England does Autumn

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October 21st 2009
Published: October 27th 2009
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After a hectic six weeks, we have been sticking pretty close to home recently. Our summer van trip already seems a distant memory. As soon as we arrived at Dover, it was clear that summer was out and autumn was in!

Our ‘stay-cation’ travels have taken us out to Kent and two more trips back up to the Peak District. Our first trip was staying with friends and completing a fantastic hike up through the moorland. Thanks Suse and John, for the fantastic hospitality. Hiking in the wild moorland was just awesome.

This weekend we had our last 2009 trip in away in Brian-not-sexy-but-good who is heading out to a winter storage facility in Surrey next weekend.

We stayed in a Camper and Caravanning Club site (yes guys, I can hear the sniggers from here - no, actually, we weren’t the youngest people there …) about a mile away from a little village called Youlgreave. Imagine a beautiful country village, where everything is made of stone and the church bells seem to ring constantly. That’s Youlgreave - as pretty as a picture. I just wish we could have stayed longer to do some of the hikes through the surrounding countryside.

This trip also took us back to the Denby factory outlet (okay, that may have been a reason for making another visit to the area - but come on, have you seen the prices of that stuff in the southern hemisphere?!) and Chatsworth House.

On our last visit to Chatsworth, we did a pretty long hike around the estate. This time we actually visited the house and gardens, which were as lovely as expected.

The trips really reminded us that this really is a stunning country, especially in the Autumn light which we have had recently.

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Hanging out in the PeaksHanging out in the Peaks
Hanging out in the Peaks

Don't worry mum & dad. The drop was only a couple of metres, it looks much higher than it really is!

27th October 2009

Beautiful photographs. The Peaks truly are beautiful at this time of this, makes me want to revisit soon. :)
5th January 2010

Blog of the year, for the Europe/photography cathegory.
Check this out :) http://www.travelblog.org/Topics/22180-1.html

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