Blogs from Egmont National Park, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Egmont National Park February 10th 2016

Hi All What an experience the sea kayaking was. Funny my shoulders aren't aching like I thought, so must be getting stronger. The next day drove to Collingwood a 2 hour drive over hair raising mountains, with steep gulleys and no barriers. Vertigo kept creeping in, but I wasn't driving. I had to do the drive back though. Bends at 15k nearly every few seconds. The mountain road goes up horizontal, and so does the road down, but curves all the way. In the middle of this journey was a small hamlet called Takaka, a buzzing, lively community that obviously attracted the travellers judging by the number of bars with jamming music sessions. Collingwood was at the start of Golden Bay, massive bay, and not a soul in sight after walking nearly an hour each way. ... read more

Wonderful drive from Waitamo to New Plymouth. Interesting countryside with volcanic landscape. Full of sheep and cows. Finally reached the west coast and the steely black sand was something I hadn't expected. By chance we arrived at The State Hotel a clean, simple, well designed hotel in the Main Street, New Plymouth. Really pleased after the disappointment of last night. Set off straightaway to Egmont National Park where we embarked on one of the simpler walks across Mt Taranaki. The top of the volcano was shrouded in cloud but the vegetation and birdsong along the walk were lovely. Great meal in Portifino Italian restaurant and then to bed!... read more
Mt Taranaki
Terry& Mil in the foliage

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Egmont National Park February 5th 2013

New Plymouth ligt aan de voet van een enorme vulkaan; Mount Taranaki. Met zijn 2518 meter hoogte en eeuwige sneeuw op de top, is dit een slapende gigant die je niet moet onderschatten. Dat deden we dan ook niet, toen we besloten een poging te wagen om naar de top te klimmen. Twee rugzakken vol met eten, water, kleren, zonnebrand en alle ehbo-attributen die we eventueel nodig zouden hebben, stonden klaar. Om half 8 werden we opgehaald door Rob, die ons bij het begin van de beklimming afzette en ons daar om half 5 weer zou ophalen. Met de dreigende woorden 'als jullie niet op tijd terug zijn, zet ik een zoekactie op touw' (waar hadden we die woorden eerder gehoord?) liet hij ons achter. De beklimming viel eigenlijk in 5 delen uiteen, het ene deel ... read more
Vol goede moed
Rechts, op twee handen en twee voeten is Veerle bezig de berg te beklimmen
Boven het wolkendek! Dat betekent minder kou en hoogtevrees maar wel meer insmeren tegen de zon

21st April ’12 Mt. Taranaki National Park, New Plymouth & on to the Waitomo Caves The drive up to the Mt. Taranaki National Park area was nothing special, long, green and flatish until we neared the NP. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t too great today and Mt. Taranaki was half covered in clouds but we still drove up to the view points and did a couple of walks. The first view point was up at the Dawson Falls view point, which was reached by going up a long single lane road through very close forest. It was most eerie as a lot of the way we were the only car on the road but it twisted and turned so rapidly you had no idea if anything was coming in the other direction until you rounded each bend. ... read more
Dawson Falls
Mt. Taranaki
Mt. Taranaki

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Egmont National Park January 25th 2012

Sir Edmund Hilary trained on Mt Taranaki before climbing Everest. After Tongariro and a horrible nights sleep in Gerwin's car we decided to climb this mountain. Not sure how far from the summit we were, but when the wind started blowing us nearly off our feet and the rocks began to roll we decided to turn back. Drove to Wellington that day.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Egmont National Park January 16th 2010

(Day 652 on the road) I guess I can't be lucky with the weather all the times on my hikes here in New Zealand. During the last one, a four-day circuit around the cone-shaped volcano of Mt. Taranaki near New Plymouth, it was pretty much raining and storming non-stop. New Plymouth by the way is the self-proclaimed "most livable city in New Zealand", whatever that means. The town didn't seem all that appealing to me, and a quick check on the world's most livable citiessomehow doesn't quite include New Plymouth (but places like Vienna, Vancouver or Zurich. Funny that. I set off in a drizzle, and when during the late afternoon the clouds cleared I was somewhat hopeful that the dire weather report I had seen earlier was wrong as usual. But despite a few spells ... read more
The clouds are lifting a bit
Cozy Waiauia Hut
Mt. Taranaki at sunset as seen from Waiauia Hut

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Egmont National Park September 14th 2009

Day 3 - Otorohanga to Urenui 160km After 2 relatively easy days to start the cycle, day 3 would prove to be a lot different. We were to cycle just over 160km, including 3 steady climbs to over 200m with many smaller hills in between. To sum it up, it was an absolute killer on the legs, and by this time our bums had also started to get a little tender. We left Otorohanga at half 7 in the morning, and whilst we were lucky enough that there was still little wind it rained for the first few hours. Following a short stop for breakfast number 2, our bike repair skills were called into action for the first time when my back tyre suffered a puncture. This put us behind schedule by about half an ... read more
Having a break
Mt Egmont.
Keep going!

English version Ok, so it finally happened. I knew it had to at some point, had been expecting it, but still came as a bit of a shock. It’s winter and I’m having to wear more than one layer!!!!!! Noooooooo!!! Still, considering that what we’ve had to suffer over the last couple of months is still better than the average British summer, I’m not complaining!!! Particularly after reading the news last week: "Two months of rain in half a day", "Snow in June!" And this is after suffering the coldest winter of the last 12 years (yes, I know this also happened in many other countries) … looks like I had a lucky scape after all! I guess I never managed to adjust to the colder weather, after all I wasn’t made to survive in a ... read more
Waiheke Island
Waiheke Island
Waiheke Island

Hello! So here are the pics of the day we went "tramping" up to the ski hill on Mt. Egmont! Enjoy! This weekend has been was Anzac day yesterday so most shops were closed for the morning in remembrance of New Zealand's war heroes. We ended up doing some shopping in the afternoon cause then all the shops open and have big sales in the afternoon! I got 230 pics developed so I can start my photo album of my year here. I had been meaning to keep up with it but hadn't even gotten around to printing a single picture yet haha! And then we went out to dinner at Burger Fuel with Nick and Abby and Greg and Jess. Burger Fuel by the way is the best burger place I have ever been ... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Egmont National Park January 25th 2009

Surf Highway (littéralement l'autoroute du surf) contourne le parc national Egmont. Quand il n'y a pas trop de nuages, on aperçoit le Mont Egmont (ou Mont Taranaki) sous différents angles en le contournant, mais le meilleur point de vue c'est probablement depuis le Sud. Le cône du volcan Taranaki culmine à 2518m est l'un des trois volcan qui se situent sur la même fissure. La région est réputée pour la production laitière et pétrolière. Les prairies ne sont pas broutées par des moutons mais par des vaches et l'on croise fréquemment des camions-remorques qui collectent le lait. Sur la route sinueuse il faut aussi prêter attention aux véhicules agricoles et être prêts à éviter un pick-up à tout moment. Une raffinerie de pétrole borde la route et lorsqu'on contemple les magnifiques couchés de soleil, on aperçoit ... read more
Plage de Surfeurs
Ah, quel bon soleil
Paysage volcanique

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