Blogs from Seychelles, Africa


Africa » Seychelles » Mahé March 25th 2024

On March 20th we arrived in Male, capital of the Maldives. When we were here 8 years ago we discovered that this was not a very attractive place being the main city with only a small artificial beach. So we decided to do one of the ship's tours to an outer resort. In the morning we stayed on board, and had our first quiz win!! Then after a quick lunch we headed down to the tender to motor to the port from where we would start our tour. The sea was calm and it was a calm and comfortable ride to shore. We then waited a while to board a speedboat which then took us out to a man made island, to Crossroads Marina. It was a hot day but as we arrived the place looked ... read more
On the tender
On shore at Male
The harbour at Male

Africa » Seychelles » Praslin October 7th 2020

Here we are, our last entry about our 13 months stay in Seychelles. We are boarding our first flight in 7 months. You know me, honeymoon, need to have something special...something like one more round-the-world maybe. But here we are, this is 2020, the year of Covid-19! So we went on honeymoon, less than 80 kilometers from home. I never thought this could even happen one day, but here we are, it's 2020! Tourists have been allowed back in Seychelles. So we encounter few there and there. Our early morning flight is actually pretty full, with some 2/3 of locals on the plane. We are out for a long week-end, one night at Le Lemuria and two nights at Duc de Praslin. We get into Praslin and jump on a taxi for the 3-4 kilometers to ... read more
The cocos de mer, in the National Park of Vallee de Mai
My wife! Smile!
Superbe dinner at Le Lemuria

Africa » Seychelles » Mahé October 6th 2020

We are nearing the end of the year, Christmas is just around the corner in a few weeks, but what a year 2020 was! Who knows what 2021 will bring us, let's hope for sanity for this world! I have been slightly lazy on the travelblog side. So here is a long overdue blog. This one is to cover our stay from June till our departure of the Seychelles on the 7th of October. Imagine, 207 without crossing a border, 207 days without any single international flight. To the first, this has never happened to me, as I was crossing a border daily to go to school from the age of 4! To the next, well, it must have been something like 30 years that I didn't take a single international flight for 6 months! As ... read more
It's a beach life...
Always nice...
Well, I can tell you, golf is way way better in South Africa..

Africa » Seychelles » Mahé June 1st 2020

I hope you are all safe, well and healthy wherever you read this from. The world has changed over the last three months. Well, we know about it through the media, as today we are living in a parallel world. The airport is closed, and the Seychelles has been Covid-free for weeks! We went back to the Seychelles on the 15th March. Three days before, they had declared the first few Coronavirus positive cases. These were mainly imported ones, and mostly spotted by the authorities on entry at the airport. Seychelles reached a total of 11 positive cases before being declared Covid-free. The last case was an airport employee who had visited many friends prior to his test. This brought us a soft lockdown for 4 weeks. Let put it simply, none only did we had ... read more
Intendance beach...
Me....during our soft...and smooth lockdown...
A flight of eagle rays...

Africa » Seychelles » La Digue February 15th 2020

Here we are exploring the Seychelles again, one week-end at a time, one island each time! Today, we are on a day trip to La Digue. The plan is to spend some quality time on the world famous Anse d'Argent beach. We left home pretty early morning for the ferry terminal on Victoria. There isn't any direct speed ferry from Mahe to La Digue on Saturday, so each way today we are doing a little 15 minutes transfer on the island of Praslin. There is not supposed to be any car on La Digue. Well, I can tell you the place is pretty busy with taxis around. Instead, like most, we rent bicycles for the day. First impression, wow, this place is super crowded. I have to admit we live at the Southern point of the ... read more
Seychelles National flag...
Yes, pretty impressive place...

Africa » Seychelles » Mahé January 7th 2020

Imagine, by the end of this week, it will be already 4 months that we settled in the Seychelles! But before this, allow me to wish you and all your families an Happy New Year and best wishes for 2020! May it be a wonderful years for all where we keep visiting our little planet, understand and meet others...and believe that all those populists on earth should not lead those with an open mind to lower grounds! So four months already on our small island of 65,000 souls! So far, so good! Well, I have to admit, it feels good to be able to get out from time to time. I don't think I could survive on a small island for a continuous 12 months! But so far, love the way we are doing it! I'm ... read more
So Seychelles...
It is becoming a tradition...I'm Santa out on Christmas Eve morning!

Africa » Seychelles » Mahé October 29th 2019

Here we are...on the move again. Actually a slightly different one. Tanya has been appointed in the management team of one of the top resorts in Seychelles. So as of mid September, Seychelles became our new home. We left with over 200kg of bags...and will still keep our base in South Africa for now. As of me, I'm now becoming what you call a "plus one". Madame is working and I'm taking care of the home. I can see few of you smiling at those words! I have to admit, for the last two and half years, our lives in South Africa has been a dream. Great friends, great people, great diving, great golf, amazing food and wine...and a nice place on the beach...what would you ask for me?!? So the plan was to go for ... read more
Flying eagle rays....
Welcome to the Seychelles...
Lovely dinner at the resort...

Africa » Seychelles March 7th 2019

(CJ writes) Thursday 7th March: my birthday (hence the trip to the Seychelles), and we spent it in fine style by taking a ferry to the nearby small island of La Digue. So small, in fact, that there are few cars or lorries, and the locals mainly get around by bike. The touristy thing to do is to hire one on arrival at about 9:45am and ride around all day visiting the various local beaches, restaurants and souvenir shops before boarding the return ferry. We got there, picked up the bikes and got going. (I haven’t ridden a bike since we rode along the city walls in Xian, China, a few years ago, but you never forget ... Turns out I can either pedal or steer, but not both at once). Few shops open because a ... read more
Beautifil beach...for a wedding
Bonking tortoises..."my turn next"!
Steve takes a dip

Africa » Seychelles » Praslin March 6th 2019

(SC writes) Yesterday we hired a car and toured Praslin. The waether wasn't great but it didn't matter too much as our first stop was at Vallee de Mai: a two hour walk and climb through an ancient palm forest and the home of the famous Coco de Mer. We covered up to avoid being eaten by bugs, but, boy was it hot and sticky. Worth it though and a very enjoyable look at the interior of Praslin. See pix of the infeasibly large nut with all sorts of sexual overtones and the frankly phallic male flower. (CJ: the female nut takes seven years to mature. It is contained within a fleshy, heart shaped exterior which must rot away pretty quickly in this climate, leaving a nut weighing 18kg or thereabouts. The male flower is about ... read more
On the clamber through Vallee De Mai
Cathy discovers the Coco de Mer
Steve in the forest

Africa » Seychelles » Praslin March 4th 2019

(CJ writes) Things we have learned about the Seychelles: * the islands have a chequered history: occupied by freed slaves, colonised by France and then gained independence, then the British took over - and they eventually gained independence again. Consequently the first language is Kreol, the official language is English and place names, businesses etc tend to be in French, which nearly everybody speaks. Prices for locals are in Seychelles rupees, tourist prices are in euros; * drivers are almost all lunatics. They’ll pull out of a turning - looking right at you - when you’re only a couple of yards away. They’ll routinely drive hanging half way over the centre line (and the roads are barely wide enough for two vehicles). They’ll overtake on blind corners. And the bus drivers are worse than that! * ... read more
Cathy enjoys a fine sunset
Sunset 3rd March
Unexpected accommodation tonight

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