The "Thrill" List

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May 11th 2024
Published: May 11th 2024
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When they "experts" publish these, lists, I am always curious about places I have also visited.

This is a thrill-seekers list according to Kitty Holland of "Passing Thru Travel":

The Trans-Siberian Railway, stretching over 9,000 kilometers from Moscow to Vladivostok, is the longest railway line in the world and offers one of the most iconic rail journeys. This epic voyage crosses eight time zones and offers a window into Russia’s vast and varied landscapes, from the dense forests of Siberia to the majestic Ural Mountains and the expansive steppes. Travelers can explore historic cities, experience Russia’s rich cultures and traditions, and interact with locals in remote communities. The journey can be customized with stops in cities like Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, and the stunning Lake Baikal, the deepest freshwater lake in the world.

A safari in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park is an unforgettable adventure that brings you face-to-face with the spectacle of the African wild. This vast ecosystem is renowned for its annual wildebeest migration, a breathtaking display of nature’s raw beauty, and the circle of life. Beyond the migration, the Serengeti offers unparalleled opportunities to observe Africa’s Big Five (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo) in their natural habitat, along with hundreds of other species of animals and birds. The experience of waking up to the sounds of the savannah, watching sunsets over the plains, and sleeping under the stars is transformative, connecting you to the ancient rhythms of the natural world.

The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Queensland, Australia, is the world’s largest coral reef system and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Diving in this underwater wonderland reveals a kaleidoscope of marine life, from vibrant coral gardens and schools of colorful fish to majestic sea turtles and gentle reef sharks. The reef’s vast biodiversity and the clarity of its waters make it one of the most sought-after diving destinations globally. Beyond the thrill of diving, the Great Barrier Reef offers a stark reminder of the fragility of our marine ecosystems and the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect this natural treasure for future generations.

The Amazon Rainforest, the world’s largest tropical rainforest, spans nine countries in South America and is home to an astonishing diversity of flora and fauna. Exploring the Amazon offers adventurers the chance to venture into the heart of biodiversity, navigating its mighty rivers, trekking through dense jungle, and encountering wildlife such as pink dolphins, sloths, and countless species of birds and insects. This adventure is about witnessing the Amazon’s unparalleled beauty and understanding its critical role in the global ecosystem and the threats it faces from deforestation and climate change.

Sailing the Greek Islands is an adventure that offers the ultimate freedom to explore the stunning landscapes, ancient ruins, and crystal-clear waters of the Aegean Sea. Each island has its own character, from the whitewashed houses and blue-domed churches of Santorini to the vibrant nightlife of Mykonos and the tranquil beaches of the lesser-known Cyclades. Sailing allows travelers to discover secluded bays, dine in local tavernas, and immerse themselves in Greece’s rich history and culture, all while enjoying the exhilarating experience of being at sea.

Road-tripping the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) in California is an iconic journey that takes you along one of the most scenic coastal routes in the world. Stretching from San Francisco to Los Angeles, the PCH offers breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, rugged cliffs, and pristine beaches. Along the way, travelers can explore charming coastal towns, visit world-class wineries, hike in state parks, and marvel at landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge and Big Sur. This journey is as much about the destinations along the way as it is about the exhilarating experience of the open road.

Embarking on any of these travel adventures allows us to engage deeply with the world around us. Each adventure, from the icy expanses of Antarctica to the ancient pathways of the Camino de Santiago, provides a unique opportunity to explore our planet’s natural beauty, cultural richness, and historical depth. These experiences challenge us to step beyond the familiar, learn and grow, and appreciate the Earth’s incredible diversity and complexity. In doing so, they remind us of the value of preservation, the importance of sustainable travel, and the enduring power of curiosity and exploration. As we venture into these adventures, we discover the world and understand our place within it, fostering a deeper connection to the environments and communities we encounter.

You cannot go wrong with whichever one you choose. I would place the Amazon Rainforest at the top, along with my trips to Angkor Wat in Cambodia.


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