


South America » Peru » Lima » Lima June 16th 2016

We left at 8 am to fly back to Lima. The boat trip back was a little quicker as we moved with the river and didn't stop for photos. Our bus back to Amazon office was shared with another group so every seat was taken and was very hot and squishy. Somehow managed to squeeze all my belongings back in my big bag and we flew to Lima via Cusco. We had about an hour until we met for dinner. We went to a really nice place near the hotel. It was a creole/Spanish mix with Peruvian. However I ended up with probably the most un-perviuan dish. Pork ribs with potato and sour cream but it was so good. We had champagne to celebrate the engagement of Dave and Jenni which happened at Machu Picchu. Following ... read more

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios June 15th 2016

600 breakfast leave 630. Today we had an excursion to some lake. We took the boat 10-15 minutes then the walk was 2 km. It took about an hour and a half with stops. We split into 2 groups. I stayed with Julio. Julio found a suspected tarantula hole and got a small plant to make vibrations and lure it out. He put us all in position and told us to stay still. No moving, no screaming. He got it out and one of the girls screamed and jumped so it ran back in. He tried again and got it out but again but it only came out very quickly before running back into its hole. Long enough for everyone to get a good look but not long enough for anyone to get good photos. Todays ... read more

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios June 14th 2016

Today didn't leave until 9 so a bit of a sleep in but again woke at 630. We went by bus to airport then flew to Puerto Maldonado. The flight was really quick pretty much an up and down like a Sydney / Canberra flight back home. There was no service though. When we landed we met our 2 Amazon guides and then drove to the G adventures office. Here we were handed a duffel bag to pack down. Much easier then packing for the Inca trail as no weight limits and plenty of room in the duffel. We drove around and got a small city tour before picking up a solo traveller from the airport again and headed 45 minutes to the port. The boat ride was then just under 2 hours to the lodge. ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco June 13th 2016

Today just had a relaxing day in Cusco with no real plans. I woke up about 630 and laid in bed till about 9 before getting ready. No hangover which was great but tired and lacked energy to get up and go. Took it pretty easy today. Had a walk around Cusco and went back to the markets to have a look. Impressed with myself I actually found the way and recognised everywhere Andreas took us. It didn't take me as long to explore the markets as I expected. I ended up only buying a small pink Peru hat for Sarah's baby. Today was a big festival in the plaza so watched a bit of that lots of schools competing. I then went for an Inca massage somewhere near the hotel. For 100 soles it was ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Inca Trail June 12th 2016

I had a pretty sleepless night. Not sure if it was a combination of 2-3 of the guys snoring or the fact I knew I had to sleep to get up 330 but didn't really get much rest. I woke up before our 330 wake up call and was devastated to hear the sound of rain against our tent. We had to pack everything up really quickly as the porters had to run to make their train. Breakfast was simple bread and butter and the porters took the tents down as we ate. We then walked 5 minutes to join the que waiting for the gates to open to machu picchu. We were there about an hour before. Most of us laid out some ponchos to sit on. I think a few managed to get a ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Inca Trail June 11th 2016

Woke up to rain and heavy fog. To be fair it wasn't really rain more of a wet mist from the fog with occasionally heavier sprinkling. It was enough to make the backpacks and contents wet thought so we all tested out the cheap ponchos. I found today harder then day 2 which is the day everyone dreads. Maybe I just struggled as exhausted from the previous day. Maybe it was the weather and lack of views to distract me. I don't know. But I'll put it out there. I really enjoyed the trek to dead womans pass which everyone hates. Today's views were supposed to be pretty incredible but we couldn't see much. The walk took us through 4 different Inca sites and the cloud Forrest. It was our longest day at 16 km. The ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Inca Trail June 10th 2016

I slept ok. Woke up every few hours. I slept with my ear plugs as one of the guys snored a little. Usually struggle with earplugs but it was fine today. Cesar came knocking 5 am to wake us up and brought us coca tea. I think he may have knocked a few times to wake us thanks to my ear plugs. Apparently all the others were woken 330 am by a confused rooster who thought it was the appropriate time to crow. I did manage to sleep through that. We had half an hour to get ready and go to breakfast. Breakfast was oats, bread and pancakes. After breakfast we had some time so finished packing up and Sylvia lead us in a stretching class. I took my big jacket today so pack was pretty ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Inca Trail June 9th 2016

Total the day we officially start the Inca trial. Basically terrified not so much of the trail but of the weight of both my bags. I seem borderline for the porter bag and my packs about 6 kg. I ended up sending back my camera case, phone charger, camera charger and adaptors to Cusco with Andreas to try and lighten my load. Breakfast at hotel was 7 and we were picked up by Joel at 8. Joel always uses Inca time to meet us meaning he wants you there no later than 5 minutes before the time he wants to leave. We met our assistant guide Cesar. Both the boys seem really fun and joke around a lot together. It was about a 45 minute drive to the start of the Inca trail. At weigh in ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Ollantaytambo June 8th 2016

Baggage today had to be all sorted for the Inca trail as everything would be left in Cusco for storage. I pretty much have no idea what my bag weighs as one scale came up right on 2.5 and another scale 4 kg. I'm going to hope and pray the first reading is correct. Andreas and Joel took us on private G Adventure bus on the full day sacred valley tour. We stopped first at a look out on the way to the White Jesus statue then again at the White Jesus for great views over the city. Our second stop was a G Adventures project where ladies made textiles. It's incredible the things they made and you knew who you were buying gifts off and that it was genuine alpaca wool. We were given some ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco June 7th 2016

Today we travelled to Cuzco. The place everyone raves about. It's our last public bus trip which is nice but in saying that I have also been so impressed by the comfort level of them. Hate to say it but undeniably better then plane travel. Andreas was able to secure us a bus with wider seats in a 2-1 configuration. Most of the group was seated downstairs with 5 of us upstairs. I was in a 1 seater. There was 1 stop on the way to use public toilets and a few ladies were there with alpacas so I got my token alpaca photo. We arrived in Cuzco 330pm and met Andreas 4pm to go for a quick orientation walk. First he took us to the chocolate museum where we got to sample chocolate tea, 5 ... read more

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