Blogs from Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, South America


South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este July 2nd 2023

(Day 367 on the road) If you ever wondered where some of the most stupid German people live in this world, fret not: I found them for you. They live in Paraguay. The number of simply bat-shit dumb Germans I have met here is unbelievable. I had read reports a while ago that a fair number of Covid-deniers, anti-vaccination believers and anti-immigration people (spot the irony) had emigrated to Paraguay. But I didn't expect to meet them literally on my first day in my cool hostel in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay. And then again and again on a fair number of occasions during my roughly two weeks in the country. Interestingly, literally all of them were Germans - not Italian, British, Chinese, South African or from anywhere else (take your pick), only Germans. Where do ... read more
Palacio de Lopez in Asuncion
San Juanazo festival in Asuncion
The local youth on their terribly noisy motorbikes

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este October 11th 2017

El Circuito de Oro, or the Golden Circuit tour is perhaps the easiest day trip from Asuncion, so it seemed logical to book this tour is as a means of gaining a snapshot of what Paraguayan life entails beyond the context of the nation's capital city. The tour is intended to highlight a few cultural aspects of interest in a circular tour just east of Asuncion, and can be either compressed into a whirlwind half-day tour or taken at a more leisurely pace in the context of anything up to 1 or 2 full days. The majority of the towns and villages which the tour actually stops at or passes through / by are places of artisanal identity, so handicrafts ranging from hand-made guitars and harps, to pottery, filigree jewellery, clothing and leatherwork are sold in ... read more
Lakeside stalls (San Bernardino; Paraguay)
Dynamic shopping street (Ciudad del Este; Paraguay)
Commerce galore (Ciudad del Este; Paraguay)

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este March 27th 2015

What a week. What sights I saw and what places I have been. After my “escape” from Brazil to Paraguay, to avoid further complications in the future to enter Brazil, it was time for me to see some of the most wonderful places on the earth. Without a doubt I was not disappointed. But let’s start where I finished my last update. After I arrived in Asuncion it was time to get back into my travel mode. Having spent two weeks in Brasilia preparing to settle down for a while, only to pack my bags and rush to leave the country, it was time to readjust myself to travel again. It didn’t take me long and after a day I had worked out what my travel route would be. Well, as far as one can plan ... read more
Ciudad del Este
Ciudad del Este
Iguazu Falls

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este June 10th 2014

It was not planned but once in Foz de iguacu, Brazil, we (my parents and I) ended up crossing borders and having a glimpse at Argentina and Paraguay. 3 countries in 2 days without planning it, without driving all day, and without flying! When will we ever do this again? In Foz, we were extremely lucky to be invited to stay at the local Cycling Club HQ where our new friend Ricardo took really good care of us. Ricardo showed us around town; he took us to the Argentine border on day 1 when we thought we’d be able to access the Iguacu Falls in spite of the floods. And on Day 2 Ricardo took a day off to drive us to Paraguay to have a look at the tri-borders (la triple frontera) between Brazil, Argentina ... read more
another big waterfall around the Tri-border area
With Ricardo in Paraguay
Itaipu Dam

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este March 15th 2013

15th March ’13 A short side trip to Paraguay Today we took the local bus across the border to Cuidad del Este in Paraguay, well it seemed a shame to be so close and not go and have a look. Amazingly we got on the bus a few yards from our hotel and an hour later we were in a different country! The journey should have only taken 30 minutes but the traffic was mad and made madder by six lanes trying to get into two! About half the passengers got off and just walked it, and it was a long way but they still beat us. We crossed over the Parana River on the Friendship Bridge and it was hard to tell one country from the other by the scenery but once we passed immigration ... read more
Friendship Bridge
Parana River
Cuidad del Este Paraguay

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este December 26th 2012

Ponte Internacional da Amizade, manhã do dia 26 de dezembro. Passado o Natal, começam as promoções. É hora dos movimentos migratórios rumo aos menores preços. Ou, em Foz do Iguaçu, é hora de cruzar a ponte em busca das barganhas paraguaias. Assim, mal dera 8h da manhã e lá estávamos nós – eu, a mãe e minha irmã Duda – em uma van prestes a cruzar a ponte. Mas nosso objetivo não eram os eletrônicos, perfumes, bebidas nem nada disso. Era simplesmente matar a curiosidade, e ver com nossos próprios olhos o inferno que nos era descrito como Ciudad Del Este. Segundo os relatos que ouvira de quem já tinha passado por lá, tratava-se de um local feio, sujo, desorganizado e perigoso. Uma espécie de enorme camelódromo, onde se podia encontrar de tudo um pouco e ... read more
Rio Paraná
Avenida principal

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este December 21st 2012

Per Paragvajų keliauti neplanuoju, bet būnant vos už kelių kilometrų būtų gėda neužsukti. Michelis su sese mane atveža iki pasienio ir paleidžia. Sako eik ten kur visi eina. O pasienyje iš ryto eismas vyksta į vieną pusę, visi keliauja į Paragvajų apsipirkti. Pasienyje kilometrinės mašinų eilė, kiti eina pėsti, bet yra ir dar viena, bent jau man, nematyta alternatyva: moto taksi. Galima moto taksi naudotis ne tik važiuojant per pasienį, bet ir betkuriam mieste, o jo kaina perpus mažesnė nei paprasto taksi automobilio. Aš vistik keliauju pėsčiomis. Pasienio postas gan didelis, bet niekas čia nieko netikrina, o ir antspaudus gauti čia tavo reikalas. Aš užeinu ir pasakau, kad man reikia antspaudo, į mane keistai pažiūri, dar keisčiau į pasą ir uždeda antspaudą. Pasijaučiu kaip balta varna, nes aš čia vienintelis užsimaniau gauti antspaudą. Pereinu per upę ... read more

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este October 5th 2012

Day 354 Saturday 29th September Breakfast at 6.45am as we are hoping to catch the 8.30am bus to Encarnacion but we have nothing booked. Checked out and got a taxi which was possibly the slowest taxi ever and the time was ticking away and we were nowhere near the terminal. Finally arrived at 8.20am and run upstairs as fast as we could with all our bags to buy tickets and tried to work out if there is a departure tax here, thankfully no so run out to the bus….we had the last seats. This bus is really nice and clean like the rest of Paraguay, so we were set for the journey and the bus left at 8.35am. Asuncion spreads out for ever and then we were into the countryside which is totally flat, ... read more
Trinidad Jesuit Mission
Salto Del Monday

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este October 2nd 2011

I finally left Brazil! I was a little bit scared to travel alone and not have any plans but Ive since realized this is the best thing I have ever done. I am staying in a hostel in Iguazu, on the Argentinian side. It´s the first hostel I´ve ever stayed in and it´s really nice!!! I flew to Iguacu, Brazil from Campinas. My Brazilian horoscope the day before said that it would be a really bad idea to fly which was actually really quite rude of a horoscope if you asked me. Anyway, I didn´t really think about it but the flight was the scariest flight I´ve ever been on it was very very turbulent and as we were taking off ice was hitting me from the ceiling. But I survived thanks to the ¨It´ll be ... read more
cool waterfall

South America » Paraguay » Ciudad del Este August 7th 2011

Daytrip to Paraguay...... read more

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