This week at school in Mendoza

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October 19th 2018
Published: October 19th 2018
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DAD studentsDAD studentsDAD students

These are members of the senior class who we shared mate with.
We have now spent a week at the DAD school in Mendoza, and the time has flown by. Each day we have been treated like rock stars, the kids want to know about our lives and homes and practice their English on us and laugh at my feeble attempts at Spanish. In the end I think we will be able to work out a 'sister-school' relationship that includes the possibility of student exchanges and of teachers working with students virtually across the continents.

Each day brought a new opportunity. Tuesday was our welcome day, as mentioned in the first entry of this trip.

On Wednesday the staff took us on a city tour of Mendoza. Then it was back to school for lunch, served to us by the cook, Valeria, who would serenade us in English at the drop of the hat. That afternoon we worked with the administration of the school to create an agreement between the two schools. We also had time. To visit English classes and and talk with students. That night we wandered the streets around the University of Mendoza, enjoying micro brews and sandwiches.

On Thursday we were treated to a cultural activity with the students. They explained the snacks they had that were traditional as well as sharing mate (an herb drink). We huddled in small groups and really dug in on how school is different (they only attend for half days, teachers move rooms while kids stay in the same room, teachers are all part time and teach in many schools, the school does not serve lunch, all sports are run by the city not the school, and the school does not provide transportation, just to name a few). Do I need to say that dinner that night was in a small parrilla (grill) with, you guessed it, beef.

Today we toured the university that sponsors DAD. There are six high schools in the city that are affiliated with the university, and we visited with the superintendent of the schools. This was a step in finishing up the agreement between the two schools. While we were at the University they were having a big international festival with students from around the world, including the US and even a student from Ohio. Part of the festivities included an asado, they were

Met these kids, who live in an boarding school for abused children, at a street fair. We took photos, talked, played games, and just enjoyed one another. I promised them I would post this photo.
cooking out for hundreds over the traditional open fire. Tonight will be a farewell dinner with some of our new friends, and then we head off for some weekend sight-seeing in the Valley de Uco, the wine country south of Mendoza.

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


International FairInternational Fair
International Fair

The chef let me try my hand at the grill!

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