Blogs from Kaikoura, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 48


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura June 8th 2005

Hey there everyone! I apologize, I don't have any exciting stories or pictures to share yet but I wanted to let everyone know that I am on the move and am no longer in Dunedin. I left Christchurch this morning with the STRAY Bus company and am staying the night in Kaikoura and then tomorrow we are off to Nelson. We were supposed to go whale watching today as part of the tour but the boats didn't go out due to rough we spent the day having hot chocolate at the bus drivers parents home (they'll be surprised to find that out! 20 strangers in their house!). We also did a hike today around the peninsula here only to get "chased" by sea lions-they are pretty nasty and supposably even bite if they catch you! ... read more
Dunedin Again

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura May 21st 2005

Hello! It's been a week since we've had a travelblog, so bear with me - there's lots to tell. We left Napier on Monday morning in pouring rain - so heavy that we considered stopping till it eased off, but then it eased off and we drove across very dull flat countryside in very dull grey weather. We stopped in the (dull, grey) town of Palmerston North for lunch - very uninspiring town so we didn't stay long. We were heading to Wanganui to visit my friend Margaret, who I worked with at Auckland City Council (in fact, it was her job I was doing as she was seconded to another post), but she left ACC the week after me to relocate to Wanganui. They moved into their new house 3 days before we visited (we ... read more
The Queen Charlotte Sound
The Beehive
Margaret and Gary

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura April 28th 2005

I want to see the whales!! There were days I wondered why we bothered to see anything else on the South Island because Tanya was soooo excited to see the whales at Kaikoura. We arrived mid-morning to take a whale watching trip. As we had previously encountered when trying to fly the weather plays a significant role in these trips. On this particular day the weather was overcast and the sea rough, so our outing was cancelled. We were able to wander around the area and visit the seal colony, and the country side. The following day the weather was a bit more cooperative and we were able to take a trip out to sea. We were informed that we would see some natural sea life but that the average whales spotted per trip were usually ... read more
NZ Fur Seal.

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura April 26th 2005

A rather impressive storm blew in from Antarctica on our first night in Kaikoura, the wooden lodge was whistling and groaning in the gales and there was some stunning lightning flashes over the sea - all of this just added to the dramatic scene of the snow capped mountains towering over the town and its lovely bay and rocky cliffs. Unfortunately, our planned whale watching on my birthday was cancelled but we enjoyed the day in the comfy lodge with a real log fire (expertly built by Tim and fuelled/stoked by me all day!) and instead of whale watching the lodge manager took a group of us eel watching at a nearby stream - yes, I said eel watching! He threw in a bucket of chicken scraps and soon loads of the slippery chaps swam up ... read more
Same whale

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura March 2nd 2005

To head north from Christchurch, I managed to snare myself a hire car! Because a lot of tourists travel New Zealand from North to South, hire cars often end up down in places like Christchurch, when punters are actually looking to pick them up further North. To get the cars back up to the North, the rental companies give you 24 hours to relocate the car for free - you only have to put in the petrol. I was given a little Daewoo something or other to relocate to Picton, the main entry port at the top of the South island. Anyway, I should never be left alone in a hire car as it brings out the scouser in me (sorry mum). A quick look at my guide book showed me that Christchurch was surrounded by ... read more
Kaikoura Dolphin Swim
Top of Mount Doom
Tongariro Crossing

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