Blogs from Egypt, Africa


Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo March 11th 2024

I'm ready to fly out of Jeddah around lunch time on Saturday, but I only need to be in Lubumbashi, Congo on Tuesday lunch time! What do you do in between, knowing that the amount of airlines available is pretty limited! I could have spend 1-2 days in Johannesburg, but that's already in the plan for May. So instead, Cairo is the plan! Been to Cairo tons of times, the latest being only 20 months ago, so let's try to do something new! This trip has been booked for a while. The hope was to have the opening of the new grand Egyptian Museum done by Spring 2024. Well, at the speed it's going, they will be ready by the end of 2024, maybe! The good news is that they are running a pre-opening phase. For ... read more
The main staircase
Dreamland Pyramids golf....the only view of the pyramid is the top of the main one from one single spot...
A 20 minutes movie to start the visit...

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Bawiti January 5th 2024

We practically sprang out of bed at the crack of dawn, filled with the joy of leaving Cairo. The driver was only 5 minutes late and I was already gripped with panic that we wouldn’t be going. But all was well and we were on our way, through the miles and miles of non-descript apartments, slowly replaced by apparent attempts to create a ‘new’ area on the outskirts of the city with water parks and resorts. And then the flat nothingness. After about 4 forgettable hours, we arrived in Bawiti, a town in Bahariya oasis, with, honestly not much to note about it. We were fed a hearty lunch, bade a fond farewell to bathrooms and were on our way into the Black Desert. Our guide attempted to get us to climb a big hill to ... read more
Sand boarding
Campfire in the Agapat Valley
White Desert

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza January 2nd 2024

The promise of a visit to the pyramids and some camel action managed to rally our youngest patient out of bed and into our bus. Obligatory stop at the papyrus shop to see their very naff produce but we did get an interesting demonstration of how it was made. In the road again for the quick trip to the pyramids. First stop was Cheops where we clambered up the outside for a different perspective but decided not to go inside after being tombed-out in Luxor. So we headed to the overlook where our ships of the desert awaited to relieve us of all our ailments and a considerable sum of money. Saddled up and prepared supplies for the arduous 30 minute trek into the Sahara. The little known healing properties of camels on previously debilitating coughs ... read more
Hooray it’s still standing
Not the cheesiest shot we took today
That’s the money shot

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza January 1st 2024

So, despite the lovely view and the potential of fireworks (of which our neighbours were proving plenty), we didn’t quite manage midnight…but set an alarm for 5 mins before. The hotels and houses in front let off a few…not the Opera House but not too shabby. We decided on a lazy morning to give Beeb some more recovery time, and then headed in to Khan El Kahlili for some lunch. Another delicious serving of juices and some tasty chocolate filled things gave us some energy for perfume buying and general wandering. But there’s only so many conversations one can have about ‘best price’ before it becomes overwhelming, so we jumped in an Uber and headed to the Egyptian Museum. It’s in a state of flux as the new museum in Giza is “opening” but no one ... read more
Ready for

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza December 31st 2023

Catch the overnight train she said! It will be fun she said! What could possibly go wrong?! We had a nice relaxed start to the day before we packed up and were collected for our lunch on the felucca. Some serenity being towed along the Nile but quite different to Aswan. Delicious lunch. The serenity ended as we had to get motored back to Luxor due to lack of wind. Back in the bus and headed to the valley of the Queens. We were all keen to see Nefertari’s tomb as she was Ramses most beloved wife. She was Nubian in origin and considered a beauty. Entry was strictly controlled which was great as it meant that there weren’t many people. We were all absolutely amazed - it was just awesome. The girls particularly liked the ... read more
Because she is very beautiful. With Hathor, the cow, and also in a weird relationship with Horus.
The snake and jackal, so beautiful
Ugh some tomb history

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor December 29th 2023

Actually not really, but places where dead people had been…and if you’re Eloise, that’s basically as bad as lying in the sarcophagus with them. A grumbling early start as we scoffed breakfast and headed for our adventures on the West Bank. Not too long of a trip and we were at Medinet Habu, a temple for Ramses III. It was all about him really, what a strong warrior he was and how he killed lots of enemies. And the usual chumminess with the gods. He understood the importance of really making his mark, so he made the carvings very deep so they could never be removed or worn away. Some beautiful colours, not many other people and guards who were keen to earn a bit of coin on the side meant we were shown all the ... read more
Incredible carvings
Raiders of the Lost (S)Ark(ophagus)…see what I did there?!
Ramses IX

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor December 28th 2023

Anyone seeing the title of ‘cats’ and the location in Luxor may have assumed I was referring to the many sphinxes adorning this town. In fact, there’s a whole avenue of them, recently opened between Karnak and Luxor temples. There are hundreds of them. But anyone would be wrong. I’m referring to actual cats. Fat ones, almost hundreds of them that we got to hang out with today at the ACE animal sanctuary, a charity on the East Bank that looks after the neglected animals of Luxor. And bloody hell, there are a lot of them. So this shelter takes them in. At this point, you’d normally say ‘there were fat ones and skinny ones…’ but in reality, there are no skinny ones because the ones that are there know they’re onto a good thing. And ... read more
Rabbit (three legged cat) and others

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor December 27th 2023

Yes, for all you pedants out there, I know Montezuma is Mexican but the reference is related to the very authentic curry stir fry noodles in the Mexican buffet which did not agree with me AT ALL and rendered me horizontal for the entire day. So for everyone else, it was a lazy start to the day including breakfast and lunch before pick up for a “desert experience”. Not particularly authentic I’m told and a bit naff all round but they did get a camel ride and enjoyed the show. But I’m assured that my Mexican dalliance didn’t cost me too much in experience even if it did in body weight. Another long day back to Luxor via the same route we came. We were pleased to be leaving the resort but glad we’d made the ... read more
Camels again
Sunset over the desert camp
Fire show

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Port Ghalib December 25th 2023

Our day began with another visit from our companion - obviously knew a good thing when he was on it! But sadly, all good things come to an end for cats (and humans) and we had to depart our lovely boat. Our driver collected us for the long drive to Marsa Alam. We wove through the agricultural scenes by the Nile on our way…and I mean that quite literally as side of the road seems to be a vague concept here…through village after village until we headed east and the scenery changed starkly. Lush green fields quickly gave way to harsh rocky terrain which seemed interminable. Luckily we had something else to entertain us which also seemed interminable - Taylor Swift. A quick stop for lunch with some delicious chicken meals and we were on our ... read more
Friendly turtle hanging in the middle
Beautiful snorkelling
Lots of fishies

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Port Ghalib December 25th 2023

What does everyone want in their Christmas stocking?! An early morning wake up and the chance to spend the day with chain-smoking half naked Russians! If your answer is yes, then you’re in the right place! Santa’s exceptional navigational abilities enabled him to find us here and his delivery partially offset the offence caused by the early start. Breakfast, pick up, some grumpy Russians and before too long we were on the boat with more. Luckily they had endless ciggies to suck down. But all was not too bad as we headed seawards into the waves towards Samadai reef, or dolphin house, hoping they had not been in touch with their lazier cousins of yesterday. A bit of rocking and rolling, some ciggies and more than our fair share of man boob and we were there. ... read more
Off on the boat trip
Dolphins found us too!
Hello beautiful dolphins

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