May 5 - First full Day at Sea

Published: May 6th 2024
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Bottle Juggling on Deck
Happy Cinco de Mayo!

We are somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, making steady progress toward our first port in the Azores. It is several days of sailing, so we are preparing for a restful time. But where are we actually? If you are interested, our ship’s location can be tracked daily at this URL:

In keeping with the idea of a restful cruise, we actually slept quite late this morning. Partly because of having to get used to another new bed – always takes time to get comfortable with the mattress/pillows/temperature. But the accumulated fatigue from the previous day’s travels finally overcame us and we slept so long we actually missed breakfast. It’s hard to miss a meal on a cruise ship.

The “noon positional report” said we were 382 miles from Ft Lauderdale with 2891 miles before we reach our first port in Ponta Delgada, Azores. It was nice and sunny but breezy today with the temperature close to 80 in the mid afternoon.

In view of it being May 5th, there was a special fajita lunch, but that sounded a bit spicey for a starter meal today, so we skipped it. But they

Margarita Mixing
also had a margarita demonstration at the Neptune Pool at 2:00. David went to watch and almost got to be the “sampler person”. But at least he got a couple of photos. Afterwards he came back to the cabin to read for a while.

Janet spent the afternoon in the cabin watching TV and working on her stitching.

This evening was the first Formal Night, so we got dressed up for a nice dinner at 5:00. We had dinner reservations tonight, but all the future reservations got cancelled for some reason. But we will still be able to eat somewhere tomorrow.

We reported to the Coral Dining Room at 5:00 and got seated at a table for 8. The dining system these days does not allow you to reserve a particular table/waiter, just to get in the room. So, these were all new folks and a new waiter. As everyone kept showing up it appeared that Formal Night had lost much of its glitter – folks were wearing most anything but not particularly fancy. OK, we were a day early and Formal Night is not until tomorrow.

For Cinco de Mayo, they were pushing special Mexican drinks. We got Tex-Mex Old Fashions. The way he described it had a margarita immediately afterward, so we thought they were going to be old fashioned margaritas. Not – but they were good anyway. Janet had Shrimp Cocktail and Sesame Chicken Bites before a very large slab or Prime Rib. David had a Mexican Salad and Banana Rum Chilled Soup, followed by the Prime Rib and Baked Potato too. For dessert Janet had Banana Chocolate Rum Tart and David had Carrot Cake.

After dinner we changed out of our dress-up clothes. Janet stayed in the cabin and watched TV. David went to the Princess Theater to hear a Celine Dion tribute. The singer was good and sang a wide range of popular hits. Now we are back in the cabin for the night. We lose an hour off the clock tonight, o we will stop here. Good Night!

There seems to be some interret problems, so we will not attach the picture today - maybe it will be better tomorrow.


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