Blogs from Afghanistan, Asia


Asia » Afghanistan February 14th 2018

I applied Afghanistan VISA in Kuala Lumpur, before I went to the embassy I called and emailed to them. They didn't answer my email and they also very hard to reach by phone. As Malaysian, we are lucky because we have Afghanistan embassy in Kuala Lumpur. We only need to prepare 2 passport photo, at least 6 months valid passport, form and also money 80USD. We went to Embassy in Jalan Tun Razak, meet the officer Zarif. He gave us the form, then I went to nearest Maybank to bank in 80USD to embassy, bring back the receipt to embassy. After 3 days I got my visa. I also collect on behalf of my friend since he's out of the town. Was so easy for us. without any question, invitation letter or authorization code. Even thought ... read more

Asia » Afghanistan August 19th 2015

Geo: 36.7081, 71.5729The southern route nicely takes you down the warmer souththen nicely drops you into the valley that separates Tajik from Afghanistan.Right from the onset the road is bad, the recent rains having caused some chaosand further damaged an already damaged road.So the first night we try to get close to the river and camponly to be sprung by some Tajik military doods so were not so keen for us to doso… eventually found a camp site under some trees and reasonably well off theroad. Cooked dinner and was about to make a coffee when Lisa exclaimed Darrenthere is something running at your foot… well even before I looked I jumped andalmost brained my self on the canopy…. Looked around and in the torch light sawthe biggest ugliest nastiest spider I have ever seen…. Good ... read more
Afghani Camels
High altitude lake
Afghan border is still a bit of a hot spot

Asia » Afghanistan » North » Sargaz August 12th 2014

A Varanasi silk-seller once said to me, “Visit India for a week, and you’ll write a good article. Visit India for a month and you’ll write a better one. But visit India for a year, and you won’t even be able to pick up a pen.” I’ve got the same problem with the Afghan Pamirs. I could probably have strung a few paragraphs together after our first day on the track up from Wuzed. My scribbles would have been better the next day after we’d stayed in our first Wakhi village. But now, back in Dushanbe after three weeks’ away, with a spectacular but long four or five days’ drive at each end, and the intensity of the eleven days’ trekking in the middle, I’m struggling to get my thoughts into any kind of order. I ... read more
the Wuzed pass with the Hindu Kush behind
under the lip of the glacier
car pride, Eshkashem-style

Asia » Afghanistan » East » Ghazni December 25th 2013

Dimanche 3 novembre : Prends le taxi pour l’aéroport. Prends le vol MTL – Washington, le vol c’est bien passé. Aéroport de Washington, OK, achat de magasines et de hot-dog. Vol Washington – Dubaï, OK. Regardé 2 films de notre époque : Jobs, sur la vie de Steve Jobs, fondateur d’Apple, et The Internship, comédie sur 2 gars qui font un stage chez Google. Lundi 4 novembre : Arrivé à Dubaï. Direction hôtel, 300 $ pour une bonne douche et 6 heures de sommeil. Mon traditionnel WacDo de l’aéroport de Dubaï. Vol Dubaï – Kabul, OK. Mardi 5 novembre : Finalement de retour à Kabul. Le transport a oublié de venir me chercher. J’attends plus d’une heure sous une pluie battante. Il y aura un temps de merde pour les 3-4 prochains jours. Une fois arrivé ... read more
gardez 1

Asia » Afghanistan » East » Kabul October 28th 2013

Mercredi 28 aout : Réveil a 6 :30. Ma première nuit à Kabul fut OK. Déjeuner, céréales Corn Flakes avec du miel, yaourt et salade de fruits. Toue la journée briefing. Je vais être en équipe avec un logisticien du Kenya et d’un responsable de la sécurité de la Croatie. Mes boss directes sont une autre Croate et une Polonaise. J’ai rencontré une sympathique italienne que j’avais déjà croisée au Niger ainsi qu’un néo-zélandais et une zimbabwéenne qui n’ont pas quitté l’Afghanistan depuis mon départ en 2009. Lunch, salade et pork-ribs ! Et oui, surprenant en Afghanistan ! Journée termine à 16 :30. Souper, spaghetti aux boulettes de viande et soupe aux petits pois et pommes de terre. Jeudi 29 aout : Réveil a 6 :30. Déjeuner a 7 :00, céréales et yaourt. Départ à 7:30. ... read more

Asia » Afghanistan » East » Ghazni October 28th 2013

Mardi 10 septembre : Première vrai journée de travail depuis longtemps. On doit notamment prendre des numéros de séries de deux vieux camions russes qui seront donnes à la commission électorale ultérieurement. Rencontre de 10 :30 à 12 :30, avec mon principal interlocuteur local, le responsable de la commission électoral de la province de Paktya, dont Gardez est la capitale, énumération d’une série de problèmes et de grieffe que je devrais essayer de trouver réponses au cours de la prochaine année; shelter pour un générateur, réparer un générateur d’appui, employés non payes depuis quelques mois, manque d’espace de travail, insécurité, etc. Je commence déjà à écrire le rapport hebdomadaire. Souper, poisson et purée avec salade. Mercredi 11 septembre : Compte tenu de la date au calendrier, on se doit de demeurer très prudent. On assiste quand ... read more
avec un autre colonel roumain
seminaire elders 1
seminaire elders 2

Asia » Afghanistan » East » Kabul June 15th 2012

Violence, burka, flowers, kebabs... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Asia » Afghanistan » East » Bagram April 13th 2012

Hello again! Sorry it's been a while, but wifi costs money in OZ, unlike in Asia... Here are a few of our favourite moments so far from Australia. - Cape Hillsborough. This place was famous for a huge beach that at dawn and dusk attracts all the wallabies and kangaroos who go to eat sandworms. We didn't see any on the beach but it was our first encounter with a kangaroo. Steph was down at the camp kitchen when she came running back up to the van, I bumped into her and she said there was a kangaroo. We went back down and there, surrounded by kids stroking it was a kangaroo, eating the grass, seemingly oblivious to all the attention. We could stroke it and pose for photos with it, it was an unforgettable first ... read more

Asia » Afghanistan February 26th 2012

1 (8 oz.) container Cool Whip 3 apples, diced 3 regular size SNICKERS candy bars, frozen Mix together the Cool Whip and apples. Smash the SNICKERS bars and add to the salad. Best if you allow to stand for a little while before serving. 1) My grandmother always made this for my sisters and I, and she promised to give one of us the reciepe, who she felt who was the most responisble and who she could trust with the reciepe, sa you can see she shared the recipe to me and before she died I promised her to always make it for my Dad on his birthday because it is his favorite desert. 2) No, since I am the only one in the family who knows how to make the reciepe. 3) Yes, people should ... read more

Asia » Afghanistan February 20th 2012

d ese I've discovered a new way to explore ... the bycicle ... and that coming from a Dutchie... not only does it take mi to places i would never end up while going for a walk, the exercise is doing wonders to mi body and soul ... so instead of going to Angkor Wat on my first day i decided to explore the town. A few km from the hotel i stopped for my first temple visit. A few buddists were playing chanting music on local instruments and as i relaxed in a lotus position, i felt an overwhelming sensation of letting go of everything ... somewhat the purpose of this trip ... within minutes of quiet the tears moistened my eyes, i somewhat felt like a fool, however i kept breathing deeply and soon ... read more
a different kind of bangkok alley
biking thru bangkok alley
downtown west bank bangkok

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