Linda Dunn


Linda Dunn

All packed and waiting to go to the airport in a couple of hours. This has been such an awesome trip. Rain and cold was in the forecast for the entire time, and except for a couple of tiny showers during drive time, the weather was perfect. To top it all off, last night when we returned to the hotel after an amazing dinner (more on that later), we were treated to a magnificent thunderstorm, with rolling thunder bouncing off the granite hills and lightening fireworks filling the sky. Some of them were so bright you could see George Washington’s sculpture during flashes. Rained for a long time and this morning I woke to a brilliant, warmer weather. Makes me want to stay longer. I spent this week with a fun couple from the San Fran ... read more

Such an amazing morning. Took a two hour drive to Wyoming to visit Devil’s Tower. I have always been a fan of Stephen Spielburg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind And wanted to go there. To be able to be up close and personal with the monument, hike 1.6 miles around the whole base, see people climbing up to the summit and smell the Ponderosa pines was a dream come true. We learned so many interesting things. Devil’s Tower started out as a magma plug in a volcano that never erupted. As it cooled inside the chamber, long columns formed around the edges. The whole structure was covered by land mud and slit over the following millions of years, and then through erosion by winds and water emerged as what is seen today. The Native Americans ... read more

North America May 25th 2023

Day Three Fist thing I have to do is correct my last blog. It was a wooly mammoth not a mastodon skeleton. This morning we headed to Mt Rushmore, which you can see by my last blog is pretty close by. Took us about 15 min to get there. Amazing use of granite blocks in the architecture of the porticos at the entrance, walkways, buildings and and walls. Looked like most of them were made of matching pieces. Along the walkway to the amphitheater were flags of every state and US territory, alphabetically. We went to see the video on how Mt Rushmore was built. Very interesting, between the guy hired to be the sculptor and the fact that with over 400 men working on it without one death, it was amazing. Second day of actual ... read more

What a wonderful day. Started with a really good breakfast this morning. The food was really good and lots of choices.Then off we went to Badlands National Park, an hour and a half drive from here. We took a Mile and a half hike when we got there. I was kind of worried, been a long time since I walked that far in the heat. Beautiful breeze, but still pretty hot. The Badlands is a an open national park, meaning you can hike anywhere, but we stayed on the path. Also there is a pretty great amount of erosion annually, though most of us would think 1 inch a year was not much. But in the great scheme of things, when a place has been dated to be hundreds of millions of years old. An inch ... read more

North America » United States » Maryland » Westminster June 28th 2021

Can not believe it has been 5 days since I wrote. HI is now just a marvelous memory. The looks on both my oldest daughter and granddaughter are burned beautifully in my memory. Our last morning was filled with laundry, packing and just hanging out together, staring at the Pacific from Jeanne's backyard and playing with the dog. Trip from Kona to LAX was uneventful, food was really good, having our own personal iPads made entertainment easy. Got to LAX 11:55 Pacific time, and went to a hotel within a mile of the airport to try and catch a few hours sleep. We were already beginning to feel the effects of flying west to east. Were only supposed to have about 4 hours sleep, but at about 2:30am we got a text that our plane was ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii June 23rd 2021

Last full day on the island in this beautiful house. I am already getting sad. It has been such a great trip and I have loved watching my daughters and granddaughter bonding. Amazing how much Becky and her aunt have in common and how easily all of us got along and enjoyed the same things. No sniping, anger or even hurt feelings. Anyway back to our last big adventure together. Yesterday was the first and only time we had to wear other than casual or dress casual cool clothes. We had to wear long jeans and carry sweatshirts for our trip to Mauna Kea to see the sunset and do stargazing. Little facts about Mauna Kea. It is a dormant volcano and is the highest mountain in the world. Whoa! Wait a minute, you say. We ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii June 22nd 2021

Our “sugar tour” yesterday did not go as expected though we had a great day. Did not get on the road until 8:30, first stop the Pink Mocha Cafe for fancy coffees and teas to go. We were supposed to go this amazing bakery on the south coast for fresh malasadas and breads, but about 2/3 of the way there we stopped dead. After about 30 min and some gossip from hikers, we decided to turn around and go the northern route. Lucky we did, news this morning reported a downed power pole. Jeanne says because of the weather down south, poles tend to rot. It fell but not like we would think, The picture in the news has it snapped off about halfway up and standing upright in the street, held that way by the ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Waikoloa June 21st 2021

When Jeanne got back, we were all treated to manicures by my granddaughter. She had just purchased four bottles of nail polish and wanted to experiment. I have not had my nails done in years, they are just so weak. Anyway we sat around and reminisced while she did her thing. We tried to grill out with a Big Green Egg, but did not work well, so Gerri cooked steak, chicken and baked potatoes in the house. We had been working on the puzzle in and off all day, so after dinner we hunkered down to finish it. Even started number three, a tropical fish puzzle. This morning we head out on our version of a “sugar overload tour”. We are heading down the west coast of the island. Our first stop will be at a ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Waikoloa June 21st 2021

Another gorgeous morning on the Big Island. It is only six o’clock but the sun is shining, the breeze is amazing and I am lounging in a chair on my own lanai writing this. Skipped a few days because we have been busy. Saturday we went to Waimea, about a third of the way across the northern part of island to hit local farmer’s markets. The fresh fruits and vegetables were amazing. All these wonderful pastries, fresh crepes that started out the size of a meat platter and then were folded with meats and veggies or into super sized desserts, fantastic wooden and pottery crafts, and even one shop that specialized in baked potatoes cooked on a rotisserie. Then we crossed over to the northern east side and drove down to checkout the view at Waipio ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Waikoloa June 18th 2021

Part two - Behind Gerri’s bedroom is a full bathroom set up for entering the house after swimming without traipsing water across the great room. The hallway actually winds. Next comes an office, then another sitting room, a laundry room and the fourth bedroom and finally a three car garage. Back to the center of the house with its ten person dining table, a full living room, and a kitchen a chef would love. Two dishwashers, a double refrigerator, a 6x6 island, a wine refrigerator, three different types of coffee makers and so many pull out drawers I would never be able to fill them. And peaceful, oh so peaceful. I fell asleep to the sound of ocean waves and rustling palm tree fronds. This place is heavenly, literally. I am so grateful to Jeanne and ... read more

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