Blogs from Kaikoura, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 4


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura March 18th 2015

Howdy folks, today got up early, very excited, drove 2 hours to see the Whales, we booked a boat to go out and see them. Sooooooooooooo disappointed, we got there and it was cancelled due to the rough sea. Must admit, travelling down, the sea was looking a wee bit on the rocky side, thinking heck, haven't brought any sea sickness tablets, but it will be ok as the whales will take my mind off it. So after being told this disappointing news, we were pretty desperate, 'Right', says Stu 'We're get a plane', flippin heck, he's desperate !! Off we go to the helicopter hanger, in we go, me legs were starting to go !!! I go into this verbal outburst, 'were really scared of flying, but we need to see the whales !! The ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura January 13th 2015

So I am off jet setting again, I thought long and hard about the destination, A good traveling friend of mine is heading to Mexico, that sounds amazing and I really want to head to Central America, then there is Africa, so many countries to choose from. Europe looks amazing, all great places to choose from. But I have settled on New Zealand. Some people may be a little confused about this, it’s not like I have never been there, with the being born there and all, and I do head there about once a year, in fact this will be my second trip here this year. However this time I am heading down to the South Island. Yes I have traveled to many places around the world. I have lived in Jungles, in deserts. I ... read more
My Ferry but a little closer
in the underground hold for cars
People getting in the way of my photo opps

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura October 28th 2014

Vandaag hadden nog Ruben, noch ikzelf eigenlijk zin om ook maar iets te doen. Het kwam ons dus eigenlijk goed uit dat de whale watch toer van die dag niet mogelijk was door te wilde zee... We hebben dus wat zitten ronddwalen in Kaikoura. De stad van de Whale Watch, Seal Colony’s en ... Crayfish (kreeft dus). Langs de weg kun je verschillende oude caravannetjes vinden die gekookte en/of gegrilde kreeft verkopen. De prijs ... staat op de staart geschreven. Heel leuk. Enig nadeel: bij gebrek aan binnenzitjes, opletten voor de meeuwen!! Voor de rest hebben we een kleine wandeling tussen (!) de zeehonden gedaan. Heel leuk, maar bijzonder spannend, want die mannelijke zeehonden bewegen bedriegelijk snel. Een beetje verderop hebben we dan een wandelingetje gedaan naar een waterval waar de zeehondpups overdag veilig spelen, weg ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura July 15th 2014

Na een superkoude nacht stonden we te popelen om te vertrekken richting Kaikoura. auto start niet! We hadden de dag ervoor een leeslichtje per ongeluk laten branden. Die avond startte de auto wel nog, maar omdat we heel de dag niet gereden hadden en we de verwarming eventjes aangezet hadden om de ramen vrij te maken was de batterij dus leeg :(. De man van de camping die startkabels had was net vertrokken dus er zat niets anders op dan Jucy te bellen. Een half uurtje later kwam er iemand langs om ons te kickstarten. Met wat vertraging konden we dus toch vertrekken richting Kaikoura. Na enkele kilometers was ons meteen duidelijk dat het Zuid eiland er compleet anders uitziet dan het noordeiland. Dat het kouder is hadden we al gevoeld vannacht. Het ruige landschap ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura June 18th 2014

The South Island of New Zealand is famed most of all for it's wonderful and picturesque scenery. Whether it be the rolling hills in the Otago region, the sheer majesty of Mt. Cook, the adrenaline pumping surrounds of Queenstown or the sun-kissed archipelago of the Marlborough Sounds. But all of these places dwell in the shadow of the beauty of this next place. To one side you have Mountains and to the other you have one of the best scenic driving routes IN THE WORLD (imagine that being delivered with the same enthusiasm of Jeremy Clarkson). I could be talking about no other place than the beautiful coastal town of Kaikoura. A place that was discovered by the Maori's has always been a local favourite because of the abundance of some of the most delectable seafood ... read more
Tidal Pools

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura April 1st 2014

New Zealand at last! Not exactly the trip that we originally planned as it was going to be a much, much shorter one, nevertheless I was very excited to visit this green, mountainous and a far, far away land. Originally we were supposed to come to the ‘Hobbitland’ for a month in November. Unexpected job offer and a decision to settle in Oz made us change the plans though and visit my homeland (or rather homelands!) instead… As happy as I was about visiting my side of the world, I did feel a bit disappointed about being so close to New Zealand and not setting my foot there back then though… Since we were going to be living relatively close to it now I knew that sooner or later I would get there… eventually... Finally an ... read more
sperm whale waving goodbye...
beautiful New Zealand...
absolutely incredible creatures!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura March 16th 2014

Our time on the South Island is already half way through, even more. At the moment we're sitting in the kitchen facility of an exceptionally fancy (for us, that is) campsite, usually we stay at the rather basic DOC campsites, which cost next to nothing, but today we had heard that a cyclon would hit northern parts of the island, and that would mean heavy rains in our area too. Thus, we figured we would get a motel room for the night, but a last minute weather forecast check at the New World supermarket parking lot (they have a good and free wifi) showed that it was a false alarm, so we ended up camping in any case, only a DOC site wasn't available in this town. Camping has become so much nicer since we got ... read more
seals along our way to Kaikoura
Kaikoura peninsula coast
Kaikoura peninsula coast 2

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura February 24th 2014

Kia Ora from the South Island of Aotearoa (Mauri for New Zealand) In one word...WOW! The South Island is truly beautiful. Every single day I saw amazing scenery that really blows your mind away! Hopefully some of my pictures give it justice. Due to the fact I only had a short time in New Zealand, I decided to travel with the Stray bus and only see the South Island. I flew from Auckland and flew down to Christchurch. As my flight from Christchurch was early in the morning, I decided to sleep at the airport...worse nights sleep of my life, huddled on a chair between other travellers! I finally arrived in Christchurch and waited for Stray to pick me up. I met a lovely Dutch girl called Bianca on the bus and we chatted all the ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura February 7th 2014

Geo: -42.4023, 173.681Our journey to Kaikoura for the whale-watch 'experience' was somewhat extended by the necessity to return to the hotel at Te Mahia to collect a nighdress that someone had forgotten to pack - so that was an extra hour of tight twisty roads.When we arrived we discovered Kaikoura is a town is entirely devoted to getting tourists to see whales - by boat, by plane, by helicopter. There were also seals and albatrosses to be 'experienced'. So masses of motels and cafes catering to these passing tourists. Our motel had a large contingent of chinese tourists who spent much of their time yelling across the courtyard to each other.Next morning we assembled at the Whale Watch centre for our informative video and safety briefing and then were bussed 10 minutes to the boats - ... read more
10 minutes on the surface
the give-away spout
then ready to dive

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura December 26th 2013

Hi. Shirley here just to prove I'm still alive Well, this year Xmas was certainly different. Started with a long lie, opened curtains to brilliant sunshine, and quiet breakfast. Missed the noise and chaos of normal Duff family Xmas, and second glass of Bucks Fizz. Kaikoura is a lovely place but little in way of Xmas spirit, ie, no tree or decorations. Went for nice long walk in sunshine, had crisps and bottle water for lunch looking out to sea for further albatross or fur seal sighting. Then returned for that 2nd Bucks fizz on balcony with mince pies. Went out to restaurant for lovely dinner, though not a cracker or tinsel in sight. Had an early start today to go on whale watch trip. 05.30 start...quick glance through curtains reveals a bit of a storm, ... read more
Yep, that IS a sheep!
Aye, mair furry seals
Whale bone archway, Kaikoura

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