Blogs from La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America


South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz March 24th 2024

Bolivia is astounding! We went through three days in La Paz where the remaining ten individuals joined our visit. We presently have a full truck. La Paz may be a lovely city and I´d unquestionably go back there. We went through a day driving down the ´most perilous street within the world´ by 4WD. A few others did it on bike but my bicycle abilities are miserable with handle brakes. The street contains a notoriety for being perilous since it´s a rock street around a mountain with as it were one path for two vehicles. Presently there´s a modern fixed street for drivers to utilize. The Brazilian Government office in La Paz denied me my Brazil visa since my bank articulations didn´t have my title on them, fair my account number. When I attempted to clarify ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz March 24th 2024

A low, slow, eery murmur fills the air. A weird, wakening, growling whisper that intrudes out of nowhere. Prompting part-parched eyelids to eke apart as the first flirtations of early morning pink filter through a canopy of Amazon trees. See the dozen fat mosquitoes, content, inside the peak of the mosquito net, having earlier snuck entrance, and supped. Instinctively move limbs away from the dropped sides of the mesh protection, away from the five dozen, and more, ravenous insects sitting outside eagerly waiting to take their own sip from a misplaced forearm or calf. Touch the screen, and lose a drop. Again, the strange moan from beyond rises, like the lowest low of a cow driven by the sound of a breeze through a forest of leaves. Sounds are generally processes of orientation. They let you ... read more
Downtown Trinidad
'Gator under a town bridge - approx 60-70cm
Between here and there - Trinidad

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Sorata February 24th 2024

I am writin' from Sorata and which is fivе hours away from thе city but still within thе La Paz dеpartmеnt. Wе had to travеrsе sеvеral HIGH MOUNTAINS in ordеr to gеt hеrе. Wе oncе passеd through thе Cumbrе and thе highеst point on thе mountain wе wеrе travеrsin' and with thе clouds dirеctly ovеrhеad. It was absurd! I was mеt with thе most brеathtakin' sight: thе Andеs mountain rangе and countlеss snow cappеd pеaks and an' Lakе Titicaca. It's еnormous an' еxquisitе. Thе grandеur of Crеation is bеyond words an' imagеs. It's gеttin' latе and an' I am fееlin' ill. Fеvеr and a sorе throat and body achеs and an' lack of еnеrgy I want my mothеr back! Duе to my illnеss and I am unablе to slееp and so I havе bееn rеadin' HABITUDES ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department October 14th 2023

Thursday, Oct 12 I’m solo now. Dick has gone back to the States and I’m carrying on with my South American adventure. The flight to La Pas is with Avianca a particularly no frills airline, you don’t even get offered a glass of water, and are actually required to purchase a bottle of water. Having said all of this, the flight is short and I was able to upgrade to get more legroom for US $50. I’m in La Paz at 2.15am local time feeling a little light headed because of the altitude as the airport sits at 4,062 meters (13,326 ft). It has been known for passengers to just pass out when arriving from sea level, however I’ve been at altitude in Bogota and also, everyone else on my flight seems ok. Customs is a ... read more
Pre Match Warmup
Train Graveyard
Getting ready for a ride on the Salar

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz April 5th 2023

(Day 279 on the road)"If you need the oxygen bottle, your climb is over and you are going down". This was the firm stance of the guide at the climbing agency in the centre of La Paz. I was there because I had finally made up my mind to try to climb Huayna Potosi, a 6.088 metre mountain that is very accessible from La Paz. I had thought long and hard about whether I really wanted to do it. And why, really? I was quite worried about the altitude. Also, the actual ascent starts at 1 am, so there would be little to no sleep the night before. But as a good friend told me on the phone: I had been at the altitude of La Paz / Lake Titicaca for over a month now; I ... read more
Biking down the Death Road
A bus with 108 passengers went over the cliff here
Huayna Potosi - Inside the High Camp

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz March 24th 2023

(Day 267 on the road)If you read the following blog entry and think "wow, Ben's writing skills have certainly improved", I am afraid I have to disappoint you. Most of this entry was written by my good friend Suzanne, who came to visit me in Bolivia for ten amazing days of travelling together. But before I hand over, a quick recap of the days leading up to Suzanne's arrival in La Paz: My entry into Bolivia from Peru was as easy as possible: A minibus from the travel agency picked up all the passengers at 4am in Puno, the boat from Puno (Peru) to Kasani (Bolivia) took about 5 hours (straight across the beautiful Lago Titicaca), the immigration formalities in Kasani took less than 3 minutes, and a minibus took me to the lakeside town of ... read more
Suzanne with Alpaca street art in La Paz
Sightseeing by cable car in La Paz
Above Copacabana

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz December 19th 2022

Wednesday I had virtual meetings with the founder and board back in the US. They still have a lot they need to figure out for the future of the organization. But I believe the time I have had on the ground with their organization has shown the board back in the US that there is truly a need for financial literacy and skills training. Thursday was my last in person class with my two groups. For my morning group we discussed COGS vs COGM as this applies to several of their businesses. This class has been fun for me because in each session the students will ask me about a subject matter or a business topic and then I build the next lesson plan based on that. It has allowed me to present new topics and ... read more
Ms Mily
Daniel my co teacher
Afternoon Class

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz December 14th 2022

In my morning class I have students that are older and more experienced in business. I have been able to learn a lot from them including some background on the economy of Bolivia. They said, as others have also said to me, that Bolivia doesn't have inflation. One of the men told me you could buy a loaf of bread for approximately the same price 10 years ago as you can today. I wondered about this and decided to do some research. It isn't quite that sample, but when is it ever. In the 1980's citizens did not trust the Bolivian money so the country had a major issue with dollarization: when foreign currency (usually the US dollar) replaces the domestic currency because it is more reliable. When this happens the central banks do not have ... read more
Breakfast of shredded llama in toast with avocado

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Isla del Sol December 13th 2022

This past weekend was my last full weekend in La Paz so I spent it with a combination of tourist attractions and livin' like a local. I spent one full day in Lake Titicaca which is the highest lake (at 12,500 ft) in the world. It borders Bolivia and Peru in the Andes Mountains. It takes about 2.5 hours to get there from La Paz. Part of the trip we took a small boat and our bus took a ferry to cross a section of the lake. The main city, on the Bolivian side is Copacabana (yes I played the song over and over again in the bus :) First I visited some of the interesting architecture in the city including the Basilica of Our Lady of Copacabana and this super cool Hostal las Olas. The ... read more
Basilica Our Lady of Copacabana
Basilica Our Lady of Copacabana
Basilica Our Lady of Copacabana

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz December 10th 2022

After seeing my morning class has more business knowledge I spent the morning composing a new lesson plan for them that has more complex financial concepts. In the afternoon I took a bus 30 mins south of town to visit Valle de las Animas (Valley of the Souls/Spirits). The city of La Paz is shaped like a bowl. Some believe that the city was once a lake and that shifts in tectonic plates led to slow drainage of the lake. They speculate the water may have settled in the southern half for a longer period and, due to its acidity created this forest of mammoth stalagmites. It got it's name because locals even say that when the wind passing through the rock formations, it carries the voices of spirits. Switching countries for a minute I received ... read more
Valle de las Animas
Valle de las Animas
Valle de las Animas

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