Great Barrier Reef

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March 30th 2015
Published: March 30th 2015
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Took a lovely catamaran called Quicksilver to the GBR today. Boat actually was silver colored, up close it looked like burnished aircraft aluminum. Really could have used a bunch of bosun'mates giving it a good polish thought. Salt water does a number on it. Anyway, the 17 of us joined approximately 200 others for an hour and a half ride to a permanently anchored pontoon. Once there I joined several of my traveling partners on a semi-submersible ride to check out the reef. Did the same thing in at Grand Cayman with Carol Lantz a few years ago. Beautiful colored corals in oranges, reds, blues, and purples. Took a bunch of photos but unfortunately underwater colors do not translate well on film shot through glass. Saw a sea turtle, giant clam and a bunch of fish. Super hot in there even with the upper hatch propped open. Managed to survive the 20 min ride, but sure was grateful to get topside. Then off to collect Lycra suit, snorkel masks, and fins For a little fun in the ocean. Water was perfect, probably around 84 degrees. Swam awhile checking out the tropical fish which would swim up really close to me and then flit away when I put my finger out. The company has the area very well set out. There are separate areas for begineer and advanced snorklers, a place for divers and even a place where you can walk undee water in a diver's helmet. There were helicopter flights and Eco tours available too. Spent some time in the underwater observation deck where I saw more fish than when I was snorkling. They provided a lovely lunch, lots of boiled prawns, beef and broccoli, curry, sandwiches, fruit and cake. That was the first time I had prawns on this trip. After lunch I took another dip and then at three we headed back to the dock. Headed straight for the hotel pool for another dip, relaxing and talking to others. Very nice dinner in hotel and then an early night.


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