A start to our trip in Mendoza

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October 16th 2018
Published: October 16th 2018
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Flight over AndesFlight over AndesFlight over Andes

Flying from Santiago, Chile to Mendoza.
This trip was with four of the staff from Federal Hocking High School as we are exploring a partnership with DAD, a secondary school in Mendoza. Last year at this time one of the teachers from DAD, Paola Diaz, spent three weeks at FH on a Fulbright program. Then, last March, I visited DAD. From there the teachers have been developing and teaching programs together and we wanted to visit the school to see if we might do more.

When we arrived in Mendoza on Monday we were quickly gathered up and taken to an Asado (bar-b-que) at the home of the assistant school director. As they only do here, we spent three hours at the table with the fire crackling away nearby and feasted on a variety of salads, beef, and wines! Three hours here no one looked at their phones and instead just ate, and ate, and enjoyed one another's company.

After dinner we headed for the apartment that would be our home for the next week. We unpacked a number of gifts for Loana and Lukas, Paola's children, took naps, and took an evening stroll through the center of Maipu.

On Tuesday we spent our first day at the school. After a tour of the building we were ushered into the great room that is the center of the school and were serenaded by the fifth year, or senior students, with Randy Newmann's You have a friend in me. We spent the rest of the day in English classes answering questions on everything from what our school day is like to whether or not we knew any movie stars. The students were warm and welcoming, just like the staff.

Headed out for an Asado tonight!

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Loana and LukasLoana and Lukas
Loana and Lukas

Paola's children with gifts.

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