Blogs from Lake Titicaca , Puno, Peru, South America - page 2


South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca September 28th 2018

Von Cusco aus ging es am Abend nach unserer Vinicunca Wanderung mit einem lokalen Nachtbus sechs Stunden nach Puno, einer Stadt auf rund 4.000 Metern Seehöhe am Titicacasee. Im Bus zu schlafen war nicht unbedingt die Offenbarung, aber wir waren nach all den Wanderungen rund um Cusco, Machu Picchu und Vinicunca müde genug um binnen weniger Minuten wegzudösen. Als wir dann um 05:30 Uhr in der (auf den ersten Blick wenig charmanten) Hafenstadt ankamen, konnten wir unseren Augen kaum glauben: Der See in der Morgendämmerung hatte wahrlich eine magische Anziehungskraft. Vom Busbahnhof aus machten wir uns dann mit einem Taxi auf dem Weg zu einem kleinen privaten Bootsanleger, von dort aus mit einem Motorboot durch die Schilflandschaft entlang zu unserer Unterkunft für eine Nacht: einer Strohhütte auf einer Strohinsel mitten im Titicacasee. Der See ist mit ... read more
Titicacasee - Uros Inseln
Titicacasee - Unser Ausflug mit dem Schilf-Boot

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca September 23rd 2018

Still in La Paz waiting to meet our new companions for the final leg of our G Adventures trip we decided to head out to El Alto with Tom from the Brazil & Bolivia trip & a guide. A bus ride and two cable cars later we were in El Alto. We then picked up a taxi and went round the area. El Alto is where the airport is for La Paz is, an ever expanding city on the alto Plano or the flat lands. Getting around by taxi was interesting given the horrible traffic, old and defunct vehicles - many of which come from India & China when they have finished with them!! - and subsequent fumes. But get around we did! We were taken to a goup of high rise flats on the outskirts ... read more
Decorated High Rise block El Alto
Interior of Cholet at El Alto

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca September 22nd 2018

We wake up early to the sounds of our donkey braying and Mama and PapI chatting about the day ahead. When we surface we meet PapI who had been away the day before. He is a lovely smiley man who ushers us into the main house - a single room where they appear to live with table and chairs, cooking facilities and a bed behind a curtain. He serves us breakfast of fresh sweet bread rolls, jam, boiled egg, potato and tea. Mama arrives and explains she is off to a wedding, we should have guessed as she is wearing here bowler hat rather than the triangular one of the previous day. She is apologetic that she has to leave before seeing us off but PapI will take us to the boat. Hugs and kisses and ... read more
Mama Alexandra and Papi
Bell tower, Taquile Island
Innovative gate hinges

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca September 21st 2018

Some facts about Lake Titicaca 3,800m above sea level Over 8,300 sqm - 5 times bigger than Stewart island Highest navigable lake in the world Borders Peru and Bolivia We pack an overnight bag and head off in tricycle rickshaws to the port. It is an interesting was to navigate the traffic, including the speed bumps. We are going to be staying the night with local villagers so we buy some supplies for them - rice, noodles, vegetables, powdered milk and so forth. Then we get on our launch to start exploring the lake. At approximately 8,300 square km and seems more like a sea than a lake. In many places large reeds grow in a marshy area. This is what is used to make the floating islands that Uru people live on, as we discover ... read more
Uru floating islands
Family life on a floating island.
Our House

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island April 28th 2018

Today we began the last full day of touring at Lake Titicaca. This is the highest, navigable lake in the world. At over 12,000 feet the rarefied air can be taxing. Last night we were in Puno and I went to bed about 11:00 PM local time. I have not had any breathing problems at all so far but tonight, I woke up and felt that all the air had left the room. I really was huffing and yet no air filled my lungs. I have to say my heart was racing and I became a little concerned. I opened the hotel window to get some air, even though it only had 60% of the oxygen I expected, it helped. My heart stopped racing, I breathed much better, but now I could not fall asleep. It ... read more
Our Touring Boat
Reed Boats on the Lake
Island Welcoming Party

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca November 28th 2016

I know the name of the Lake is funny but it is a very impressive lake . The largest (25 miles across at some points) , highest fresh water lake in the world . Not a lot of fish can live there but in the 1930,s Canadian rainbow trout were introduced and they do quite well . AND they are really tasty grilled , which is what I had for lunch . We spent the day in a boat stopping at a 3 different islands . One is a Unesco site and the others were floating islands built on reeds . Quite amazing . The altitude here ,in Puno the main center is @3700meters and so far I had been doing well coping . But today where we had lunch it was 4000meters and I was ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca October 31st 2016

After the sand dunes in Huacachina we jumped back on one of our friendly buses and headed southeast, working our way into more central southern Peru. We spent many hours going through spectacular country side. Looking out the window we saw endless plains, giant mountains, pristine looking rivers, flocks of sheep and alpaca, terraced land, ancient handmade rock fences, spectacular sky, lightning shows, simple mud houses, and most locals wearing the traditional colourful Peruvian clothes. All of these more than made up for the fact that our long bus ride almost doubled in length thanks to a labour strike of some sort; a long delay due to a road closure to accommodate a popular car race of some kind; and an eerie bus transfer done at a dark lonely deserted gas station overrun with somewhat wild ... read more
Over loaded tower of doom.
Arequipa cathedral.

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca October 14th 2016

None of us were very excited by the prospect of a 7 hour bus ride from Cusco to Puno, but we didn't have much choice. Little did we know that Peru sports some rather fancy luxury buses! Reclining seats, adjustable calf rests, wifi, and cushy leather seats. 7 hours felt like 2. We arrived in Puno, home to Lake Titicaca at the ridiculous altitude of 3810m. A strange sensation as the town and lake are flat. Not a huge amount to do, but we went for a walk and checked out the local food markets before dinner. At dinner we saw some local dancing with amazing costumes. Early start the next day for Lake Titicaca, the highest altitude navigable lake in the world. Hilarious race on bike carts to the boat, then a lovely cruise through ... read more
Creole seafood
Our ride to the lake!
My super impressed driver

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca June 6th 2016

We were due to wake up at 7 however our home stay mumma only woke us at 720. Our guide said we would help make breakfast but ours was already prepared. It was like a fried bread/tortilla thing. They gave me 6 pieces. So nice but I struggled to finish 3. I feel so bad not finishing all the food they are giving me. Following breakfast we did some house chores like washing up for mumma then papa came and took us sheep herding. He had done most of it we just had to catch them in the final field. Each sheep had rope attached to them so we had to catch 2 at a time and tether them together in various parts of the field. We also peeled potatoes by hand picking the skin but ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca June 5th 2016

I didn't have a great sleep last night. Not sure it it's the altitude, the alcohol or the room. I was in thermals but it was cold even with the extra blanket so I put the heater on. I'd been a it sceptical about it as it smelt like burning but I got desperate and it turned out ok. I didn't start a fire so things worked out for me. We didn't have to leave until 830 but I woke up 545 so I got up showered had breakfast and used Internet till we could go. We were told we would be picked up in Peru limousines. When we walked around the side of hotel we had tuk tuks waiting for us but pedal ones not motor bike ones like in Nauta. Andreas said it's time ... read more

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