Blogs from Western Sahara, Africa


Africa » Western Sahara » South November 30th 2023

In my last blog I nearly said my goodbyes to Morocco. The truth is, I was and I wasn't leaving Morocco after Legzira. It depends on who you talk to. If you talk to Moroccans, I wasn't, the border extends all the way down to Mauritania. If you talk to the UN, I did leave Morocco when I entered the Western Sahara. By some it's called the last colony in Africa. For all intents and purposes, I didn't leave Morocco. Because there were no border formalities, and travelling down to Mauritania was no different then travelling anywhere in Morocco. Same buses, same taxis, same everything. Only more military. But as a tourist you notice little of that. Eighty percent of Western Sahara is controlled by Morocco, the remaining by Polisario, the political and military arm of ... read more
Sidi Ifni
Sidi Ifni
Guelmim to Laayoun

Africa » Western Sahara » North » Laayoune December 21st 2019

Davvero particolare questa zona di mondo: lascio il Marocco per arrivare.....di nuovo in Marocco! Anzi, a dire il vero non ne sto effettivamente uscendo perché non mi viene stampata l'uscita sul passaporto eppure sto mettendo piede in una terra che dal resto del mondo non viene ufficialmente riconosciuta parte integrante di questo paese; il Marocco pero' la sta occupando militarmente, ne gestisce le (poche) risorse e vi sta trasferendo parte dei suoi abitanti. Sembra complicato ed in effetti lo è: benvenuti nel Sahara Occidentale, ex colonia spagnola dall'esotico nome di "Rio de Oro" abbandonata alla sua sorte nel 1975 assieme ai suoi sfortunati abitanti, i sahrawi, che oggi sono confinati in una fascia ristretta che corre lungo il confine con l'Algeria, separati dal resto del loro territorio d'origine da campi minati e da un fossato lungo ... read more
Laayoune: case tradizionali
Paesaggio lacustre nei pressi di Laayoune
Il baratro

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla March 16th 2013

Dear All, We hope you are all well and surviving the snow that seems to affecting the UK and the continent. We are meeting loads of Europeans on our travels at the moment who are marvelling at the transformation in temperatures as they travel from -5 to +25 and arid desert conditions! Well, we are now truly in the holiday part of the trip so please excuse the following words if you were hoping to hear of car troubles and stomach troubles. Both have also been also experienced but more about that later. We are currently at Ocean Vagabond, Dhakla, southern Morocco trying to kitesurf. I seem to be always 'trying' to kitesurf....but it is particularly more difficult when there is no wind! The wind is supposed to pick up tomorrow so fingers crossed as our ... read more
One of many...
A new basin!
The wedding diet is definitely over..!

Africa » Western Sahara » North » Laayoune November 30th 2012

Well it all sounds like a great adventure but honestly how many nights of desert camping do you think you can do? Hint... My threshold is one... Yes exactly one!!! Don't get me wrong, the stark beauty of the Western Sahara is something to behold... Heards of velvet camels, golden sand dunes interspersed with scrub bush and cactus roll unimpeded toward the horizon, an impossibly blue sea crashes against a wild and barren coast, beautiful yes, BUT....camping no! The incessant wind whirls sand as fine as powder into your hair, nose, eyes, ears and worse!...Grit everywhere! I flee the campsite and the fellow unwashed despite the starry nights and opt for a tiny hotel with running water in the bonafide border town of Laayoune. A brainwave! Little did I know the treasures that awaited me there ... read more
velvet camels

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla April 14th 2012

Thursday Day 33 Woke up to a very wet tent and we waited until after breakfast to see if there was any chance of them drying. Of course it started raining and it ended up being even wetter, the gravel and sand sticking to the fly sheet as we rolled it up. We took off towards Agadir for one last stock up at the marjane and two nights of very little sleep meant I spent the majority of the morning with my iPod on, dozing. I knew when we'd arrived at our free camp site when we turned off the sealed road and onto a bumpy path that led past a farmhouse with a decent sized field full of olive trees and oddly enough, gum trees! Past the dog and machinery we drove up to a ... read more

Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla August 29th 2011

Troche historii z drogi. Lotnisko w Marakeszu jest bardzo blisko miasta ale postanowilismy tam nie zagladac i ruszyc odrazu w trase,co prawda pojechalismy nie w ta strone co trzeba,ale mily starszy pan wywiozl nas na wlasciwa trase w stone Agadiru. Nie przemieszczalismy sie za szybko ale co dzien o kilkaset km do przodu poznajac nowych ludzi. Znow ladowalismy w Tiznicie i Tarfaji. Trafilismy w srodek ramadanu wiec czesto musielismy poscic razem z muzulmanami bo glupio pic i jesc przy kims kto posci caly dzien. SZczerze mowiac nie wytrzymywalismy i jak tylko zostawalismy sami wpychalismy w siebie szybko co sie dalo,szczegolnie wode. Ogolnie do Al Ujunu dojechalismy w kilka dni,ale nie bylo latwo ze wzgledu na policje ktora czepiala sie kierowcow ciezarowek ze nas biora na stopa i przetzymywala nas razem z kierowca do pol godziny ... read more
lotnisko w Dahli z ktorego odbywa sie lot raz dziennie do Casablanki ok godz 19
meczet tuz przy naszym hoteliku nie dawal spac. W ostatnie dni ramadanu zbieraja sie przy nim tlumy ludzi nie wiadomo skad, glosne spiewy Imama budza nawet w nocy.

Africa » Western Sahara March 24th 2011

Zlapal nam sie ostatnio bardzo mily stop do ... MALI ! no nie wierzylismy,dopoki nie wytlumaczyl ze odda czesc bagazy w Mauretanii a potem juz nam bedzie wygodniej do Mali. Z naprawde wielkim zalem odmowilismy. Z roznych powodow chcemy juz wracac, powoli, przynajmniej z Sahary i pustyni do Maroka, na polnoc. Spedzilismy niezapomniane chwile w oazie na poludnie Laayoun w kierunku Smary ( chcielismy bardzo do El Hagouni , ale jest to miejsce na ziemi gdzie nawet stop nie jezdzi bo miejscowych jest malo i droga tam sie konczy). Teraz jestesmy w Tarfaya - to tutaj Antoine Saint-Exupery zatrzymywal sie wozac poczte z Tuluzy do Dakaru. Tutaj tez podobno napisal jedna ze swoich ksiazek :"Poczta na poludnie".( ukochane przeze mnie: "Maly Ksiaze"," Twierdza", "Ziemia planeta ludzi") . ... read more

Africa » Western Sahara March 20th 2011

W tej podrozy podoba mi sie to, ze ruszamy z miejsca dopiero gdy czujemy sie jak u siebie. Czyli poznajemy gdzie najtanszy chleboplacek, dobra mieta z absyntem(powaznie dodaja jakas zielenine ktora sie tak nazywa,wyglada jak koper) najlepsze placki z orzeszkami, jakies tanie jadlo, ludzie nas pozdrawiaja juz z widzenia i Imienia.CZyli gdy sie zasiedzimy... wtedy ruszamy dalej. Od paru dni lazimy slimaczym tempem po Al Ujunie. ZAdziwiala nas liczba wojska. Ciagla odnosze wrazaenie ze za chwile ma sie cos wydarzyc. Jak przed wielkim meczem.W niedziele trafilismy na demonstracje.Jeszcze wiecej policji i zolnierzy z jednej strony, a z drugiej mlodzi Saharyjczycy mowia o sobie Sahrawi wyspiewywali w zgrany, zorganizowany sposob swoje hasla. Podchodze do policjantow i pytam zaciekawionym (przyjaznym) glosikiem co sie dzieje, dlaczego oni krzycza o co chodzi.. Policjant zmierzyl mnie (jak z... read more

Africa » Western Sahara » North » Laayoune March 18th 2011

Jestesmy na Saharze:) Normalnie...Prawdziwa pustynia! Najprawdziwsza pustynia na swiecie!! Nie moge sie nadziwic jak taki potezny ogromny huczacy mokry ocean wali w brzeg tak poteznej ogromnej suchej spokojnej pustyni. I tak sobie Sa obok siebie, po prostu;) Przemierzylismy kawalek piasku, krajobraz pt. wiatr,piach i nic wiecej. I mijalismy znaki :uwaga na wielblady, a wielblady skulone miedzy krzakami sobie lezaly stadami. Autostop to najpewniejszy srodek lokomocji. Gdy wszystko zawiedzie,do busa Cie nie wpuszcza, grand taxi nie bierze, pociag nie istnieje wtedy zawsze jeszcze mozna lapac stopa.Nigdy nie wiesz dokad Cie zabierze i kiedy.W najgorszym wypadku sam sie zlapie;) Drugi raz zatrzymal nam sie (nie proszony o to ) mercedes, znowu okazalo sie ze kierowca jest policjant i tez z Casablanki. Stanowczo i energicznie zaprosil nas do wspolnej podrozy zapewniajac ze darmowo... read more
Al Ujun

Africa » Western Sahara December 9th 2010

As there is no official border crossing on entry into the disputed Western Sahara, it’s difficult to tell exactly when you get there, there were a couple of giant camels in the middle of a military outpost which seemed likely, but everyone’s GPS suggested the border was in fact an empty patch of sand about 400metres further on... personally we preferred the camels. We had to be pretty careful in Western Sahara because only about 3 weeks before conflict had risen up again. The Sahrawi refugee camp had been broken up by the Moroccan authorities, with a dozen civillians killed in the process. Jeepers, best not to mess around with Moroccan military. The first town we stopped at was Layoune, which is a heavily military dominated town; the place was crawling with soldiers and training facilities, ... read more
Friendly sign
Martin with a Machete
Hanging out on the cliff

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