crazy weekend

February 15th 2010
Published: February 15th 2010
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This past weekend was a very exciting, eventful weekend.

Before, I thought that my hike of Cederberg Mountain was the coolest thing I have ever done. However, this past Saturday, I topped that by skydiving over Cape Town.

I am no adrenaline junkie, but I would skydive again in a heartbeat. The only truly terrifying part of it was the three seconds before the jump: attached to the parachuter, legs outside the open door of the aircraft, looking down at the landscape you could potentially smash into... but that fear only lasted for a few seconds. It was a beautiful sensation; during the 5,000 or so feet of freefall I felt like I was floating, not falling. It was serene, in a way. Once the parachute opened, I was able to enjoy the view of Cape Point, Table Mountain, Robben Island, and the city of Cape Town. It was beautiful. I couldn't think of a better place to skydive for the first time.

After skydiving our group met up with another group at Mzoli's, a butchery/braai/restaurant joint where they served an obscene amount of meat. Our food (sausage, chicken, lamb) was served in a huge plastic bin, and from there is was grab what you can. There was no veggies or rolls or anything along those lines, just meat, and a lot of it. It was so good.... but soooo much meat.

The next day we journeyed to Simon's Town to see the penguin colony. They were hilarious. Very cute. And so many of them. Later in the day we ventured to Cape Point, the Southwestern most point of Africa. It was a good hike, and incredibly beautiful. The ocean is so blue. Apparently, this is the right time of season for whale watching, but we didn't see any.

Overall, successful weekend. I'm still loving Africa just as much as when I first arrived, if not more.

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19th February 2010

You go girl!!!
Lydia, congratulations! A very sweet accomplishment. I envy you there in Africa. I don't have to tell you what an opportunity, you seem to be taking advantage of everything that's offered. Have fun and keep blogging, I love it. love, Marnie

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