Blogs from Iguazú National Park, Misiones, Argentina, South America


As I write this entry, it is actually May 9, and we are actually still in Puerto Iguazu, an unexpected turn of events, which will all be explained in my May 9 Post. I am a bit frustrated as well as the website that hosts my blog is having serious issues, first none of us could even access it and now having issues loading photo’s. This is causing a delay in posting until that issue is resolved, which means you all will be getting three to four notices of new blog entries at the same time. (This issue was resolved right before posting this) Yesterday was all about the Iguazu National Park, home of the Iguazu Falls. It is a very large park, and the falls are more impressive than Niagara, even Eleanor Roosevelt said so. ... read more
Yes I am pretty
Salto Hermanos

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park January 26th 2024

A visit to this region isn't complete without visiting Iguazu falls which is located between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. You can visit the falls from the Brazilian side or the Argentina side. I started with the Brazilian side which offers a more expansive view of the falls. Iguazu Falls are two times taller and three times wider than Niagara Falls to give a frame of reference. That said Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe is the tallest in the world while Murchison Falls in Uganda is the most powerful. There are walkways that allow you to get views of the falls from many different angles to fully grasp the shear size. Seeing this side takes majority of the day. I decided to rent bikes to be able to ride into the national park instead of taking the bus. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park November 12th 2023

Visually and Acoustically Stunning Natural Wonder of the World Every day I try to consciously practice reverence for nature, appreciating it more and more as I age and realize how small and insignificant we are, and yet also how connected we are to this great life energy. But I prefer to believe that we are only insignificant if we perceive of ourselves as separate from nature, and much prefer to believe that we are part of this life system called nature, that is also known by other terms - creation, the universe, cosmic energy, God. Well, for one whose respect and reverence for nature grows every day, a visit to Iguazu Falls is a year’s worth of growth - or perhaps a lifetime’s. Witness energy in movement. Power. Force. Abundance. Flow. Symmetry. Symbiosis. Tenacity. But words ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park January 31st 2023

Puerto Iguazú I want to start with an apology to those of you who messaged me via the blog site. For some reason the messages didn’t trigger alerts to me so I didn’t know they were there and only found them by accident yesterday. Thank you for your messages, I love receiving them and will reply to you all shortly. This is a short blog to record the stay at Tupa Lodge I am still in PI, as after trying again there was still no suitable accommodation in San Ignacio. I did not want to go further to other towns as it would have meant a six or seven hour journey each way, but I was getting bored with the Hotel Tourbillon where I was staying. It was fine for visits to the falls which are ... read more
One side of my balcony
The other side
Breakfast bar, look at the goodies

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park January 16th 2023

Aaaaand repeat. Because apparently if you say it enough, it causes a dramatic and immediate reduction in temperature. At least that’s how the logic goes if you’re ... read more
I’m only smiling because I have a slushy
They’ve promised me that this is the last photo
There were actually about 800 other people around

Bonjour à tous, Une excellente nuit dans cet écrin tropical. Ce matin à 5h1/2, réveillé par le chant des oiseaux entre autre les toucans. Je vais oser dire que ça fait du "boucan". C'est un chant, cri, que je ne connaissais pas, je les fréquente pas assez au quotidien. Très bel oiseau. Le rendez vous était prévu à 7h30. Un pickup 4X4, vient me chercher, un chauffeur et Maria-Laura mon guide, parlant français, pour la journée et que pour moi. Nous faisons les 2km pour sortir du bourbier et rejoindre la route, où là nous attend un minibus, avec 8 personnes, et pour eux une guide parlant espagnol. Chapeau bas pour les moyens mis en oeuvre. 8H30, nous sommes à l'entrée du Parc National des Chutes d"Iguazu, Maria Laura, m'explique que c'est très bien d'être les ... read more
chutes d'Iguazu
chutes d'Iguazu
chutes d'Iguazu

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park January 16th 2019

Today we are going to Iguazú National Park on the Argentinian side of the falls. For a local, this trip is simple; a bus to the Argentinian town of Puerto Iguazú and a second bus to the park. For a foreigner is more complicated as you have to disembark for immigration twice and the bus doesn’t wait, so it involves taking 3 consecutive buses on the same route, then a 4th bus to the park. We walk to the international bus stop and wait. A bus to Paraguay pulls up and everyone else gets on. This happens a few more times before eventually a bus driver asks why we’re sitting at the bus stop and explains that buses to Argentina depart from the other end of the road. On our complicated journey we have fallen at ... read more
Walk to Garganta del Diablo
Garganta del Diablo
Garganta del Diablo

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park October 25th 2018

Up at 06:15 to check out as Reggie and Luis the driver were picking us up at 07:30 and taking our bags along as they will take us straight to the airport after today’s excursions. Took almost an hour to cross the border back into Argentina to see the Falls from the other side. First we had to check-out of Brazil at the Federal Police office then drive over the bridge to check-in to Argentina. Half of the inside walls of the bridge are painted in gold and green for Brazil, then changed to the sky blue and white of Argentina. The Argentinian Parque Nacional Iguazu is well set-out with large paths and nicely maintained jungle (if you maintain jungle that is) and the walkways over the river are made of metal grates similar to the ... read more

GÜN 33 06 MART SALI: Sabah erkenden dün yerini saptadığım otobüs terminaline gittim.. Fazla beklemeden, "Rio Uruguay" şirketinin otobüsleri bizi "Cataratas del Iguazu" (benim söylemim Katarat-ül Iguazu) milli parkının önünde bıraktı.. Parka giriş ücreti olarak, yaşa maşa bakmadan kişi başına 500 Arjantin papeli aldılar.. Parkın kapısında, tur kartalları,daireleri küçülterek,alçak uçuşta turist avlamaya çalışıyorlar.. Tipimin, gel gel'i olmadığından beni pas geçtiler.. Az yürüdünüz mü "Estacion Central" diye bir yere varıyorsunuz.. Burada, eğlenceli park trenleri sizi bekliyor. 15-20 dakika sonra “Garganta del Diablo”(Şeytan gırtlağı) denilen yere vardık. .. Burası trenin son durağı .. İstasyon içinde "coati" denilen, bizde pek görülmeyen, uzun kuyruklu iri kemirgenler, fütursuzca dolaşıyor..turis... read more

Today we hiked the park, took the ecological raft ride. Spent some time sitting and relaxing in the lower falls area. We went to the pool late afternoon as it was really warm today. We met some nice fellow travelers and exchanged travel stories.... read more
Iguazu Inferior Falls Circuit
Iguazu at sunset
Hitching a ride

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