Visa Departure Calculator


typical visa durations are 15, 30, 90 or 180 days

Visa Date Calculator

{h3}WARNING: many countries include the day of arrival and departure in calculations! You will be fined or worse if you overstay your visa.

Calculate the Last Day of Departure for Your Visas and Permits

Important note: this tool is provided as is - TravelBlog, its owners and employees do not accept any liability for any negative effects of any nature its use may have.

Hint: most visas or permits allow you to stay in the country until the very last day of their duration, as the day that you leave does not count towards the total of days they allow you to stay. This is not set in stone however, so make sure that this actually applies to your specific visa or permit!

It would generally be advisable to allow a few days grace, so you don't overstay your allowed number of days if anything doesn't go as planned (a delayed flight might push your schedule back further than you had anticipated, for example).

Instructions: Click the red calendar icon below and select your arrival date - then enter the length of your visa or permit. Any feedback? Departure Date Calculator

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