Blogs from Joshua Tree National Park, California, United States, North America


We camped on BLM land at the south entrance of Joshua Tree National park with our friends Patti, Karl, Stacey, & Walt. We spent 2 days in the park exploring the treasures it has to offer. The Joshua Trees reminded us of something out of a Dr. Seuss book. The rock climbing was so fun. So different from any national park we have been to before.... read more
Cottonwood Spring Palms
Stone mortar

We left Noah’s house for our road trip around California. We’re heading North East towards Joshua Tree National Park. So we packed up, Noah adding stuff in the car for us; a 40-pack of mineral water bottles, a couple blankets and pillows just in case we get stuck with no hotel, some V8 (I like the stuff even if Tamar doesn’t) and a giant jar of mixed nuts. We were on our way! Neighborhoods and houses started getting further apart, the scenery started getting a bit more hilly and drier. Neighborhoods became ranches, there was more agriculture, horse farms, then cows, then nothing. It got drier and drier as we drove east. Soon we were driving up into more hilly country and the twists and turns became more frequent. The temperature kept rising… We stopped for ... read more
Speaks for itself
Hellhole Canyon
even the cholla has trouble in Hellhole

For readers considering travel to Southern California, if Joshua Tree is not on your bucket list it should be. To quote the Park Service, Joshua Trees look like they're right off the pages of a Doctor Seuss book, but must be seen to be appreciated. They're beautiful while at the same time being strange in shape, texture, and structure. Some are large trees with branches reaching to the heavens and others equally tall without any branches at all. According to prevailing rumor, Mormon settlers named the plants because the large yucca cactus with their arms reached to the heavens reminded them of Joshua in prayer. I guess it's as good an explanation as any other. The trees, while the star of the park, are just one piece of its beauty. Large rock formations, piles of boulders ... read more
Snow Capped Mountain View
Having Fun
Climbing Lessons

Ich bin wieder sehr früh auf den Beinen (bzw. im Auto), um den Sonnenaufgang im Nationalpark am Keys View zu erleben. Irgendwie verplempere ich dann aber doch im Motel etwas Zeit und ich muss ganz schön rasen, um noch rechtzeitig am Keys View zu sein (hätte fast einen Hasen dabei „mitgenommen“…). Vom Keys View gibt es einen tollen Rundumblick mit Sicht bis zu den Windrädern, dem Salton See und beschneiten Bergen. Alles ist total ruhig (ich bin alleine dort) und spätestens jetzt bin ich so richtig angekommen in den USA – diese ewige Weite, das ist einfach das, was mir am Südwesten so richtig taugt, mit den Joshua Trees im Tal und vielen, vielen Felsen und Steinen … Gegen 9 Uhr gehe ich den Hidden Valley Trail. Auch hier ist um diese Zeit kaum noch jemand ... read more

Preserving majestic locations across our country is something the U.S. has done pretty well. At the end of the day, we can thank a president who was in office some one hundred plus years ago….. and we can concur that Joshua Tree National Park is one of those stunning and serene locations. Theodore Roosevelt is known as “the conservation president” because during his tenure from 1901 to 1908 he doubled the number of sites within our national parks system. Teddy began this work and other Presidents followed his example. Germaine to our blog is Joshua Tree National Park, which was created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (yep, he is related to Theodore) in 1936 and frankly……are we glad he did. With Los Angeles in our rearview mirror we are feeling giddy because we have not had a ... read more
Silhouette in the Desert
Climbing into the clouds
Each tree is unique

Geo: 33.8847, -115.83Sometimes maintaining the discipline to continue to blog can be a bit of a challenge. Sometimes it is just not wanting to spend the time doing it, and other times, like now, I feel I have already used up all the adjectives to describe beautiful surroundings and landscapes. So with that said, I apologize for any redundancy, it is just that I am limited by my vocabulary as well as the English language itself. As I left off on my previous blog, Alex and I arrived at Jumbo Rocks in Joshua Tree. Now for those wondering, Joshua Tree, not the U2 album, is a desert tree that grows in this region. This hardy tree grows among the rocks, sand, and heat of the desert. So named is the Park we are in, with Jumbo ... read more
He's  climber
King of the mountain. Alex is up there somewhere.
Chola Garden

Joshua Tree National Park In Kalifornien, zwischen der Mojave Wüste und dem Colorado Plateau liegt der Joshua Tree National Park. Dort wachsen die Joshua Trees und die Teddy-Bear (Cholla) Kakteen, die zwar niedlich aussehen aber böse stechen und wie Kletten hängen bleiben. Und man kann zwischen oder über Sandsteinfelsen wandern (der klettern).... read more
Joshua Trees
Joshua Trees
Joshua Trees

Happy September! The past month has been an absolute whirlwind. Some of the highlights include: Visiting my father at his conference in Pasadena, getting free VIP tickets to the Jay-Z/Beyonce On The Run tour, taking a spontaneous camping trip to Joshua Tree National Park, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, finding a second job in the scuba department at a sporting goods store, going diving, studying for my advanced certification, and finding an affordable and adorable new apartment. I won't bore you with all the stories behind the events, so if you want more details check out my new blog here: or send me a private message (especially if you need my new address!) Now for the good stuff- the infamous spontaneous camping trip aka "SCT". My co-worker Christy and I de... read more
Bouldering heaven
Dinosaur Rock
Desert moon

I decided with a free day off, the weather was nice that I wanted to make a trip to the Salton Sea and Joshua Tree National Park. The Salton Sea is said to be about 227 feet below sea level. Not to much out there but if you are near the water you can see multiple different birds. But I decided to continue heading south around the Salt0n Sea and made my way to the Sonny Bono Wildlife Refuge. In which I was a little disappointed in. I do not know if they are trying to rework the setting. If there is a budget issue (I would assume since it is a very secluded place), or they are on the verge of closing it but no one was there. I actually ran into someone at one ... read more
Snow Geese Migration
Wildlife Refuge
Great Blue Heron

Today we met our guide Mark Wheeler and we tour Joshua Tree National Park. Mark explained how the large boulders piled around the Joshua Trees were formed - geogolically. We had a sandwich lunch in whatever shade we could find this was the hottest day so far.... read more
Joshua Tree National Park
piles of round rocks
large round rocks

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