Blogs from Pingyao, Shanxi, China, Asia


Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao November 27th 2019

After another great night's sleep and another great breakfast of egg on toast and homemade dumplings, I was ready to see the places I had missed the day before. I hoped that I had time to visit them all. It felt quite a bit colder than it had done the day before. The first place I decided to head to was the Newspaper Museum, which was just across the street from where I was staying. I think I was the first person to enter the museum that day as it was so quiet. I had a look around the different exhibits about newspapers in the different rooms of the building. Since everything was in Chinese, I had to rely on the pictures to know what they were about. The building that the museum was in, was ... read more
China's Rare Newspaper Gallery
China's Rare Newspaper Gallery
China's Rare Newspaper Gallery

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao November 26th 2019

Breakfast was included in my guesthouse, so I made my way to the restaurant. I had a nice, strong cup of coffee and fried egg on toast, which was pretty basic but good and filling. The homemade dumplings were the stand out dish. I really, really enjoyed those and could have eaten another plate or two. Looking out the window, the streets were still quiet, it was still early though. To see all the sights in Pingyao, you have to buy a combined ticket that allows you entrance to them all, so I walked down to the main ticket office to get it. When I got there, I was realised that I was buggered as I needed cash to pay and didn't have any. China is pretty much a cashless society and it always trips me ... read more
South Street
Ancient City
Ancient City

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao November 25th 2019

The high speed train from Beijing West Station deposited me Pingyao Gucheng Station in the afternoon. The train ride had been fairly comfortable. Upon exiting the station, I walked out to, pretty much, nothing. I was quite surprised as Pingyao is a popular tourist destination and I thought there would be more life. I found the bus stop, right in front of the station, and waited for the 108 bus. There weren't many people waiting for the bus and the taxi touts kept approaching me and offering rides to the Old Town for 30 RMB, which is pretty cheap, but the bus is only 1 RMB. I had to wait about ten minutes in the cold and about another ten minutes on the bus before we headed off to Pingyao proper. The drive wad uneventful and ... read more

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao July 27th 2017

Par une belle journée de pluie et de brouillard, nous avons fait une excursion avec nos voisins français pour visiter 2 sites proches de Pingyao : La résidence de la famille Wang : une impressionnante succession de cours et de bâtiments qui forment un immense complexe harmonieux mais austère, surtout sur fond de pluie La forteresse souterraine de Zhangbi : un curieux dédale de souterrains comme une mini ligne Maginot sous un petit village tranquille A l'aller comme au retour, surprenante conduite lente (la pluie ?) et traversée de sites chimiques alimentés au charbon... read more

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao July 26th 2017

Journée tranquille de touristes dans Pingyao : visite des principaux monuments (temples et maisons officielles), les ramparts de la tour Nord à la tour Sud, déambulations dans les rues de la vieille ville ... On n'est pas seuls mais tout ça est bien agréable ?... read more

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao July 25th 2017

Premier voyage en train très agréable, couchettes molles chaudement recommandées ! Nos compartiments, puisque nous n'avons pas pu être ensembles, ne sont que partiellement/temporairement occupés et ce sont d'excellentes conditions de voyage, avec un wagon restaurant correct, et une voisine qui parle anglais ! À l'arrivée à Pingyao nous trouvons nos chambres, dans une maison typique au fond d'une cour rectangulaire, avec les filles à l´étage. Les matelas aussi sont malheureusement typiques : le sommier en bois est tout proche des draps... Premier contact avec la ville : très touristique, mais on se sent bien en vacances, ici, et c'est très agréable !... read more

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao August 19th 2016

Vandaag onderweg naar Pingyao, ong 400 km rijden vanaf Datong. Het zonnetje schijnt lekker dus onderweg hebben we mooi zicht op het landschap. Soms zien we ook nog stukken van de chinese muur bovenop de bergtoppen. Onderweg vlakbij Pingyao zijn we nog even het landgoed gaan bekijken waar vroeger een of andere rijke chinees had gewoond. Toen we in Pingyao aankwamen werden we aan de rand van de stad bij de stadsmuur afgezet en door de hoteleigenaar afgehaald. Vanuit hier naar het hotel gelopen. Het hotel was heel oud en we hadden zo'n typisch chinese kamer, heel mooi. Toen besloten we om het stadje in te gaan lopen en toen schrokken wij ons kapot. Overal van die elektrische golfkarretjes die overal doorheen scheurden en alleen maar souvenierwinkels. Het stadje is nog heel authentiek maar door deze ... read more

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao November 21st 2015

Two bullet trains from Luoyang longmen via Xian bei, a short taxi ride and we walk through the gates of Pingyao city wall and back in time 500 years. It was like being on the film set of crouching tiger hidden hippo. we did attempt to try to find our hotel our selves but after no-one knew where it was we gave up and jumped on one of the electric buggys that flit around the old city. He took us on a tour of Pingyao as he couldn't find it either. Eventually we got there.It was a courtyard hotel and like stepping into the past although a 21th century mattress would have been nice along with some heating. We spent a couple of days here just chilling in some of the bars and cafe's and wandering ... read more
xian,luoyang and pingyao 2015 171
xian,luoyang and pingyao 2015 174
xian,luoyang and pingyao 2015 177

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao October 26th 2015

Monday 26th October 2015 We checked out of our Beijing Hostel and headed to the train station where we were taking the super fast train again, this time heading west to an ancient town called Pingyao. This is a walled town that has stood for hundreds of years and is popular for tourists who want to see traditional Chinese market streets and houses. We arrived 4 hours after leaving Beijing. As the train pulled into the station, the only people to get off where foreigners like ourselves. As we exited the train at about 3pm we felt the cold hit us. It felt much colder than Beijing and this was probably partly down to the fact that there was nothing around us at all. For miles it was like we were in the desert, only not ... read more
Traditional bed
Eerie night time building
City wall from above

Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao July 3rd 2015

One of the most preserved ancient cities and walled areas in all of China. When you try to imagine traditional China you may conjure up images of small cobblestone alleyways, quaint brick buildings with curved tiled roofs and dangling red lanterns bringing colour and vibrancy to these streets. This is exactly what you can expect to find in Pingyao. Well known as the place to go if you want to see the real China. Howevera throw in a load of tourism to what China may have been like and you have Pingyao. From Langmusi we caught an overnight hard sleeper train to Pingyao taking around 19hrs. We always appear to be the only western people on these trains and it's like we are some sort of star attraction with people coming from different carriages to look ... read more
Typical archways
Red lanterns

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