Blogs from Cambodia, Asia


Asia » Cambodia May 24th 2024

SE Asia 2023 – Leg 4 of 8 - Cambodia Arriving in Cambodia the landscape and buildings changed slightly but the traffic remained chaotic! After a few hours since crossing the border we arrived in Phnom Penh at 4pm and on the drive into Phnom Penh the expectations of a backwater city were shattered with the sight of a modern skyline and grand buildings. We got off the bus at the Giant Ibis bus company office (these coaches are great, very comfortable, clean, usually on time and reasonably priced) and it was just a 10 minute stroll to our hotel, we checked into our very nice room, showered and got ready for the night. On the top floor of the Pool Hotel was a bar, restaurant, a games room and a swimming pool, in the bar ... read more
Phnom Penh
Mekong river - Phnom Penh
Pooltop hostel Phnom Penh

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh March 9th 2024

Steph found an office for the bus company at the port and was able to secure a free transfer to the departure point. This worked well and we didn’t have long to wait for the bus to the capital Phnom Penh. It was a bit different from our recent forms of transport with reclining seats and a sandwich plus bottle of water for lunch. Another pleasant journey on decent roads through the Cambodian countryside spotting water buffalo and various types of birds. We arrived in the city near the palace and Moly a friendly driver offered to match the price of a Grab so we jumped into his tuk tuk. Our hotel was within walking distance of most of the important places and ,although it was very near to Pub Street, our room was thankfully at ... read more
Toll road
Change of landscape
Khmer Women Food restaurant

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 8th 2024

Gestern hatten wir noch einmal zwei Highlights: wir beobachteten den Sonnenaufgang in Angkor Wat (leider konnte man den Stern wegen Wolken nicht sehen) und später am Tag machten wir eine Fahrt mit einem Fesselballon. Letztere wäre beinahe wegen zu viel Wind ausgefallen. Abends bekamen wir dann noch ein Essen in einem schönen Restaurant.... read more
Besuch von Angkor Wat.
Ballonfahrt bei Angkor Wat.
Ballonfahrt bei Angkor Wat.

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 7th 2024

Gestern besichtigten wir drei Tempel im Gebiet von Angkor Wat. Das waren Bayon, Ta Prohm und Banteay Srei. Diese Tempelstadt besteht nicht nur aus dem viereckigen ummauerten Bereich mit großem Wassergraben, sondern auch aus vielen Gebäuden außerhalb davon. Das ganze Areal ist riesig, aber es gibt zumindest jetzt auch weite Regionen mit Dschungel. Das Wetter war dabei heiß und schwül, aber wenn man sich von so etwas abhalten lässt, kann man nicht die Welt bereisen. Insgesamt waren wir zehn Stunden unterwegs und sechs Leute unserer Gruppe fuhren vorzeitig zum Hotel zurück. Nach den Highlights Saigon und Halong-Bucht ist diese Stätte ein würdiger Abschluss unserer Reise.... read more
Bayon Tempel.
Ta Prohm Tempel.
Banteay Srei Tempel.

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 6th 2024

Heute besichtigten wir zwei Objekte in Phnom Penh: das Nationalmuseum und den Markt. Danach machten wir uns auf die etwa 7 stündige Fahrt nach Siem Reap. Dort angekommen bezogen wir unsere Zimmer und ich aß zu Abend im Hotelrestaurant.... read more
Im Nationalmuseum von Phnom Penh.
Im Nationalmuseum von Phnom Penh.
Im Markt von Phnom Penh.

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh March 5th 2024

Heute verließen wir Vientiane mit dem Flugzeug in Richtung Phnom Penh. Dort war es gleich etwas heißer und schwüler. Wir besuchten eine Tanzschule und den Königspalast. Außerdem erfuhren wir vom kambodschanischen Reiseführer viel über die Geschichte des Landes.... read more
Der Königspalast in Phnom Penh.
Der Königspalast in Phnom Penh.
Besuch einer Tanzschule.

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 1st 2024

I headed to Siem Reap in Cambodia from Luang Prabang. My goal was to explore the Angkor Wat complex, which is the largest pre-industrial city in the world with an urban sprawl of nearly 3,000 square kilometres at its peak (based on LIDAR studies). Cambodia's history is deeply intertwined with India, linkages dating back to the Pallava Dynasty in Southern India. The fact that Angkor started as a Hindu Temple complex dedicated to Lord Vishnu (and Vishnu was the deity that the Pallavas worshipped) before morphing to Buddhism is a sign of this. Its complicated history of monarchies, colonial rulers, Khmer Rouge and the genocide, and subsequent political rulers, nothing has taken away the deep intrigue Angkor creates among anyone interested in history and architecture. Nearly 1/4th of Cambodia's employment is from the tourism sector and ... read more
Angkor Wat
Angkor Thom Complex
Ta Prohm

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor February 18th 2024

Whenever I see these lists, I think most of them are just the website trying to get people to travel. According to Expedia: According to the report, “More than half of travelers say they’ve researched or booked a trip to a destination after seeing it on a TV show or in a movie. In fact, travelers say TV shows influence their travel decisions more than Instagram, TikTok, and podcasts.” With that in mind, they reveal that the top 10 travel destinations of 2024 are as follows: Thailand - Featured in White Lotus, Season 3... read more
Camps Bay, South Africa
Golden Gate Bridge
The Louvre

Asia » Cambodia » South » Sihanoukville January 25th 2024

Tour Day 108, Cruise Day 6 – Sihanoukville, Cambodia– Tour Name: Le Kep – Those who have been following my post–COVID blogs might know that I typically copy and paste the shore excursion description into my blog to give my readers some information and insight into the photos I have included. For some reason, Holland America has decided to remove those ports of call (and the accompanying shore excursions) from its web site within hours of leaving port. For a few blogs, you’re not going to get much background as I cannot remember the names of the gardens, temples and shrines I visited and photographed. Anyway, here it is, and I hope you enjoy!... read more
From Aboard ms Westerdam
Shore Excursion Le Kep – Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Shore Excursion Le Kep – Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Asia » Cambodia » West » Koh Kong January 21st 2024

We were besieged with offers of lifts when we arrived at Sihanoukville station but Steph ordered a tuk tuk via an app to take us to the port. We had pre booked an express trip to Koh Rong, an island about 45 minutes from the mainland. They was a flurry of activity at the dock with various sized boats arriving and leaving. Getting passengers and luggage on and off the boats was done swiftly and efficiently. We boarded at the back and the luggage was thrown along a line of employees to be stowed in cupboards on both sides of the boat. The journey was smooth and quick. We were staying on Long Set beach with a jetty next to our hotel and we were the 2nd stop. We were met on the jetty and checked ... read more
Happy New Year
More NYE fireworks
Setting off one of the many Chinese Lanterns

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