Blogs from Cajamarca, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Cajamarca June 5th 2014

From Cusco, I directly went to the North of Peru, where I had found a volunteering opportunity to work in a coffee plantation. I was thinking of stopping halfway to visit another place in Peru, but as the trek to Machu Picchu took me longer than expected, I took 2 different buses to arrive in Jaen. Peru is a big country, so it took me 44 hours in total to arrive at the coffee plantation. The first bus ride was quite an experience as I got to sit in the front next to the bus driver (there wasn’t any other seats available…). So, I could see how bus system in Peru (or at least this bus company) is like a big mafia: we were often stopping to take other passengers without proper tickets, who were paying ... read more
The place for coffee
We sell coffee
Coffee fruits. Only red ones should be picked

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » Cajamarca April 6th 2014

The Spanish were so confident that they would successfully conquest these mountainous lands that they named them 'Peru' before they had even made the first attempt. Francisco Pizarro landed at Tumbes on the northern coast in 1528 and noted the generous amounts of Gold and Silver around the town. The inhabitants did not equate gold with wealth. To them it was a link between man and the sun, a store of holy energy and was used to cover temples and create religious implements. Pizarro was back in Spain in 1529, raising funds for his next expedition to the country. While he was there King Charles V gave him the title of Governor and Captain General of Peru and demanded a levy of 20% of any wealth that was obtained. (Such a levy was par for the ... read more

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » San Ignacio » La Balsa August 19th 2013

Vilcabamba, Ecuador...Ron Hello, folks! We are over the border now, in Ecuador, on our way to our eventual meeting with an airplane on Aug. 28th to carry us over the Pacific to the Galapagos! We flew out of Iquitos on thursday afternoon (Aug 15th), my desire to take another boat from Iquitos this time up river to Yurimaguas, having been out voted in favor of flying to Tarapoto, which is about a few hours past yurimaguas by bus. Tarapoto turned out to be pleasant and we stayed there 2 days at the El Mirador, which is how The Book describes it, although the rooms in the annex are more expensive than the older rooms. The desayuno, was wonderful, with a thermos of coffee, eggs, cheese and pan, along with fresh juice, too. All served on the ... read more

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » Cajamarca February 3rd 2013

With a bit of a flight delay we arrived in Cuenca fairly late on, we’d booked ahead and were staying in an old part of the town. On first impressions Cuenca appeared to be very nice, lots of small cafes, and wide streets leading down to a tree lined river. The next day having found our land legs we wandered around the town. It had a lovely central plaza with a number of cafes and as normal lots of churches. It was easy just to wander the streets – it wasn’t full of people rushing around – it had a nice pace of life. The town has many small museums a couple we visited included the Panama Hat museum – Panama hats not being Panamanian but actually Ecuadorian in origin and a museum with an extensive ... read more
View of Cuenca Cathedral
Walking in Vilcabamba
Cumbe Mayo

South America » Peru » Cajamarca March 24th 2012

20.–24. mars 2012 Cajamarca. Som avslutning på året vårt som bosatte i Lima, er vi nå på en 6-7 ukers tur nordover i Peru og Ecuador som ryggsekkturister. Reiseruta er grovplanlagt. Vi har ikke bestemt akkurat hvor vi vil stoppe opp eller hvor mange dager en stopp vil ta. Det eneste vi vet sikkert, er at vi må tilbake til Lima for å fly hjem i begynnelsen av mai. Eventyret startet hjemmefra i Lima kl 03:00 for å nå flyet til Cajamarca kl. 05:10 (med LCPeru). Cajamarca ligger oppe i fjellene nord i Peru. Kvelden før hadde vi bestilt rom på hotell Laguna Seca (, 7 km utenfor byen. Dette er et spahotell med varme kilder og ligger ca. 1 km fra Los Baños del Inca, det berømte badet til den siste incakongen, Atahualpa. ... read more
Hotel Laguna Seca - Damp fra de varme kildene i bakgrunnen
SPA paa Laguna Seca
Cajamarca - Plaza de Armas

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » Cajamarca March 12th 2012

Het verkeer in Lima is crazy. Op de piektijden staat er overal file en is het in krioelende hoop auto's. Alles rijdt kris kras door elkaar. Je moet hier niet gek op kijken als de auto die op een vierbaansweg op de rechterbaan voor het stoplicht staat links af slaat. Het resulteert in flink wat claxonneren maar het werkt. Naar Pachacamac reden we over de Pan-American Highwaydie op sommige stukken in één richtig 5 banen breed is. Benzine is hier een stuk goedkoper als in NL. Toen we gingen tanken betaalde Patricia 12 solles voor 1 gallon. 1 gallon is 3,78541178 liter. 1 liter benzine kost in Peru 0,90 euro. Het openbaar vervoer zijn hier allemaal busjes die een bepaalde route rijden, daarnaast rijden er heel veel taxi's. Ik verplaatste me dus hoofdzakelijk met taxi's. Voor ... read more
Cumbe mayo
Verfgooier 5
Cajamarca carnaval 1

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » Cajamarca April 3rd 2011

Après Copacabana et le lac Titicaca côté Bolivien, j'ai fait un long voyage pour me rendre de Copacabana à la frontière Pérouvienne, puis Puno, Arequipa, Lima et finalement, Cajamarca, et ce, sans arrêt dans ces villes, sinon le temps d'attendre mon prochain autobus. Soit, ce fût plutôt long. Pour l'occasion, je me suis offert la meilleure compagnie d'autobus de Pérou, Cruz del Sur, qui offre le meilleur service et confort, incluant même du wifi à bord de ces autobus. Quoi que la connexion fût plutôt mauvaise, j'ai du me résigner à ne pas en faire usage... Avant le départ, on vous filme à votre siège et vous demande gentiment de regarder la caméra pour quelques secondes, question sécurité.. En cours de chemin, on joue même au bingo.. idée d'occuper les passager un certain temps et de ... read more
Let's have a party!
Cochon d'inde.. Bon appétie!

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » Cajamarca November 7th 2010

Dnesni den zacal opet brzy. Uz o 5 jsme byli vzhuru, abychom stihli bus, ktery mel jet o 6/podle mistnich/, ale nakonec dosel az v 7. Cesta nas vedla z Tinga do Cajamarcy a podle pruvodce to mela byt skutecna natrasacka prdeli... zadny asfalt, jen ujezdena zemina, misto tak pro jedno auto a pod vami sraz tak 300 metru. Docela zazitek jako z filmu, kdy se uz vidite na dne kanonu. Nezbyva vam jen se modlit - pokud verite nebo verit, ze ridic cestu zna. Okolni scenerie peruanskych And byly neuveritelne a nakonec jsme byli radi, ze jsme tuhle cestu jeli, i kdyz po 11 hodinach toho mate vic nez dost. Po ceste se stavelo na snidani, na obed, pro nas neobvykle, pro mistni normalni. Dalsi zvlastni veci bylo rozdavani pruhlednych plastovych pytliku cestujicim-nejdrive jsme si ... read more
na ceste/on the road
na ceste/on the road
na ceste/on the road

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » Cajamarca June 11th 2010

South American Wanderings We left Galapagos a month ago now, semester ended, visas expired and we were sent flying back to Quito where the Andean climate was crisp and cold and beautiful…such a change from the humid sea level of the islands. Sad to leave but the time was right to move as I suspected I´d feel. After leaving we spent a week at the home of one of my teachers about an hour out of Quito. A beautiful German woman called Judith with a big mud brick home, horses, chooks, children. We spent our time debriefing about uni, discussing conservation and planning and dreaming future research ideas. Riding horses in the golden light of the late afternoons, cooking delicious food. One day we climbed to the first refuge of Cotopaxi mountain, Ecuador's highest volcano…at ... read more
Pueblo de los muertos
Pueblo de los muertos

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » Cajamarca April 11th 2010

Arriving in Cajamarca from Trujillo, it was a pleasant change to be welcomed by cold and wet weather. The overnight bus was annoyingly too short, arriving at 5:30 in the morning, but luckily most hostels are 24 hours, so I was able to arrive at mine around 7ish. After resting a bit in the hostel, I headed straight for the main square with the aim of booking whichever tours interested me. In the end I booked 3 half days tours for a total of 10 pounds for all 3, including all transportation, entrance fees and a guide, which was surprisingly cheap. (There was one tour, which I didn’t book, which sounded bizarre - basically observing farmers calling their cows over to them one by one by calling out each cows’ name). Some of the tour agencies ... read more
The Ransom Room
One of the hospitals in the Belem Complex
The "Inca Throne" overlooking Cajamarca

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