Blogs from Nueva Loja, East, Ecuador, South America


South America » Ecuador » East » Nueva Loja June 24th 2014

When I arrived in Lago Agrio, Carlos, the guy from Workaway (website to find volunteering offers), asked me how I wanted to help him. As I said that I love children, he told me that I could help his mother at school, as she had already told him, that she could need some help. I was so happy to get this opportunity: I love being with children and teaching them, especially in another country, where I can see the differences with our school system in France. The children, we were teaching, were 4- or 5-year old and when on the 1st day, I looked at their homework done this year, I can tell you that they are much more advanced that we are at that age in France ! They can count and write the numbers ... read more
Break to eat fruits: bananas, oranges and watermelon
Outside activity: went to a lake nearby
With the class in front of our house

South America » Ecuador » East » Nueva Loja June 17th 2014

Today, instead of talking about my journey in Ecuador, I would talk to you about a topic, which touched me, while visiting the North of the country. What do you think about when we hear Amazonia ? Mostly, we will relate this word to tropical forest, rivers, crocodiles, tropical birds, amazing fauna and flora in general. Well, I could notice how, in Equador, all this is in danger. Why ? Because of the oil industry! When you drive from Quito to Lago Agrio, you can quily realize this fact. You will indeed see very quickly the pipelines along the road, like bridges over the rivers, but also crossing some people’s yards and the forest. It was the first pipelines, I was seeing in my life and to see them, so close to the Amazonian forest was ... read more
Station in the middle of the forest...
"We go forward"...

South America » Ecuador » East » Nueva Loja March 27th 2009

Mit dem Flugzeug (mit drei Stunden Verspaetung) flogen wir nach Lago Agrio. Unser Guide Juan (ein Rasta Man) erwartete uns am Flughafen. Leider regnete es dort in stroemen, sodass wir statt mit Auto und Boot nur mit dem Auto in Richtung unserer Lodge fuhren. Diese liegt im Vergleich zu allen anderen Lodges, etwas abgelegen am Agua Rico. Die Fahrt dauerte 3 1/2h dorthin. Der Einfluss der Erdoelgesellschaften ist hier nicht zu uebersehen. Ein grosses Teil der Strassen sind geteert und von den Erdoelgesellschaften gesponsort. - Dies natuerlich nicht ohne Hintergedanken . Leider ist auch der groesste Teil der Bevoelkerung abhaengig und unterstuetzen meistens jegliches Unterfangen der Giganten. Unsere Lodge besteht aus einem Haupthaus, bei dem man sich jeweils trifft und auch Mahlzeiten einnimmt. Alle Bungalows liegen weit auseinander, sodass man sie untereinander nicht sieht. Wir war ... read more
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