Blogs from Rabat, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer, Morocco, Africa


Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat September 30th 2023

Needless to say, the breakfast buffet at the Sofitel was as excellent as expected. Afterwards, we embarked on our first day of sightseeing in Morocco, and Rabat delivered all the historical and architectural wonders I had been anticipating. I can admit with certainty that after this day, my love for Morocco was firmly established. Our first stop was the governmental seat of the country in the Commune of Touarga, the Dar al Mahkzen Palace Complex, one of the 15th royal palaces, but the one where King Mohammed VI works but does not live in. This site is the only place where photos can be taken of the guards. It is prohibited in Morocco to photograph uniformed personnel, whether policemen, soldiers, or any other governmental body. This palace, therefore, is a good place to observe the different ... read more
Dar Al Mahkzen
Dar Al Mahkzen
Dar Al Mahkzen

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat September 29th 2023

Although we had landed in Casablanca, we were quickly transported to Rabat, where our tour officially began. At the airport, we had an opportunity to experience first-hand the relaxed attitude of Morocco's population, as we patiently waited for officials to finish socializing before tending to the long lines of travelers waiting for passport check. The trip between the two cities seemed long, probably because we were tired from the long flights, and the arrival to the city was uneventful. The extended city of Rabat, or nouveau ville, is not much different from any modern generic metropolis. Our hotel, The Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses, was a lovely oasis a distance from the center of town. It boasts 17 acres of Andalusian gardens, and an enormous pool hidden by tall palm trees. It also includes several restaurants ... read more
Sofitel Jardin des Roses, Rabat
Sofitel Jardin des Roses, Rabat
Sofitel Jardin des Roses, Rabat

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat October 12th 2022

Today we headed in to see Morocco's capitol, Rabat, which is a short distance from Bouznika. We caught a shared taxi from Bouznika plage to Bouznika, then took the train to the city. The morning was overcast and a little cool. We found our way to the Hassan tower, a minaret of an incompleted mosque from the 12th century, and the mausoleum of Mohammed V. Then we walked down to the waterfront- such a beautiful area, with the mix of old and new, the view of the Kasbah of the Udayas in the background, and people taking rowboats across the river from Rabat to Salé. We found a restaurant along the walkway to have a little break from our exploring. Monica had a healthy detox booster, and I had a nutella brownie 🤣 After, we headed ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat December 12th 2019

Scorrono tranquille le giornate qui in Marocco, inaspettatamente posizionato sullo stesso fuso orario dell' Italia anche se situato ben più ad Ovest; sono cosi' riuscito a trascorrere i miei primi due giorni nel paese indietro di un'ora rispetto a tutti quelli che mi stavano attorno, ma poco male. Meglio comunque farsi subito la mano ed abituarsi in fretta a tutti quei termini arabi a me ancora ben poco familiari. Innanzitutto "Medina", cioè la città vecchia, il centro più antico dell'abitato molto spesso circondato da mura o da cio' che ne rimane; qui si concentrano la gran parte delle attrazioni turistiche e degli hotel più economici (altro luogo a colpo sicuro è vicino alle stazioni di autobus e treni!) che bene riescono a riassumerne le principali caratteristiche: decrepiti, bui, sporchi, in generale di bassa qualità ma tutto ... read more
Rabat: la torre di Hassan
Casablanca: la moschea di Hassan II si innalza dalla acque dell'oceano
Marrakesh: aprono i negozi del souk

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat November 17th 2019

The allure I felt to visit Morocco had been growing stronger over the last several years. Honestly, I had felt drawn to visit this mysterious country for many years. As a youth I had read Marguerite Henry’s “King of the Wind,” a story about the famous Godolphin Barb horse fictionally set in Morocco. Romantic notions of Morocco filled my head after seeing movies such as “Casablanca,” and “The Wind and the Lion.” In October, 2018, that which my heart had known for many years finally overcame any doubts that my mind had harbored about visiting Morocco and I booked a tour for early October, 2019. After fighting heavy traffic to reach the airport with little time to spare, all the necessary lines were cleared and we left a cloudy New York City on an overnight Air ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat September 24th 2019

Still love Rabat. Breakfast on the sun balcony required a ‘parasol’ as today’s sky was as blue as we have seen anytime in Spain or Morocco (or England!) and the sun quite intense. Moving around there’s been a refreshing breeze but the delightful blue sky remains. Breakfast was very Moroccan which is fine by me but a bit tougher on Lee as much is bread based. There was honey, jams, fresh pot set yoghurt, goat cheese and olives. As well some lovely lemon juice but the basis was crepes, a form of flat crumpet and some pastries. We share the riad with a small group of travel agents, many or most are Australian and several are a little loud especially around 7 o’clock in the morning. Shame they didn’t want 2 typical tourists to trial a ... read more
Blue skies across the labyrinth that is the Médina.
More blue skies, more Médina.
The Palace of the King of Morocco.

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat September 23rd 2019

Another lovely breakfast at the El Minza. The renovations have seen a beautiful old serving area that was delightfully decorated in that Arabic mosaic style replaced with a fully functional wood and stainless steel serving counter which to us is such a pity. Other renovations are sympathetic and for the better and really their wifi service and bathrooms are terrific but the hotel has lost something and has not lived up to my expectations. Reception staff seem aloof and their first reaction to several of our requests has not been satisfactory. Our taxes bill was 227 dirham which is fine as that is levied by the government but when I handed them 240 dirham there was no change forthcoming. It’s my decision to tip or not so I said I wanted change but they said they ... read more
That’s the station waiting room. Wifi, free coffee, very comfy...
There’s no holding hands on this train!
That’s what Morocco looks like at 324 km/hr.

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat April 4th 2019

If at noon the king declares it is night, behold the stars… ~ Moroccan Proverb HE SAID... Today we were travelling northeast from Casablanca to Rabat. We were catching a morning train to Rabat, so we headed down to the hotel lobby for an early breakfast. Breakfast was a reasonably simple affair, but enjoyable all the same. We started with freshly squeezed orange juice and mint tea, then grazed on baguettes, boiled eggs, croissants and jam. We organised our packs in our room, then loaded them into a minibus and made our way to Casa Voyageurs, one of Casablanca’s three main train stations. The station was empty, so we breezed through the various ticket collectors and settled into our oven-like carriage. We eased out of the station at 9:45am, and stared silently at the decrepit and ... read more
rabat medina
rabat medina
kasbah des oudaias

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat February 14th 2019

Sara's knee swelled up nicely yesterday due to the serious amount of walking we did. We were going to visit the Musee Archaeologique but some more research reveals it is underwhelming and not worth the effort of getting there. We decide to go out of the medina and venture south into the ville nouvelle, built by the French during their occupation from 1912 to 1956. We negotiate our way through the medina much better this morning. The streets are less crowded as most of the shops and stalls have yet to open. Only the little corner shops selling the ubiquitous small single portion loaves and the juice and sandwich shops are open, and a few stalls selling fruit and veg. Parents are hauling small children to school, and the beggars are already out. The ville nouvelle ... read more
A grey day in the French quarter in Rabat
Andalusian garden in the Kasbah
Kasbah in Rabat

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat February 12th 2019

We enjoy the best breakfast of the holiday in the riad. Freshly cooked, piping hot pancakes, a perfect omelette, bread, yogurt, fresh fruit and even a bowl of tiny strawberries, halved and macerated in a little sugar. Madame who is in charge is French, so that is probably why. Thus refreshed we set off to visit the Bou Inania Medersa (what they call a madrassa in Morocco). Despite being listed as opening at 9.00, it’s closed when we arrive. The cleaning lady tells us it opens at 10.00 so we decide to walk back to the main square, confident we now know the route. However, the souks are entirely different this early. None of the shops have opened, so instead of navigating our way down incredibly narrow passages between the shops selling young men’s fashion, and ... read more
Bou Inania medresa, Meknes
Heri es-Souani, Meknes
Chellah necropolis, Rabat

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