Blogs from Puri, Orissa, India, Asia


Asia » India » Orissa » Puri January 15th 2024

Ci risiamo! Di nuovo a Delhi e di nuovo nelle mani di avidi truffatori che cercano in qualunque modo di alleggerirti il portafogli. Ancora?!? Vi chiederete. Il motivo è che hanno inavvertitamente trasferito l' International Tourist Bureau, l'ufficio dove i turisti stranieri possono comodamente comprare un biglietto del treno usufruendo di una "Tourist Quota" ed evitando le interminabili code alla biglietteria. Da tempi immemorabili questo ufficio si trovava al primo piano dell'edificio principale della stazione ferroviaria di New Delhi ma, a seguito della pandemia, è stato prima chiuso e poi trasferito in una località apparentemente segreta. Sono quindi costretto a chiedere indicazioni, ma questo significa mettersi nelle mani di quegli abili imbroglioni, presenti puntualmente nei paraggi, che lavorano per conto terzi e puntano a dirottarti in una qualche agenzia privata, dove saranno pro... read more
Dormire in sleeper class
Indian toilet in sleeper class
Western toilet in sleeper class

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri February 3rd 2019

Aurais-je pensé, il y a seulement quinze jours, que je prendrais un vol Guwahati – Bhubaneswar ? Deux localités que je n’aurais évidemment su positionner sur la carte. La première est l’âme urbaine de l’Assam, la seconde est la capitale de l’Odisha. La ligne droite, d’une longueur de 1.500 kms entre ces deux points, survole le Bangladesh et le West Bengal. Le contraste de l’arrivée est saisissant. L’aéroport est vaste et propre comme il se doit pour un aéroport, presque aseptisé bien que nous soyons en Inde. L’instauration des prepaid taxis range le tumulte des arrivées au rayon des souvenirs. L’organisation est presque impeccable et sereine. L’aéroport n’est qu’à trois kms du centre de la ville qui compte près d’un million d’habitants. Une deux fois trois voies droite, vide et propre, qu’emprunte le taxi, surprend. A ... read more

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri April 5th 2017

•RATH YATRA• ··Jagannath Swami Nayana Patha Gami...Bhabatu mey·· The"Monks" & "Sanyasis"come here from all over India during Rath Yatra & apart from that millions of devotees of "Lord Jagannath" congregate here to see the magnificent "Cart Festival"(Rath Yatra) where "Lord Jagannath" "Lord Balabhadra"and their sister "Subhadra"are mounted on separate Raths and pulled by thousands of devotees from "Jagannath Mandir" to "Sri Gundicha(Mausima Mandir)"on "Bada Danda(The Widest Road on ? Earth). As per Sri "Jagannatha Sanskruti" & "Sanatana Hindu Dharma"~Here at "Puri"every thing is "BIG"like •Bada Thakura•~Sri Jagannath is the Biggest Deity• •Bada danda-the Widest road in front of Jagannath Mandir. There is a Beautiful sea beach at Puri• watching waves is a visual pleasure.There is a very beautiful sea beach at Puri and it is most famous on eastern coast of India. Thousands of t... read more

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri March 13th 2017

Ashort trip which would be offering to tourists a scenic highway, picturesque lush green forest, tantalisingly cool breeze, ravishing golden coloured glittering sand, mesmerizing frothy serene bluesea, daring water sports activities, aromantic flora, fascinating canopy along the roadside, adorable butterflies, exotic operatic warbling birds, eye-catching cultivated lands, calm and pleasant weather, ancient culture, art, heritage folklore, and much much more....then it is not a wonder that the tourists will grab the chance to take it. I was quite excited when I got to experience all of those during my short trip to Raghurajpur from Konark which was indeed beyond my expectations. I started my journey from Konark before sunrise because I wanted to experience the sunrise at the divine Chandrabhaga sea beach which is very attractive. My best friend Ajodhya and one of his uncl... read more
Puri-Konark Marine Drive 1
Puri-Konark Marine drive 2

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri March 29th 2016

Reinvigorating … is the term to express the state of mind, when you awake and see the roaring sea from the comforts of your room. The Panthanivas at Puri offered this luxury. The beach was beckoning with the roar of the sea. The February morning had a pleasant chill in the air, when we quickly laced our sneakers and rushed to the beach. Panthanivas has a small gate, which allows direct access to the vast Chandrabhaga beach. The sky was receiving its initial orange glow and sun was yet to emerge on the horizon. There were morning walkers in shorts and T’s taking long stride from the North to the South. Few children were building castles with the sand while their parents took a stroll. The city being a popular pilgrimage destination for Indians, a comparatively ... read more
The Jetty
Calm Waters
Sailing towards Dolphin View Point

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri March 28th 2016

The new day, the new route and the new destination ….. Jagannath Puri. In the early hours, we bid farewell to Panthanivas, Barkul and headed straight towards Balugaon, the fishermen’s village. The local fish markets, especially in the fishermen colony have always excited me. The curiosity and anxiety to get a peek at the Balugaon fish market drew us to the interiors. The narrow road leading towards the fishing jetty was lined with the houses of fishermen. The large courtyards had facilities for storage of fish in large insulated boxes. On the day of our visit, the market appeared to be deserted and there was absolutely no trading activity. Something was amiss. For some strange reasons, the market was closed that day and we had to retreat with a sheer disappointment. From the railway underpass, we ... read more
The Lion, The Elephant & The Human Being...
Green Soothing Complex
Standing Tall

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri March 4th 2013

Nous avons choisi ce petit état parce qu'il abrite un grand nombre de tribus primitives (appelés "populations a risque élevé" car effectivement leur mode de vie est en danger de disparaître). Mais nous avons découvert un état charmant et extrêmement varie. Boubhaneswar- ville des temple la capitale est parsemée de plus de 500 temples! Du IXe au XIIIe siècle ce fut la floraison de l'art dans cette région. Des constructions magnifiques, des sculptures époustouflantes. Et une vie de temple encore très active: nous avons passe un bon moment dans la cour d'un temple vashnuvite ou nous avons écouté l'incantation des textes religieuses faite par un jeune prêtre, pendant que des dizaines de prêtres et autres personnes préparaient la nourriture a être offerte aux pauvres. Impressionnant! Autant que le concert de musique classique indienne qu'on a eu ... read more
Bhubaneswar - incantations au temple
Bhubaneswar - transport de nourriture cuite au temple
Bhubaneswar -au bord du lac sacre

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri January 10th 2012

Traditionally, people have been flocking to places of worship to pray individually,as a family or in a group to seek salvation from a higher order. And no where this is more evident than in India with its multitude where millions upon millions go on temple visits everyday.The enormous patience and self control that has been derived through the process of pilgrimage and the "Pray to God” that we have inculcated have stood us in good stead,over centuries One such popular destination for pilgrimage in India has been the abode of Lord Jagannath in Puri, Orissa which we visited recently. As they say, bigger the legend greater is the following; so it is here. Legend has it that Vishnu appeared in the dreams of pious King Indradyumna, millennia ago, and directed him to a special wooden Log ... read more

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri December 21st 2011

Non male Calcutta, soprattutto se ci si arriva all'alba, quando ancora la citta' dorme e tutto e' tranquillo e silenzioso; di giorno, come sempre, regna il caos tipico di tutte le grandi metropoli, al quale si puo' pero' sfuggire in due modi: utilizzando per gli spostamenti i frequenti ferry che attraversano il fiume Hooghly, oppure la comoda linea metropolitana sotterranea, la prima costruita in India e tuttore miracolosamente funzionante, e poi rifugiandosi nel fresco giardino del Victoria Memorial, maestoso palazzo costruito in memoria dell'ultima imperatrice, oppure nella vasta area verde del Maidan, una sorta di Central Park utilizzato dai giovani comecampo da cricket, dai piu' anziani come pascolo per le capre e da chiunque voglia camminare all'aria aperta lontano dai fumi e dal rumore del traffico che li circonda. Basta poi allontanarsi dal centr... read more
Il tranquillo tramonto su un tratto deserto di spiaggia
I pescatori del villaggio si sono guadagnati la giornata.
Anche gli indiani si godono le vacanze di Natale...

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri November 17th 2010

It was Padraic's first full day in Puri. He slept in late, ate some Masala Dosa for brunch, and then wandered up the main drag by the beach. Padraic noticed two middle-aged men smoking a chillum near a bicycle rickshaw. The previous night, he’d spoken to the hotel manager after checking in. Hotel manager: Do you smoke anything? Padraic: Beedis, sometimes…. And occasionally charras. Hotel manager: There are people who will want to smoke with you. They will seem very friendly. They will put things in their chillums…. If you smoke with them, they will take everything from you. One of the men motioned for Padraic to sit with them. Padraic obliged. He thought to himself I’ll just take a few pulls, and if it is drugged (with anything beside weed), I can probably handle it. ... read more

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