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Addicted to blogging

17 years ago, February 15th 2007 No: 1 Msg: #10775  
B Posts: 109
Just wondering if anyone is as crazy as me? After reading travelblog daily for about a year and now blogging myself for about a month or two, whenever I go out new places - I see things in little black boxes, thinking that would make a good photo on my blog!!!

The first thing I do when I log on is to check my stats. I can't not check them. Hopefully this will wear off as I write more blogs, and the novelty wears off

Anyone else like me? Reply to this

17 years ago, February 16th 2007 No: 2 Msg: #10807  
it doesn't stop I have been travelling for 8 months now and I still love to check my stats, but best of all is when sombody I don't know leaves a message, there is no better feeling than somebody you have never met taking an intrest in what you have been doing

T.B. aka Marc Reply to this

17 years ago, April 3rd 2007 No: 3 Msg: #12441  
B Posts: 109
Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe I made the front page!!! I might faint from excitement

Ha ha ha...

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17 years ago, April 5th 2007 No: 4 Msg: #12527  
B Posts: 5,200
On the front page - but no other bites 😉 - I highlight discussions that I hope will get interest. This one should.

The big question is: are people addicted to blogging or addicted to the stats?

I used to be addicted to blogging - while I travelled for the first year or so it was one of the highlights of my trip, documenting sharing and then getting feedback via my blog. Those comments were fantastic, feedback first from friends, family and then random strangers really enhanced the experience. Sad thing now is that I blog less, my energies are often better spent bug fixing and adding features to travelblog than sharing my own experiences.

But I'm so glad so many have taken up the torch and are addicted to blogging 😊

More miscellaneous stats: Alexa Travelblog Most popular travelblogs - have fun 😊 Reply to this

17 years ago, April 5th 2007 No: 5 Msg: #12529  
I like the responses that I sometimes get...I often wish people would object more often to the things I write. But to be honest I find producing the actual blog very hard work. It's maybe something to do with being told by a teacher when I was at school that I had no 'style'. The same jerk never said what he meant or how to improve things... Reply to this

17 years ago, April 5th 2007 No: 6 Msg: #12537  
B Posts: 109
Thanks for that site Ali

0.0105% of global internet users go to Travelblog
and of those users 3.8% are Australian
So what does that make me?

and Stuart Yes! I agree, it does take alot of effort to make the blogs, so you must have to enjoy doing it to be bothered, so it mustn't be all about the stats 😉 I am at home now, not travelling and it takes me ages to make mine! I am at home with 3 children, so apart from looking after them, Travelblog takes up the rest of my time 😊 Reply to this

17 years ago, April 6th 2007 No: 7 Msg: #12574  
I think it can be addictive, i was planning to write a blog on my travels and i already have several entry's before i have left the UK...lol, but i think that i have always enjoyed the build up to traveling as much as the trip/holiday and now that im off for a 2 year stint...........i feel i may explode.....lol and so i think writing about the build up will be an organic flow into my trip blog, i had comments by someone i did not know who enjoyed the blogs and had said she had enjoyed what i had out so far and as she couldnt afford to go on a trip anytime soon, had found my blogs cool......that gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside for someone i don't know to say such kind words

Keep up the good work everyone, as i enjoy reading blogs just as much as i enjoy writing them😊 Reply to this

17 years ago, April 7th 2007 No: 8 Msg: #12593  
I'm totally addicted! Not just to blogging but to reading other people's blogs. Travelblog is my homepage so it's right there as soon as I switch on the internet and there's always a new blog I haven't read yet or a new picture I haven't rated just sitting there on the front page, tempting me away from studying. It's great! Not that I need any new reasons not to study!!

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17 years ago, April 9th 2007 No: 9 Msg: #12625  
Susin...........another lazy student,i went to university of life...where all lessons were in the pub and doing daft antics with my friends was my homework,youre at the wrong uni...lol Reply to this

17 years ago, April 18th 2007 No: 10 Msg: #13046  
I am totally obsessed over my blog. When I was bored in the daytime in Thailand, I would spend hours writing on this thing. Then when I was broke or busy in India and Kenya, I'd stress out for my blogging-fix. Now I'm home and finally finishing my last entries today. I've probably spent 260 hours writing and uploading pictures in the last seven months. Thank God the trip ended when it did.

Now it's time to start a new blog... Reply to this

17 years ago, April 26th 2007 No: 11 Msg: #13341  
B Posts: 1
I actually have four travel blogsites (and that includes a friendster account ha ha). Although I haven't really abandoned the other three sites, I put more time here writing and reading (a lot) travel blogs. Yes, the statistics are fun to look at. Reply to this

17 years ago, May 30th 2007 No: 12 Msg: #14638  
I'm with you, Travellingmum . . . well, actually-I was with you when I first discovered this site. I spent hours reading and dreaming of how wonderful, and in some cases scary it would be to be able to do as some bloggers have done. I love to read and nearly as equally love to write. I found myself getting a bit obsessive and have exerted quite alot of self discipline on myself the last year or so as the hours passed too quickly when spent reading all day. Besides that, my kids have to eat and have a bath every so often! Once the travel blogger numbers increased so rapidly I couldn't keep up with them all, I had to stop. My travels are not as extensive as most on this site (not even close, really) and I felt a little foolish for even starting up a blog in the first place. But I do love to write, and initially thought to myself, "This very well might be a way to gauge interest and possibly even start a following for the time I decide to write a book and sell it." Yes, call me a capitalist pig. In any case, I need topics and researched writings are not the same as those lived. I'll be living them again one day soon, so look for my book (books?) in a country near you. After all, I'm already a worldwide published writer (thanks Ali). Reply to this

16 years ago, July 5th 2007 No: 13 Msg: #16112  
I'm obsessed with Travelblog, I visit it at least 3-4 times daily - check my stats, read new blogs and oh I love rating random photos.

Travellingmum - You echo my thoughts, whenever I'm travelling i'm always thinking of how the pics would look on my blog ;-) Reply to this

16 years ago, May 5th 2008 No: 14 Msg: #34313  
B Posts: 38
Addicted to blogging, or addicted to blogs? Personnally I visit the site almost every day and read several blogs, statistics and forum. But my own output of blogs is fairly leisurely. Blogs are often posted months after the trip is completed. For example I still havent published all the intended blogs on a trip I took to SE Asia in 2006. And to think, it is May, 2008 !!. Does than make me addicted, probably not. Reply to this

16 years ago, May 5th 2008 No: 15 Msg: #34328  
I am a bit like you Deronda. Leisurely about it.
I love reading travel stories and I like telling mine but I often dont get around to making the blog until several months after the trip. I usually do it when something or somebody makes me think ''I should upload that story as a blog''.

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15 years ago, June 12th 2008 No: 16 Msg: #38155  
I'm with you mel, at the time i write a little diary of where i was and any interesting adventures i had and then when i get back i write the blog. I'm never really on holidays long enough to write it while i'm there, plus my girlfriend gets bored and doesn't want to sit in an internet cafe for a few hours while i write.

I inititially found travelblog through searching for underwater photos and happened to come across a few of Ali's blogs with some. I became addicted to reading them and after a few months i decided i would give it a try. It wasn't until after i joined that i looked at Ali's profile and realised that he was the one who made the site... kinda weird.

At the moment i am so addicted to the site, on my days off i sit on it all day and read and write blogs. I am constantly checking my stats as well. I am so glad other people do this as well 😊

This site has made me want to travel so i can blog, i seriously can't wait to go traveling again. Reply to this

15 years ago, June 13th 2008 No: 17 Msg: #38404  
As well as reading blogs, I love travel talk. I am constantly looking for new possibilities. Many of my travel destinations are inspired by blogs and people I chatted with on the internet. I generally think if people are going there(especially women) then it has to be possible to travel there.

The really great thing about reading blogs for upcomming destinations is it calms my nerves by putting me in the reality of what travelling in that place is like, rather than the fears of what it may be like. When I went to Iran it took me the best part of a year of reading about it and talking with people about it before I was reasonably unnervous. Even the day before I flew I alternated between excitment and fear every five minutes. I had to contact one of my internet buddies who had been to Iran for more reassurance. :D Reply to this

15 years ago, June 13th 2008 No: 18 Msg: #38420  
I'm a fanatic stat-checker, but it's messages from readers than mean more to me, as anyone can find a diary by accident and click on it but messages show that people appreciate your writing or photos.

I don't think I could not write about a place I've been to - it would feel as if I hadn't been there. Reply to this

15 years ago, June 17th 2008 No: 19 Msg: #38865  
I can relate. I check the stats too many times a day to admit. But, it's the responses that are the most fun. When someone leaves a comment on my blog then I know it was worthwhile. I appreciate all the different types of travels that are blogged about here. Although at this stage in my life, I'm not a backpacker, I still enjoy reading about everyone's adventures, whatever they may be. Reply to this

15 years ago, June 18th 2008 No: 20 Msg: #39023  
B Posts: 104
I am totally addicted to travelblog................................AND PROUD!!!! Reply to this

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