that are legendary. Species that you sometimes wonder about with awe because in theory you know they're out there somewhere but in reality? You can't help but think of them more in terms of unicorns and the Lock Ness Monster than animals that you really see. Malayan Tapirs are a zoo animal. Big funny looking black and white things in paddocks. Not wild animals in forests. Sure, you might sometimes see a camera trap photo but can they really be out there? Somewhere? In the vast darkness of the forest at night? It can't really be possible to see a ... read more
Orang Asli Village
Kumbang Hide from Outside
Inside Kumbang Hide

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park December 29th 2017

Am Morgen des 24.12. biin ich mit dem Bus aus Jerantut zur Anlegestelle gefahren. Hier hatte ich ein kleines Boot nach Kuala Tahan genommen. Nach einer 2-stündigen wackligen Bootsfahrt bin ich auf einem kleinen Steg angekommen und suchte mir ein Hostel. Ich nahm gleich das erste am Ufer, da ich es leid bin meinen schweren Rucksack zu schleppen. Ich muss demnächst unbedingt einiges loswerden! Ich checkte für gerade mal 3€/Nacht ein und bezog ein kleines Zimmer mit 2 Hochbetten, welches ich ganz für mich alleine hatte. In meinem Hostel waren nur ich und ein anderer Herr. Dieser wohnte aber in einem anderen Zimmer. Nach einer kleinen Umgebungstour entschied ich mich eine Nachtsafari zu buchen um an Heiligabend nicht völlig deprimiert im Zimmer zu hocken. Auf der Tour bekam ich jede Menge Spinnen, Schlangen, Skorpione, Vögel, Schmetterlinge ... read more
Die Weihnachtscrew
Canopy Walk
Fahrradtour durch Melakka

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park November 11th 2016

David here... The flight from Bali into Kuala Lumpur was uneventful, slightly late taking off and landing but nothing major. We landed and disembarked (I still find the way people get off planes strange, with each row from the front standing up and getting their hand luggage despite people standing in the gangway ready to get off right to the back of the plane) and got through immigration, security and bag collection easily before finding an ATM and then buying a bus ticket to KL Sentral. The journey into KL should take about an hour but traffic was horrendous so took almost 2 hours. We were a little worried as we had one goal for the evening, to get to Valentine Roti before it shut or ran out. Once at KL Sentral we knew we had ... read more
Balai Serama Guesthouse - View from the room
Balai Serama Guesthouse - Insect laying eggs
Balai Serama Guesthouse - Suzanne and flowers

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park February 17th 2016

Wednesday 17th February 2016 We left the hostel at 7:30am and took a taxi to the pick up point of our bus that would take us to the rain-forest of Taman Negara. We shared a small bus with approx 10 other people travelling with a company called Han travel who offered an all in one bus and boat transfer to the rain forest which had we organised this ourselves might have caused us some headaches. The first part of the journey was simple and after 3 hours we had arrived in a town called Kuala Tembelling which is a small town on the banks of a river. Here we had to wait 30 minutes until our boat departed. Being the first 2 people on the jetty we were first in line for the boat. The boat ... read more
The small town in Taman Negara
Waiting at the taxi rank
The canopy walkway

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park March 31st 2014

HE SAID... We woke at 5am (in Melaka) for a 6.30am start to Taman Negara National Park. We wouldn’t be arriving at our hotel in Kuala Tahan until 5pm, so we walked to Restaron Melaka Raya for a teh tarik(pulled sweet milky tea) at 6am. We jumped into a minibus at 6.30am and travelled north east until we arrived at the Gemas rail station at 7.45am. We noticed children going to school on the way, as their school day starts at 7am and finishes around midday. We dropped our bags at the station and walked straight to Gemas Curry Point for breakfast at 8am. We shared a roti canai (flat flaky Indian bread served with curry sauce), a thosai (thin crispy fermented rice flour pancakes) and a couple of teh tariks – it was sensational! The ... read more
gemas curry point cafe
gemas curry point cafe
tahan river

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park March 13th 2014

Nous sommes repartis à 7 heures du matin, direction Kuala Tembeling, porte d'entrée vers le parc national de Taman Negara. Il nous a fallu 3h30 pour rejoindre l'embarcadère. Oui, en effet, pour aller au village de Kuala Tahan, il faut prendre une pirogue (que nous n'avions pas réservée). Nous garons notre voiture et un gentil monsieur vient nous accueillir, nous indiquant que nous devons acheter un permis pour séjourner dans le parc, ainsi qu'une licence pour pouvoir prendre des photos. Là, mauvaise nouvelle : après avoir passé qq coups de fil, il nous annonce qu'il n'y a plus de place dans les pirogues pour aujoud'hui (sachant que 3 horaires de pirogue sont programmés et qu'il faut etre au moins une dizaine par pirogue). Hyper déçus, il nous propose tt de meme de nous emmner en voiture ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park February 28th 2014

February 22nd Saturday Went to find the Bird Park and other places that are situated in the Botanical Gardens, double checked the way with the receptionist and she told me to go to the Old KL Train station instead of Dayabumi Complex, so I crossed the river and followed the train line, as I got to the KL station a chinsese tourist asked e for directions and I said it was straight on.. so I carried on, soon realised he had stopped following me. Hmm. Ok so I carry on walking, following the train line, for a long way, much further than I thought it should take, I got the map out and checked my nearest road name to see if it looked like I was going the right way and it seemed that way. I ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park August 30th 2013

Friday 30th We wake to an amazing birdsong and the sound of monkeys. We check ourselves out and no bites, so the bed bugs kept away. We have made a good choice of guest house. We are staying in the village of Kuala Tahan across the river from the park. After breakfast we catch a river taxi across the river and start walking to the Canopy Walk. Within a few hundred metres our bodies are seriously leaking ! there's 90% humidity. The whole area is dense forest and the walks are on boards. On the way we see a small bird, and I mean small, and then a group of monkeys swing pass just above us. We reach the canopy walk, the highest and longest in the world. There are five of them 40ft up in ... read more
Bill & Kate
Snake !

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park May 11th 2013

Von Kuala Lumpur fuhren wir mit dem Bus nach Kuala Tahan. Dieses wirklich sehr kleine Dörfchen liegt am Rande des Nationalparks Taman Negara. In diesem Dorf gibt es eigentlich nichts ausser ein 3-4 schwimmenden Restaurants auf dem Fluss und paar Guesthouses. Von Kuala Tahan aus starten aber alle aktivitäten im Nationalpark. Unser Ziel war es im Dschungel ein bisschen Trekken zu gehen. Also füllten wir am nächsten Tag unsere Rucksäcke und gingen los, nur um zu erfahren das der Park um 12 uhr schliesst. Klar, es war Freitag und im muslimischen Malaysia ist das sowas wie Sonntag. Das gab uns oder besser gesagt Vy die Gelegenheit eine Gruppe für den nächsten Tag zusammen zu stellen. Für Gruppen gab es nämlich Rabatt bei den geführten Touren. Wir setzten uns einfach an die Hauptstrasse und Vy sprach die ... read more
Restaurants im Fluss
warten an der Hauptstrasse
Auf Nachtsafari

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