Blogs from Sierra Leone, Africa


Africa » Sierra Leone » Freetown February 15th 2020

Difficile viaggiare in Africa Occidentale. Quasi ogni stato richiede un visto d'ingresso che puo' venire a costare dai 15 ai 100 euro, la cronica assenza di dormitori e camere singole costringe spesso a spendere anche 20 euro per una sola notte; aggiungiamoci l'instabilita' politica, il caldo soffocante, i mezzi di trasporto caotici: facile capire il perche' della pressoche' totale assenza di turisti da queste parti, fatta eccezione per i pochi, rari casi di incoscienti, spavaldi, noncuranti, chiamateli come vi pare. E' percio' difficile incontrarsi lungo la strada ma quando cio' accade risulta poi naturale unire le forze e provare a sfruttare tutti i benefici che se ne possono trarre. Innanzitutto la condivisione del costo di una camera ma anche la maggiore rapidita' nel riempire un taxi collettivo, la conoscenza di un maggior numero di lingue autoctone ... read more
Per le vie di Freetown
Spiaggia sulle Banana Islands
Commercio di diamanti a Kenema

Africa » Sierra Leone April 28th 2018

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous Traveling through Africa takes some getting used to. It’s like all the elements come together nicely to make it almost unbearable to think let along travel. From the heat, humidity, rain to the more cultural blocks like language, customs and one of the big ones for me: African time. From previous blogs I have noted that time here beats to a different drum. A bus leaves when full not at a set time; this bugged me. As a westerner time is a strict constraint, one that sits outside of me that’s objective, measureable and linear. To a degree it’s a savior because we all follow it but in a sense we are also a slave to it. To exist and function ... read more
Fish is fresh in Sierra Leone
Hammocks testing, Banana islands
Glamping, Banana islands

Africa » Sierra Leone November 16th 2015

The next morning we head to kenema, stock up on food, fuel and water and head on route to the Liberian border. After making decent time we get stuck shortly after Zimmi ( a large village), we make food and after late evening attempts we sleep and negotiate a price with the owner of a crane truck in Zimmi ( fairly obvious he has is hands in illegal mining, quite a sketchy crew) after being towed out we continue toward the border on poor roads until reaching the last main obstpacle on the route; a steep soaking wet mud hill with no chance of us getting up. A local lad had build a bypass, and took payment for trucks to use, a great guy, his bypass was a lot better but still proved too steep and ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone November 12th 2015

A long 4 hour drive due to Freetown traffic leads us via BO to KaBala village (opposite tiwai island on the Mia river), early evening, due to the remote location they had not received any comms we were arriving in hope to stay so, yet suprised they began immediately bush clearance to resurect a camping area previously built under a project helped by an English student several years ago. Olwa had been here 18 months ago but no one else since. Fit with communal hut with seating, long drop loos and bucket showers the local people made it an awesome stay. Meals cooked were chicken, kasava & palm oil, rice and fried dumplings for breakfast, minus the chicken a very normal diet for most west Africans, high starch content prompting a diebetes indemic across a lot ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone » Freetown November 9th 2015

Zik dropped me off at the hotabah lodge on route to his work at christian aid, only a short distance away and invites me back depending on what the next couple of days hold. After joining up with olwa truck we head to the Guinea embassy to apply for visas (inflated price of $200), and make plans to apply for Mali visa asap after Guinea approval, in case our permit to pass a closed border between guniea and coted'voire continues not to materialise. I spend the rest of the day getting SIM card, contacting couch surfers who offered me to stay, and mingle around the markets in PZ district, that evening group meal in local restaurant to get to know tour group, next day 10/11/15 i meet up with Alusine Csurfer) while in town withdrawing cash ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone » Freetown November 8th 2015

arrival in Freetown and after some health forms & temp checks for Ebola screening it was time to face my fate armed without a visa receipt, they didn't like it,one of a group of chinese guys had made the same omission though I think a bribe sent him on his way fairly quickly. I was left with the unsurprising option by head of immigration (on the day) to pay 120usd for a new receipt, after a short wait I was allowed to return to the airport with a paper copy of the receipt in exchange for my passport, knowing full well there must be a printer in here somewhere, we ( legendary sweed Daniel) had 3 hours to kill anyway,i left Dan with the luggage in a relaced position talking to the most friendly airport security, ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone » Freetown November 8th 2015

After a car switch as his sports car was going into a garage for repair with a friend, Zik has been an awesome host, we drove a decent circuit of Kissy and then rerouted back to his apartment, his neighbourhood and friends are all super friendly much like everyone else in this wicked part of the world, I took a wash after arriving and have spent the rest of the day talking, sleeping(everyone here like myself flying was up all night alternatively celebrating the all clear from ebola, there's a good energy in the air, blogging & we've been for a drive and a walk along the beach in Aberdeen district. Zik has the super sport channel, every European football competition in one place, every kickoff live, whole city is football loopy. Fish stew and rice ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone September 24th 2013

This is a very small blog just to say a massive thankyou to all of you who have donated to the Physio department project. We have yet to achieve the amount we need but hopefully in the coming weeks it will come. As David said, we managed to get into the centre fold of the Tavistock Times, an achievement that I had been trying for for the last 33 years! So hopefully that will make a difference. It was incredibly sad to leave, especially for those patients who still have a long way to go with their treatment but great to know there is a team there that really care. The arrival of Mother heralded a great learning opportunity for the four Physio aids (and myself) and she taught several lectures to the team on various ... read more
Idrissa treating Mohamed with a PPAM Aid
The stairs!

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga September 23rd 2013

A very warm hello to everyone, we hope this finds you all well, after what we gather has been a wonderful summer in the UK. Thank you, as ever to those who have written, it is always wonderful to hear from you! The rainy season is coming to an end here, but the nightly thunder storms remain very impressive and if we leave any electrical device plugged in, it will blow up! We left Masanga yesterday after an emotional farewell to staff, patients and our cat, and have a few days on the beach to gather our thoughts. Time has flown by! We were spoiled in our last week with a surprise party, touching gifts and kind words and prayers. We had a general staff meeting to hand over the keys to the car and we ... read more
Kissy road traffic...
Centipede burn
river no 2

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga August 18th 2013

Dear All, Whilst we sit in 28 degrees of humid thunder storms and smelly damp clothes, it seems that you are having a beautiful September in the UK. It serves as a great reminder of how stunning the UK is and what we can look forward to next year....and what will pull us back to the UK! So we are in our final month of work in Masanga. When we move on, we will miss it but the projects that we planned were for 6 months and now that these are almost completed, we are looking forward to new adventures down south. I can't remember if we told you but the general plan is overland to Liberia, fly to Ghana, then after some turtle spotting and the obvious visit to Ghana's best wave spots fly down ... read more
Hours of fun...
English weather for the beach!
Even salonean children still swallow coins!

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